THE DAILY Hfafl flebrashan Piibllahod by tho Student Publica tion Doard of tho University of No branka. will bo huijR on a gold chain and placed in the window "No, I don't think I will put tho names of the BororltleB below tho plctuies," Bald the photographor. "Tho University pooplo will know them anyway, and outfllderB will merel think they are a bunch of pretty girls. It will make a very at tractive display. " GIRLS TO CONTEST AT BRIDGE. mA EDITORIAL 8TAFF v Editor SBARLE K. HOLLIES MnnaRlnB Editor. EARLE H. TAYLOR Aflsoclato Editor FRED McCONNELL ABBOClato Editor... BURTON 8. HILL J w I SaHsBSHr BU8INE88 8TAFF Manager C C. DUCHANAN ABB't Manager... JAMES MORRISON Circulation Managor LEO BREEN SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, $2.00 PER YEAR Payable In Advance. Slnale Coplet, B Cent! Each. Telephone: Auto 1888. Nloht Phonea Auto 1888; Editor, Auto 1035; Manager, Auto 1821. Entered at tho postofllco at Lincoln, Nobniflka, iib acconri-clftHB mall matter, nnrior tho Act of Congress of March 3, 1870. SATURDAY MARCH 2. 191! THE GYMNA8IUM-CHAPEL. The averaKo Hpeaker or mviBlclan 1b no" particularly olated at Hie proB pert of addrcHBluK an audience, tho majority of whom are perched about on 'horBCB." "cTOBH-lmnf or wroatllng nmtB. the Hight of dumbbells and baskctH 1b not Inspiring With Biich HpectaclcB the perBon who addresses the student body Is confronted, as he mounts the rostrum of our chapel; nt biff back a mag nlllcent pipe organ, before him chairs of dhers and sundry varieties, and all manner of athletic apparatus rhe contrast Is bewildering, If not disgust ing. The fact that tho University hag not aufllclent space cannot bo dis puted and has no doubt a direct bear ing or' thlB condition of affairs It does not, however, entirely excuse. It. It would be a matter of very little time nnd expense to at least move THftOCttonablo ttpparutus, to transport tho "horses" and mats Into the ad joining room, to Bet up baskets which could bo taken down at will, and to change tho general appearance of the chapel from a gymnasium to a place suitable for forensic and musical ac tlvltlcs Tho atmosphere of a room has more or less of an Inlluenco upon tho ac tions of the audience therein. Fur niBhlngs which are suggestive of mental culture, which are more or Icbb sombre and dignified are helpful to the speaker, through their quieting effect upon the listeners The Btudent whose attentions are absorbed by his efforts to maintain a balance on tho precarious edge of a "horse." or by watching the autlcB of a friend in a similar difficulty, cannot listen com prehensively to a Bpeaker. Lincoln Kappa Alpha Thetas Chal lenge Omaha 8orority Members. Th brltffce club of the Lincoln branch oft Knppa Alpha Thota has challenged the members of the Omaha organization to a bridge tournament to be held tonight at tho homo of MIbs Georgia Fields Tho Omaha girls will remain for the banquet Sat urday night Thornburg'B Orchestra dancers with popular hits 2&5G dellghtB Auto B tf Y, M. C. A. Employment Bureau. Until the Lincoln City Young Men's Christian Association decided to en ter tho state wide employment field, there was no clearlng-houso of labor In the state The dally newspapers, local agoncles and a number of spe cial trade bureaus filled tho need In part, but no general attompt had been made to cover the entire field through a single office This omploymont bu reau does not charge employers for Its services, and only a small feo 1b charged those who are given work through this medium Tho bureau Is located at the corner of Thirteenth ajul p BtreetB, where tho generosity of Lincoln citizens has erected at a coBt of more than $150,000, a building for the young men of tho city and Btatcx Tho Lincoln association 1b of greater Importance outside Ub own locality than aro most similar Institutions bo catiBo of tho largo number of college students and others who hold a tem porary residence in tho city. Debating League Growl PQ. Tho half hundred or moro dologatea Included in the achodulo of tho fifth annual contest of tho Nebraska High School Debating loaguo has bogun. Sovonty-throo schools havo taken ad vantage of membership in this leaguo tho object of which la "tho promotion of tho sclenco of argumentation, and tho art of debate among tho students of tho secondary schoolB of Nebraska," and which began four years ago with thirty momberB. The College Inn Barber Shop. Stu dent trade solicited. S. L. Chaplin & Co. 127 N. 12th. TO DISPLAY CO-EDS' PHOTOS. Photographer Will Make Tinted Minia tures of Sorority Pictures. One of tho downtown photographers, by whom several of the sororltlos had their pictures taken, is planning to use the pictures as a window display. A tintod miniature, framed In gold, will be made pf each girl These miniatures, about a hundred in all, Crete Preparations aro being made by Doano collogo to celebrate Its forti eth anniversary In connection with tho commencement oxorclBos in Juno. Doano was founded in 1873, four yoars after Nebraska becamo a state, eo that tho hlBtory of both Jb coincident in many ways. HAVE.Z " .. fc r in s jmih. Do Your Laundry R&ffi&sli " SPA " Try a lunch at the Y. M. O. A. Lunch Room. Cafeteria, Plan. Clly Y. M. 0. A. 13lh and P. I Still Have Several Pair of Q QK those Classy $4 Tan Shoes ' THE NEW MODEL Think of every feature you wish a typewriter to possess, then carefully examine the Model 5 L. C. Smith; you will find every feature there. More L. C. Smith typewriters used in the dif ferent departments of the University than all other makes combined. The result of carefully testing every machine manufactured. Don't rent a typewriter. Purchase one on easy terms. Nebraska Typewriter Company DISTRIBUTERS 143 South 13th Street Auto B2080 Lincoln, Nebraska Bell 1299 Sartor's Auction Sale Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry, Silverware, Clocks, Cut Glass, Etc. Sales Daily 2:30 and 7 -.SO p. m. Sartor Jewelry Company 137-139 So. 13th Street Lincoln, Nebr. OUR CAFE IS OPEN After All Dances and Parties We "cater" to student trade and can serve you and your lady to all kinds of Club Sandwiches, Salads, Oysters any style, Ice Cream and Sherbets Fountain in Connection with Cafe THE FOLSOM CAFE 1325-31 N St. J. C. WOOD and CO. The Best Is Always the Cheapest 1322 N St. Auto 1292 Bll 147 GLEANERS and DYERS c Mv.f Y Subscribe for Your Own College Paper . S lust the Thing for Drill at - BUDD 1415 O