J s I THE DAILY NEBRASKAN FelloAs, Are You Going Hunting P When you take your vacation next week why not go Duck Hunting? We have every thing in Hunting Paraphernalia from "Salt" to Buckshot. HUNTING COATS, GUNS, AMMUNITION, CAPS, LEGGINS, DECOYS, DUCK CALLS, Etc. The assortment is good and our prices are moderate. Outfit before you go home. Hardware Department S e &"6flenzel to Hardware . Department FORBES-ROBERTSON and the bookmaker- CTHE PASSER-BY") mtLS&VKffsj am ami sSBk&Pfi ,Jmd umimm IN "THE PASSING OF THE THIRD FLOOR BACK." ' At The Oliver Today, Matinee 2:3Q, Tonight 8:15 ka City, Wahoo-Blalr, SIdnoy-Elgin. Beatrice-Norfolk, Ooneva-Auburn. The remaining five gamoB of the flrBt Bcrlea will bo played this even ing, beginning at 7:30, in the follow ing order- Omaha-State Farm. Aurora (lOthenburg, York-Humboldt, Schuyler Stromsburg, University Place-Stanton The championship scrlea will con tinue Friday and will be finally de cided by throo gameB to bo playod Saturday evening at the Armory. If tho flrat tournament can boWaken as an indication, these games will be worth soeing and will bring out a lot of future University athletic material, FIRE CAU8E8 HEAVY DAMAGE TO MUSEUM (Continued from page 1.) ment that extremo care has always been taken by all who work in the building and that he is satisfied that the defective wiring was tho cause of tho fire. Tho charred woodwork shows almost conclusively tho course of tho flro from its starting point and Indicates that the source was In tho wiring and subsequent molting of tho gaB meter. A witness, on tho scono shortly after tho fire caught, statos that the gaB issuing from tho broken pipe was so Ignited as to Bhow that tho cause lay near the motor. Tho material damage to tho building will probably bo entirely repaired 'within a short time. CENTRAL NATIONAL BANK 12th and O Strta P. Jl HALL. PrMnl F. H. JOHNSON, VlM-PrultUnt W. W. HACKNBY, JR.. At. Ck. WALT Stands for the latest and best in Sheet Music 1215 0 St. HAVE EVAINS Do Your Laundry 4 99 Try a lunch at ths Y. M. a A. ImMak Room. OafsterU Plam. CI17Y.M.C.A. 13(k ui. HIGH SCHOOL ATHLETES OPEN CONTEST TODAY TWENTY-FIVE TEAM8 ENTERED IN TOURNAMENT. fRATS ARE TO ENTERTAIN SOME But Whole Squads Will Bo Taken by Only Three Fraternities, Owing to Disagreement. Tho second annual high school basketball tournament commoncesit two o'clock this afternoon with twenty-five teams entered. Tho squads began to arrive early last evening and will not all got hero until 11:00 o'clock this morning. Arrangements have been mado for several teams to bo entertained at different fraternity houses, but the remainder must put up at somo hotol at their own expense, although their railroad faro Is paid to and from the tournament. At a mooting of representatives of tho fraternities Tuesday tho decision waB reached that as a body they would not entertain these visiting teams, al though the individual fraternities could do as they wished about tho matter. Several wanted to invito in dividuals from different teams, while a number thought that tho Bquads should bo kept together. This led to a discussion with tho result that only three teams will be entertained, tho Auburn squad by Delta Chi, Nebraska City by Sigma Nu, and Beatrice by Sigma Phi Epsilon. Individual men with whom they are acquainted will bo kept by the other fraternities. Order of Games. Seven faBt games are scheduled for this afternoon with twelve of the host known teams of tho state playing. Tho order of tho games this afternoon la as follows: Tocumsoh-Ord, South Omaha-Trenton, Central Clty-Nebras- &O& Jz)sA?vt&d A Party and Sheet Pumps Buckskin Satin and Velvet Ooze, Gun Metal and Tan Calf $3.5o to 5.00 Colonials White and Imperial Buck Patent Kid, Tans Gun Metal and Ooze Calf XI.nn in I Kr .. v f.w Z3 M 1307 tT STREET. LINCOLN. NEBRASKA, Tho Shoe Shop xf Famous Pootuuei J yl J po