The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 05, 1912, Image 4

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Method of Choosing Guests Remains
Unsettled Until Meeting This
Tho Btato high Hchool baBkothall
tournumont will bo hold horo Thurs
day, Friday and Saturday of Ui1b
wook Twenty-live teams havo ou
tored tho content, a number having a
reputation for playing corking good
basketball. Lincoln, Wahoo, Omaha,
South Omaha, Central City and Ne
braska City, all crack toama In tholr
dlBtrlcts, aro scheduled to play, Insur
ing a fiiHt gunch of games. s
In tho flrat round Lincoln High
drew tho odd numbor, giving It tho
llrBt game without playing. Tho
schedule for the first series will bo ub
Thirteen Games Thursday.
The HrBt bovoii games will bo
played Thursday afternoon, Btartlng
at 2:00 p. in. The other six will be
played Thursday at 7 30. Tho order
of tho toams follow:
1. Tocumaeh-Ord. 2. South Omaha
Trenton .3 Central City-Nebraska
City. 4. Wnhoo-Blair. 5. Sidnoy-El-gln.
C. Beatrice-Norfolk. 7. Geneva
Auburn 8 Omaha-State Farm. 9.
Aurora-Oothonburg 10. York-Hum
boldt. 11. Schuyler-Stiomsburg. 12.
University Place-Stanton. 13. Lincoln.
On Friday aftornoon at 2 p. m , tho
wlnnjrB At games ono and two will
play; Vund 4; 5 and C; 7 and 8; 13
and 10; 11 and 12. No. 13 takes tho
place of 9. In tho evening tho wln
nors of 1 and 2 will play, tho winners
of 3 and 4, tho winners of 5 and 0,
will play No 9 tho wlnnors of 13 and
10 will play tho winners of 11 and 12.
Tho winners of 7 and 8 do not play in
tho evening Tho finals will bo
played Saturday ovenlng. Drawings
for them will be made Saturday morning.
Fraternities Cannot Agree.
Iast year when tho first tournament
was held the teams wore entertained
by tho fratornltlcB at their houses,
but much dissatisfaction was ex
pressed at tho method of choice by
drawing At a meeting of their ropro
BontatlveB Sunday at tho Sigma Alpha
Epsllon house no declBlon was roached
as to which teams would be enter
tained, as Bevoral wanted to Beloct
Individual mon from various teams.
This brought on a discussion which
wuh postponed to another meeting to
bo held Tuesday afternoon.
Students Observe Application of Anes
thetlcs to Unfortunates.
Bought. It Ib to be puroly a Univer
sity institution, run by University
men, with Mr. Orr as manager and
whito student labor will bo employed.
It Is calculated that thoro will bo only
six wookB out of a year when It will
not bo In operation and that will bo
betwoen tho closing of summer school
and opening of tho college year In the
Last Saturday, Dr. Stevens' claBB In
materia modlca journeyed over to the
Lincoln Dental College, which Ib af
filiated with the University, to obsorvo
tho application of anesthetics for the
extraction of teeth, or what is known
as painless dentlBtry.
Each year Dean Davis of the Dental
College sends the clasB an invitation,
and last Saturday the class had a
delightful time In observing how tho
dentjst operates upon persons who
aro unfortunate enough to possess
bad molars. In order to observe more
closely tho effects of the drug, a num
ber of Btudonts volunteered to take
tho gas, and ono availed himself of
tho opportunity to have a tooth, ex
tracted free of charge.
The Templo cafotorla Is at last
nearlng completion, and Is boglnnlng
to aBBume a buBlnesB-llko appearance
Tho room to- bo occupied Ib tho book
store room onio ground floor. Tho
countor Ib bo arranged that the lino
will extend from the lobby of the Tem
ple around tho counter whore first
come tho trayB, napkins, etc., then
pastry, salads, next tho steam table
and hot broad pan. At tho end where
tho painful operation of paying is un
dergone the cold water tank Ib sot
conveniently bo that ono will lose lit
tle time All the Iron and tin work
is boing put in by the Wrought Iron
Range company, except tho water
cooler, which is a special dovlco by
local plumbers, the sterilized water
paBBing through several yards of pipe
under ico before being drawn.
