f)AILY NEBRASKAN r . rail ABOUT PEOPLE I ' &, 11 I W CLASSIFIED COLUMN AT THE THEATRES fi t,. HoKont Coupland, who wont to Call fornln to Uiko a vacation, instead of rcmainlnK idle, haR spent his time in porformlnK some very Interesting anch Bcienlifle research work At I'asa denn. where ho haB boon BtayitiK. there are many orange groves, and these have afforded him the Held In which to work Recently (lie botany department received a box of various aorta of oranges from Regent Coup lnnd and Dr Hessey intends to test them as to the number of seeds they contain and their quality Charles Copeland, 'nil, visited the State Farm yesterday. Have Graves print it for you. 233 North Eleventh St. I'attie Motzger, 1!)12. has been ill at the Achoth house and out of school this ueek. Hllen Kingsley. ex 1!)12. of Minden Neb, Is vif-iting at the Kappa Alpha U i ueui iiiiiiHe Marguerite Schneider and Helen Whelpley, ex 101 1. of Fremont, who came to Lincoln for the Alpha Thota Chi formal, are staying at tho Delta Gamma house Oeorgo Bros., expert printers, en gravers and embossers, 13th and N. Miss Helen Tanner of I3attle Creek, Mich , Is visiting Alice Hayward, 1915 Miss Tanner graduated from Smith Collego last year She will remain in the city for a week or more Kal 1 McCreory and Miss Frances Root of KansaB City, Mo. were married yesterday Mr McCreery graduated from the University in 1901. and was a member of Phi Delta Theta. Flsie Moore, 1911, of Seward, was a visitor at the Delta Gamma house yesterday The knights of old wore shirts of mail. Today your shirts need not be impenetrable, but only endurable, comfort able and sightly. Our spring Manhattans are all this and more. The fabrics are richer and more beautiful than ever. Tasty blue, helio, pink, tan or black, stripes and figures. And all of them guaran teed not to fade. $1.50 to $3.50. MAQEE & DEEIYIER Lincoln Aurora Red Oak Robert Ferguson, 1912, left yester day for Panama iu company with his father and mother Ho will bo gone for throe weeks. C. H. Frey, florist, 1133 0 St. tf Judge Letton, of the Nebraska su preme court, will speak to tho Stu dents' Guild of tho First Presbyterian church at 12 o'clock. Sunday. This Ib one of a series of talks that havo been glvon before tho guild. Professor Hoff man of tho engineering college having been the laBt to speak. M A. Benodict. one of Nebraska's old football players, has sent to the foroBtry department a copy of tho "Sierra Ranger " This is a publipatlon put out by tho men In tho employment of the Sierra national forost This copy contains some interesting arti cles by Mr. Benodict and otherB. The College Inn Barber Shop. Stu dent trade solicited. S. L. Chaplin ft Co. 127 N. 12th. Student Accidentally Shot. During tho recent shoot bptween tho teamB of Minnesota and Kansas, one of tho momberB of tho Minnesota squad was shot through tho hand by one of his teammates. For your orchestra call 0. L. Jones. Auto L-8C06. GLEE GLOB SHORTENS TOUR ANNUAL TRIP THROUGH STATE AND TO DENVER HAS BEEN ABANDONED. Tho Nebraska Glee club, haB aban doned its annual trip through Ne braska and to Denver on account of tho lateness of ho hcohou. Ojnfthft and Sioux City will be vlBited in the near future, probably some week end early in March, Practice is going on consistently, tho club working ono or two evenings every week. ProfesBor SamuelBon is supervising tho progress of tho Glee club members The Mandolin club, which will ac company the Glee club in tho home concert aB well as those at Omaha and Sioux City, is rapidly getting into shapo under the