The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 07, 1912, Image 1

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    frfee ail? IRebraehan
VOL. XI. NO. 101.
Price S Cents
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Departmental Associations Play Great
Part In Building Character
of Students.
Four years at a unlvoraity give, In
addition to the mental training re
ceived from a certain proscribed
course of Btudy, much that can
neither be estimated nor defined.
For want of a bettor name, call this,
If you will, personality. Coming aB It
does In the formativo period of life,
with its encircling atmosphere of In
dependence and with its plcaBant as
sociations which inspiro those char
itable qualities of mutual helpfulness,
the real university is a character
The first year after entering a uni
versity environment there aro a great
many adjustments to be made in the
life of every student. An entirely new
order of things presents itsolf. Tho
new life brings new personal responsi
bilities for both physical and mental
development. Now asociatlons muBt
bo formed. Changes come with such
rapidity that a good quality of self
control is necessary to maintain one
self at such a time. Tho bewildering
Introduction, which takes a more or
- lo.HH dnpondent person and in the
short space of a few days makes of
him an independent being and places
him in tho midst of a very strenuous
life, fortunately does not last long
and in the natural order of things an
adjustment is soon made. This 1b the
critical time for overy person who
faces such conditions. When a pre
supposed homesickness wears away
and tho person is beginning to cast
about for points of common interest
between himself and his associates, a
false standard of ethics may easily be
set up and followed. Leaving out the
morality side, which in Itself Is too
largo a subject for this article, these
brief remarks will be dedicated to
student loyalty and college spirit.
Loyalty Not Misdirected Antics.
A student's loyalty toward that de
partment, or college, which claims his
allegiance is Indicative of the degree
of pride ho will later take In the uni
versity as his Alma "Mater. This
statements is not without excep
tion, but it is quite near the truth.
But what is student loyalty and what
is college spirit? The first comprises
an Intelligent defense of tho institu
tion, backed up by firm faith In the
objects for which tho institution
stands. Tho second Is quite llko tho
first,' but is sometimes distorted to
moan Varlrcolorod points and tho de
struction of property. Loyalty and
true college spirit' should be synono
mous tennB. They came as a growth,
are not acquired In a few short days
and are bound up in tljevery Hvos
pf tho students, Jn some cases, dur
ing the reconstruction period when a
student first begins to realize that he
is a part of a college community
there comes a feeling that ho must
have a full grown college spirit and
must have it at once. Ho proceeds
to act qpon this suggestion in a
spectacular way, to the discomfort of
When a bunch of hob-nailed en
gineers invade a town there Is a riot
unloBB they have sneaked in without
being caught. We wore caught, and
tho small boy web very much Ln evi
dence with snowballs and the usual
Joko about the college man thinking
that ho la more important than a
proachor at a wedding ceremony. Tho
old timers wore thero, too; those who
had survived the grasshopper Inva
sion back ln '87. As they munched
their cud of HorBoahoe and spat with
a doxtorlty acquired only by long
years of practice, thoy Informed us
that their "water plant didn't need
no lnvoicln'." But the wlBor heads of
tho town said different, and with the
co-operation of every man connected
with the plant, the hob-nails sail fed
forth to count hydrants, electric light
poleB, and well, what wo didn't count
would bo much easier to enumerate.
Three days of hard work were Bpent
collecting data, and a wonderful
amount was obtained, too. Very little
of It was recorded. It la true we re
corded all Items of importance con
nected with the plant, but tho largest
amount of data was the excellent In
formation which was literally thrust
upon ub, and which each man of us
keeps somowhoro back ln his think
box aB one of the treasures of his
education. This Information was not
all oft an engineering nature, as the
f ussers wlIT Testify, Uut Itwaff -throo f
days of practical experience, of which
any "hob-nail" could just be proud.
Moral: Froshman engineer, get
busy ln practical work now; don't
wait till you are ready to graduate.
surrounding property. Laudable as
this exhibition of latont energy is,
Bhowlng as It doeB tho physical pos
sibilities of the present and the mental
possibilities of the future, yet It Is
misdirected energy and soon burns
itself out, giving place to a safer and
saner ambition. In the true collego
spirit there is place for everything
that looks toward the promotion of a
Saturday ovohlng of this week will
occur one of tho blggoBt' banquetB of
tho yoar, second only to tho Corn-
hiiBker banquot In tho mind of tho
engineer. ThlB will bo tho annual
engineering banquet, at tho Llndoll
hotel, which, from present Indications,
will far outdlatanco formor banquets
of the collego.
R. E. Klpllnger. chairman of tho
committee In charge, statoB that ar
rangements are being mado to ac
commodate two-hundred men. Mr.
Venable, manager of tho hotel, is
making a. special concession in that
he will seat tho banqueters ln tho
main dining hall. Notices havo been
sent to all alumni ln tho state and
many of them will bo prosont at tho
banquot. A. L. Hoagland, '00, is to
bo toaBtmastor. Mr. Hoagland is an
engineer in tho employ of tho Bur
lington, with headquarters at Lincoln,
and 1b prominent in alumni circles.
Tho toast list includes Prof. O. V. P
Stout, J. D. Hoffman L. W. Chaffe,
G. H. Morse, O. R. Chatburn, and sev
eral outsldo speakers whose nameB
have not yet been announce.