Breakfast will bo cooked In the din
ing room while you wait except the
breakfast foods prepared In tho
kitchen. Two MajeBtlc coffee urns,
holding ten gallons each, will be In
stalled. Kitchen to Be Spotless.
Tire kitchen Is to be so systematic
ally aranged that It may bojopt spot
lessly clean, and that Ib one thing
Manager Orr Insists upon.
A storage room Is being erected
back of the Templo on the northeast
corner conected with tho building, to
hold fresh meats, vegetables and per
ishable goods. The cafeteria Is to bo
run on tho profit-sharing plan, i. e.,
cost of food plus labor. ThlB Bounds
too good to bo true, but tho Chancel
lor has said that this is the end to be
Negative Side Triumphant In Contest
on Subject of Judicial Recall.
Tho Junior dobating team, composed
of Clayton Radcllffo, Harry Burtls,
and "Jerome R. Forbes, won tho first
round in tho lntor-clasa matches last
night over the senior team, consisting
of R. A. Boatty, B. B. Johnson, and
S. O. Cotner, by a two to ono decision.
Tho merits of both teamB wore so
nearly equal that tho judges, Profes
sor Virtue, F. O. Peterson, and . L.
Rein, experienced considerable diffi
culty in arriving at the decision
tfTlio Juniors defended tho negative
of the question, "Rosolved, That tho
movement for tho recall of judges
should receive the support of public
They will debate tho wlnhorB of tho
freshman-Bophomoro contest for tho
Inter-class championship on Tuesday,
March 12, Phi Beta Kappa Day.
Frank L. Haller of Omaha, a mem
ber of the board of regents of tho
university, Is serlouBly 111 with Inflam
matory rheumatism. Word received
by Chancellor Avery Ib to the effect
that the regent will not be able to
leave his bed for thirty dayB yet.
Only last weok Haller returned
from a trip to Florida whore ho wont
for tho purpose of bettering his
$$$ Dollar Disappearing Sale $$
The moat startling sale scheme ever put up by a reputable clothing firm, began at this store Monday morning,
March -1. We will not carry over to iftfxt season a single winter suit or overcoat. This has always beeti our policy.
This time we find it necessary to resort to extreme measures to carry out the policy. And here is the desperate
measure to which we havo resorted. "' '
Beginning at Ten Dollars a Suit or Overcoat today
A Dollar Lessfeach day thereafter. x
Tuesday, March 5 $9.00 for any winter weight Suit or Overcoat
Wednesday, March. 6 . $8:00 for any winter weight Suit or Overcoat
Thursday, March 7 $7.00 for any winter weight Suit or Overcoat
Friday, March 8 $6.00 for any winter weight Suit or Overcoat
Saturday, March 9 ". . $5.00 for any winter weight Suit or Overcoat
Monday, March 11 ". $4.00 for any winter weight Suit or Overcoat
Tuesday, March 12 . . . $3.00 for any winter weight Suit or Overcoat
Wednesday. March 13 $2.00 for any winter weight Sujt or Overcoat
Thursday, March 14 $1.00 for any winter weight Suit or Overcoat
This is not a 3ale of "Odds and Ends." Every garment was in stock during the past winter. Every garment up
to date in fit, finish and fabric. All from such makers as Hart, SchafTnor & Marx, Hirsh, Wickwire & Co., and
others. We put this sale 6n to make sure of not having to carry a single garment over to the next season. This
is our settled policy, and conditions at this time compel us to take this radical step in order to carry it out'
NOTICE Goods purchased at this sale will not be taken back or exchanged. We cannot handle these goods twice under these
conditions. We must also make a small charge for alterations made on garmonts purchased at this sale.
Armstrong Clothing Go.