y THE DAILY NEBRASKA! n SDafl fflebraskan Published by tho Studont Publica tion Board of tho UnlverBlty of Ne braska. EDITORIAL 8TAFF Editor SEARLE F. HOLMES Managing Editor. EARLE H. TAYLOR ABBOciato Editor. FRED McCONNELL ABBodato Editor... BURTON S. HILL 6U8INE88 8TAFF Manager C. C. BUCHANAN ABB't Managor... JAMES MORRI80N Circulation Managor LEO BREBN SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, $2.00 PER YEAR Payable In Advance. Single Copies, 6 Cent Eaoh. Telephone: Auto 1888. Night Phones Auto 1888; Editor, Auto 1035; Manager, Auto 1821. Entered nt tho poBtoftlco at Lincoln, Nobraaka, as socond-clasB mall mattor, undor tho Aot of Congress of March 3. 1870. THURSDAY, MARCH 7. 1912 Dickinson, Harvoy Hobb and Raymond Smith. Tho freshman dobatera aro S. M. Bryan, J. D. Marcollus and Thomas Howott. Tho winners will dobnto tho Juniors on Phi Beta Kappa day. For your orchestra call O. L. Jones, Auto L-8606. TWO VOLUME8. Owing to tho lire yeBtorday morn ing, which domandod mention In tho columns of tho paper, tho amount of Bpaco which would have otherwlao boon given to the Engineers had to bo reduced. Furthermore, tho En gineer provod their ability as news gathorerB by turning in onough "copy" to 1111 the pages of two ordinary sized issues For these reasons, tho En gineers' Nqmbor of tho "Rag" will appear in two volumes, the second of which will occupy a large part of to morrow's edition. THE ENGINEERS. Tho object of the engineers' week to creato no jealous fooling, to criti cize no students of any other college, but to booBt for tho onglnoors of No brarka. Did you ever stop and think "liuw many of the eommonplar.n things. of thiB age are duo to tho engineers? Who builds and operates railroads, traction HneB, electric lighting plants, watorworks; who develops the re sources of nature, the, mlnos, tho Irri gation projects, and aids commerce with such things as tho Panama Canal and tho modern ocean liner, whom do you nnd in the largest manufacturing Industries, at tho hoadB of depart ments? In each instance an en gineer. In this, the greatest industrial ago over kqown, who can calculate the part played by steam and electricity and in tho case of each we find that it is tho engineer who has taken the idea of tho Inventor or tho new-found theorj of tho sciontiBt and put It in operation and made it useful to man. Such la tho scopo of tho onglneer's work and the men filling the positions are ac varied as the positions them Bolves. All tho way from the dress Bults to overalls you find them. It might bo woll for tho engineer himself to think over these facts. Especially first and second year men, aro you playing tho game for all you aro worth, realizing tho Important part you aro to have In tho affairs of tho world? lastly, the jenglnnors at Nebraska, what position do they hold among tholr fellow Btudents, road this paper, watch them thlB week and longer. If thiw aro interesting, and judge for yourselves. THE 80NQ OF THE ENGINEER8. Wo've boon quiet far too long, Not n whisper since '09, Wo'ro nwako now; lot's to work, Como on, follows, fall In line. Let us show wo have some "pop." Have a big time by ourselves Let your studies go thiB wook; Lot your books Ho on their Bholves. What's the use of such hard work? Wo'ro tho only ones that grind Whoop! Hooray! Let'fl have Borne fun Vpudevllle will rest the mind. Laws and Arts don't know real work, Dusty books claim all their time Seo tho muscle that we've grown Working to tho anvil's chlmo. Sextant, tranBlt, bellows, forgo. Pliers, compasB, hammer, shears; We're tho boys that do real work We're Nebraska Engineers HARRY BURTIS. Weber Sultorlum. 