An Interesting foaturo of the even
ing will bo tho engineers' quartette,
which won prominence at convoca
tion. Tickets aro now on sale -and' aro
going fast. Thoy may bo secured
from J. K. Howett, C. J. Erlcson, J. R.
Rippej-and -B.-N-Wilaan,
LOSS REACHES 511,000 OR 512,000
Valuable Specimens Burned and Work
of Years Rendered Useless De
fective Wiring the Cause.
The Senior Masquerade committee
will meet at 5:00 o'clock today in U.
University Loyalty Does Not Suffer.
The undergraduate has ilttlo time
to come into actual contact with and
to cultivate a vital appreciation for
many departments of tho unlvoraity
work, hence, during his collego course,
his own particular department re
ceives, "aft-a natural consequence, that
exhibition of loyalty which, if called
for, would be as freely given to tho
A fire, occurring between five and
six o'clock yesterday morning, burned
out the southwest corner of tho
Museum building, causing a, total
damage estimated at between $11,000
and $12,000. The fire started on the
first floor of the building and, shoot
ing up through the stairways In on
mass of flamo, completely destroyed
the woodwork, cases and specimens
of that quarter of the structure. Su
perintendent Chowlns states that It
will require at least $5,000 or $0,000
to reconstruct the damaged portion
of the building Itself, and Professor
Barbour places the loss to cases and
specimens at some $6,000.
The fire started beneath the stair
case on the first floor whore a series
of electric wires ran within a few
Inches of a gas meter and probably
came In contact with the woodwork,
sotting- this afire. The fire from tho
woodwork melted tho motor and tho
gas, issuing with full prossure from
the pipes, was Ignited by the flange
and rushed up tho plno stairs. When
the night watchman left at five o'clock
yoBterday morning thore was no in-
flner typo of student fellowship and university. Ho loves his own dopart
tho placing, of the university upon a mont because there are thoBe close
plane ono notch higher than ever be
fore. It does not presuppose a blind
faith which overlooks all faults, but it
does assume a -hearty co-operation in
every lino endeavoring to eliminate
faults and bring about a better ordor
of things throughout.
This evolution of tho Btudent's
ideals from tho oarly spontaneous
stage to that deep-seated and abiding
lovo for everything which reflects
honor upon the institution is a growth
that comes only with timo and train
ing. Like the boy about to leave the
old homo to begin life for himself, as
he looks back upon his first efforts
to attract his father's attention by
showing him how well ho could per
form some boyish feat of skill, and
sees the great changes that have
taken, placo ln his, life, so the studont
about to graduate surveys his course
and realizes what a ppwer the uni
versity associations have been ln
molding his ideals and how he has un
i'ohscIouBly been a! factor in forming
thoso college traditions that now so
gently bind tilm to tho university-
his' university. ' '
companionships developed by mutual
work but for all that ho loves his
university none tho less -as a student,
and because of . it ho will chorlah
thoso splendid memories all the more
as an alumnus of tho larger institu
tion whose name ho soon expects to
The cosmopolitan make-up of a uni
versity brings together a wide va
riety of talent, both latent and active,
and gives an equal opportunity for all
to develop along lines not prescribed
in the course of study. The student
who falls to take advantage of his
share of these opportunities must
sooner or later come to feel a more' or
less onesided development. Student
activities, when not taken to excess
and when proporly selected, have a
bonofliclal effect upon both the stu
dent and his associates. Finally, 'the
accomplishments of a university
course re bound up ln thoso-clpso
departmental associations, where each
learns to feel for and with tho other,
accentuated by a consistent depart
mental , interest In the all-unVrerslty
affairs. v ,.
rt- v '' , ', J .. . , - '
dlcatlon of anything wrong and it was
but shortly after ho left that the fire
started. Whllo tho electric wires all
over the other parts of the bulldlgg
are enclosed in iron conduits, thoy
were loft exposed at the west end
of the building for the reason that
that portion of the structure Is morely
temporary, it having been tho inten
tion of the authorities to build on to
the west end as soon as sufficient
funds could bo acquired. Tho wooden
stairs were to have been replaced next
summer by circular Iron ones. All
the rest of tho building, with the ex
ception of this ono point, was entirely
Will Not 8top Classes.
Tho debris is being cleared away
and the staircases being temporarily
repaired so that classes will not be
materially Interfered with. The lab
oratories and offices ln 'the east end
of tho museum were uninjured.
A largo amount of Professor Bar
bour's most valuable specimens were
destroyed. Ono large panel mount of
a small two-horned rhinoceros upon
which tho museum officials were work
ing and which is valued at $1,000,
was burned to a crisp. This specimen
was of extreme value to Professor.
Barbour, slnco'it was an Illustration
of a now system of panel mounting
of his own invention, and had won
much praise from zoologists. Another
slab, containing a large number- of
bones, that was destroyed was also
valued at $1,000. The fur and feathers
on many specimens we're crumpled
and singed, and the' results .of years
of work on the part pf professors aad
assistants has been .rendered useless.
Cause Clearly .Shown. '
Professor Barbour, makjfa the state-
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