direction of Coach Potter The homo concert of the Glee club is one of the big social events of tho Bprlng. It is generally held early in April, and liko University Night, no other event can be hold at tho same time CORNHUSKERS NOW FACE CRISIS IN BA8KETBALL (Continued from Page 1) iave een playing hard, consistent gumos and tfill In all probability bo used in both games. In Hlltner and Stryker at center, Captain Frank and "dear old Sammy" at guards, tho team Is safe enough said. So tho old slogan once more la apropos and the students and tho loyal supporters of tho "beat-team-Nebraska-over-had" should bo on hand Friday and Saturday to emphasize tho fact that "Wo must beat Kansas." PROOF is convincing, and our largo and steadily increasing patronage furnishes tho ovldonoo that our expert Bervico in tho adjust ment of Eyeglasses and Spectacles la appreciated. Wo havo ever maintained that there is nothing too good for the eyes, and therefore furnish the beat only'. Perfect fitting lenses and frames coat no more than ill-fitting ones. ESTABLISHED 1871 U A I I FTTT REBI8TEBED 11431 .nYI i-T2j 1 1 ePTOMETWST LOST LOST- Hook. "Romeo' and Juliet." Ralph'H edition Leave at "Rag" office ot :it LOST Delta Gamma bar pin Ho turn to "Rag" ofllco. lOST On campus, small black purse containing several silver dollars Return to "Rag" office !IF 1 FOR SALE FOR HALIO- A good mandolin cheap Auto . 8810 K521 M St 0(5 :U FOR SALK -Journal route, to a stu dent; best graft known , must have good backing. price. $1,G00, re turns 22 per cent Inquire of State Journal Ss'l 3t FOR SALE A Smith Premier type writer. This is a good maehlno which writes as well as now. You can buy thlB typewriter for what you pay to ront ono for two months Call at tho "Rag" ofllco and soo It. 90-Ct FOR RENT, FOR RENT Largo warm roomB for Unlvorslty girls only at 1220 R St. Phono 1662. Prices reasonable 87-6t Oliver Theatre Tonight, 8at. and 8at. Mat. The Big Musical Comedy "LET GEORGE DO JT" With Geo. P. Murphy and 50 FolkB Night, $1 to 26c; Mat., 50c and 25c Thu. Mat. arid Night, March 7 FORBES ROBERTSON In "The Passing of the Third Floor Back" LINCOLN MATTvn,frirNxQTAW?oy)J,3a ORPHEUM ftW, ADVANCED VAUDEVILLE Commencing Mon. Night, Feb. 26th 'EIGHT PALACE GIRL8 "HONOR AMONG THIEVES" MACK and ORTH "TED" BAILEY'S DOG8 Elliott and Folles Bergere Girls BELL & R08AMOND CARON ROSA ROMA PRICE8 Matinee, 15c and 25c Nights, 15c, 25c, 35c and 50c WANTED WANTRn A flll1.lrnaa 0.1U OIl about 35. Address Box 1162, Station A. 95-1 1 OUVEJMrHJEATER MARCH 4, 1912 Albert Spalding Greatest American Violinist Andre Benoist Accompanist SEATS NOW SELLING, $1.50, $1.00, 75c, 50c. Dr. Orin Lamb DENTIST t U. of N. tin., of '11 B3740 208 Ganter Bldg. 12th O Weekly shipments of tho best there is in chocolates. Huyler's Uhltmnn'e Loiney'e Aeeretti'a California violotB freah every day. JW&l&r Drug Co. 13th and O WARTHON'S Original, Electric, Shoe Repair Factory Always reliable and up to he minute 142 North 12th Street IfRIHTIMflJ UHC0U1-IKIR. fSee us for your next job of printing:. Personal supreryison enables us to make each job please. 128 N. 14 St. The moment you put on clothes made to your meas ure, you see the vast differ ence between merchant tailored and ready made. Our way costs no more. Besureto see our linefirst. College Tailors College View, Nebraska Phone -4-Q We serve the purest and best HOT and COLD RE FRESHMENTS in the city Huyler's Chocolates $1.00 Foutain Pens $1.00 Safety Razors Student's 3-Course Lunch 15c 5e2hjh cur'T$7Gr m X s V s, r r. .. ,1'? - '.M.JU '-')'.W iWU -.OjI. V,.