1100 O St. A. I. E. E. TO BE ACTIVE. Professors Again Take Charge of Organization In University. Tho Nebraska branch of the A. I E. E. membership open to junior and Benlor electrical engineers, was or ganized by Professor Holllster In the fall of 1908. Such organizations exist at many of the technical schools and universities of this country. As tho namo indicates, they aro branches of tho national body of tho American Instltuto of Electrical Engineers, which is ono of tho most learned and truly scientinc societies In existence During the past semester the Ne braska branch haB been inactive, due to tho fact that its management was left to tho BtudentB, instead of being supervised by the professors, as was the custom previous to this time This is truly a reflection on tho elec trical engineers, that they have ndt tho interest necessary to make a suc cessful record In this work. However, we aro glad to say that tho profosBors have again taken active charge and have planned an excellent program for the remainder of the year. Including speakers of consider able prominence In the electrical pro fession. The A. I. E. E. goeB on an inspec tion trip to Borne neighboring city an nually. This year plans aro undor way for either an Omaha or Kansas City trip. jjrajnLiii .ji uii..j il r?1iiUSi------MBn 10S&Y?Bflfil Yl I PffT!'?'-iOfT Tl P?t x 1 THE NEW MODEL 1 i Think of every feature you wish a typewriter to possess, then carefully examine the Model 5 L. C. Smith; you will find every feature there. More L. C. Smith typewriters used in the dif ferent departments of the University than all other makes combined. The result of carefully testing every machine manufactured. Don't rent a typewriter. Purchase one on easy terms. Nebraska Typewriter Company DISTRIBUTERS 143 South 13th Street Lincoln, Nebraska Auto B2080 Bell 1299 OUR CAFE IS OPEN T After All Dances and Parties We "cater" to student trade and can serve you and your lady to all kinds of Club Sandwiches, Salads, Oysters any style, Ice Cream and Sherbets Fountain in Connection with Cafe THE FOLSOM CAFE 1325-31 N St. mRG" KtW J. C. WOOD and CO. The Bestjs Always the Cheapest 1322 N St. Auto 1292 Bell 147 OLEANERS and DYERS e-Jisr SIG ALPHS FRA1 CHAMPS Classes to Debate Tonight. The sophomoro-freshman debate will take place tonight In U. 106. The sophomore team Is composed of Z. C. Thornburg'B Orchestra delights dancerB with popular hits. Auto B 25BG. tf HERPOLSHEIMER'S CAFE Dinner Ui30 to Ji30 Cn Sapper 5i30 te 7t30 UL . Also Cafeterlan Style THEY DEFEAT DELTA UPSILON TEAM IN ONESIDED CON TEST, SCORE 29 TO 4. T 1 1 U . FOR SPRING Bvdd Hats Two f ty WHY PAY MORE? 1415 O Street 2-50 ny fast, consistent team work tho Sigma Alpha Epsllons overwhelmingly defoated tho Delta UpBllons last even ing, 29 to 4, winning tho champion ship of tho inter-fraternlty series. C. Meyer and O. Meyer woro the Indi vidual stars of the game. Tho lineup: D. U. S. A. E. Waugh 1. f HawklnB AndreWB r. f O. Meyer Young c C. Meyor Bates r. g Soldel Andrews 1. g May Field GoalB RubboII 1, Hawkins 2, O Meyor 6, C. Meyer 3, Soldel 1. Free Throws Waugh 2 out of 5, Hawkins 3 out of 4. Referqe Carrier. Coach Stlehm vReturns. Athletic, Coach B. O. Btlohm ro turned yeBtorday morning from WIb- coiiBrn, where lie had gone to attend the funeral of his mothor. Mr. Stlehm states that there aro no now develop ments concerning tho 1912 football schedule, but that something new may bo announced within the next few dayB. MANY HEAR DR. HOLT. Rural Life Worker Talks to Girls at Y. W. C. A. A largo number of girls heard Dr. Arthur E. Holt, tho prominent rural life worker, In the Y. W. C. A. rooms Wednesday evening. Ho Bpeaks at convocation today on "Tho Now Pro vincialism." Dr. Holt reviewed the llfo work of Obelln and In conclusion related the needs of our own rural districts. Reception for Junior Girls. Tho Black MaBquo reception to junior girls will bo hold from 3 to 5 o'clock, Saturday, with Miss Muriel Jones, 1418 L, Btroot. All Junior jdrls laro cordially lnvltod to attend. X ,,-,- m