3SSSC r .. V THE DAILY NIBRAIKAN .t I L , f ' IV t L" X NEBRASKA'S PROSPECTS ON TRACK BRIGHTENING between forty and fifty can didates working out in gymnasium Nfcbraflka'B prospects for ft track ' season that will bo as successful as lior basketball and football seasons have boon growing brighter ns time goeB on. Detwoon forty and fifty promising candidates are at present wbrking out In tho gymnasium arid Track Coach Reed pronounces thorn a stronL' aggregation. Practice out-of-doors will commence as soon as tho weather permits. Tho track will bo ap prepared as to bo faHter than over before Tho schedule for this Bprlng jwlll bo tho most stronuous tho school over had, nnd ihero will bo two homo meotB, one with AmoB and ono with Minnesota, Tho following is . tho season's schedule: April 0 West or n Amateur Athletic .Union, in'lnor championships, at. Kan ' sas City, under auspices of tho Kan sas City Athletic club. ' April 20 -Drake rolay gamcB at Dob olnos. Nobraska will send four re lnv tannin, nno half-nillor. one mller. ono two-miter, and April 27 Amos at ljincoin.. May a Kansas at Iawronoo. May 11 Minnesota at Lincoln. May 25 Missouri Valloy Confer onco moot at Dcs MolneB. Juno 1 Western Conforonco at La fayotto, Ind. Tho College Inn Barber Shop. Stu dent trade solicited. S. L. Chaplin ft Co. 127 N. 12th. SENIOR PLAY CAST CHOSEN , i i MANY CANDIDATES WILLING TO v AID IN PRODUCING "MID 8UMMER NIGHT'S DREAM." Tho cast for tho sonlor play, which ia to bo" glvon May G, has boon so looted. Thero was a wealth of ma norial for tho- cast to bo choson from. Miss Howoll soomod vory well pleased both by tho quantity and tho excel lent quality of candidates, from which she selocted tho following' cast for Shakospoaro's "Mid-Bummer Night's Droam," which tho seniors "have de cided upon as tholr production: i ThOBeus Guy Klddoo Egouea . . .Ralph Halldorson Lysandor , Vorn Bates Ph'ilostrato Tom Jaraea Qulnco , Dalo S. BoyloB Snug Donald Castllo Bottom Artliur Nolson Fluto ,...R. A. Mosor Snout B. B. 'Williams Starvllng . . , John Bollock , HiPDolyita Hermia. , . . Mildred Bovlns Holona, . . ; Margaret Kunkel Oberon. ..,,., . .George Lzlcar Tltania , Clara Wilson Puckv , . , Vorna Coleman ''Fir8tFalry , . . f .Florence Rush Peas Blossom. . . . . -.Marjorlo Solleck Cobweb. ". Eula Batos - Moth.., Ruth Munger . Mustard Seed Muriel Jones All members of tho caBt are ro questod to moot Miss Howoll at 11:30 ' .next .Tuesday' In U. IOC. Now that tho announcement of tho cast has boon niado public, work will begin on tho play, probably the latter part of next week. No trout lo will be spared by those in charge to make the play successful, ' Thoraburg'ii t Orchestra delights dancers witn popular nits. Auto u ono four-mllerrj LoUlso Barr Notice to First Stmtsftr Subscribers , 'TpHE FOLLOWING First Semester Subscribers have hot renewed their subscriptions, and in order to correct the books it is necessary to know at once .if you wish to re new. If not, these names will be withdrawn from the Sta tion A list: Ahrens, Don AJdrlch, Joo. Alton, Charlotto Allyn, A. E Anderson, E. Anderson, L. R. Androws, C. F. Ankeny, H. R. Appel, R. Arteburn, Agnes Babcock, B. Baker, Helen Barnard, M. Barney, H. Basye, G. C. Beach, J. R. Beachley, John Boll, Alta Bonner, H. J. Boranok, S. C. Blake, Ethel n Bolton, lAnnetta Btrwtr, B. H. Bowklns, Leah Brlx, A. E. Browji, Cora Brown, 'Blslo Brown, H. F. Campboll, F. (J.. Carlson, Homer L. Carnes, Helen Carr, A. E. .Cast, Karl Cavanaugh, C. C. Chaunor, Walter Clarke, C. F. Clark, C. L. Clarke, J. I. Coffman, Ethol Coleman, A. B. Coloman, H. N. " Collins, H. C. , Cook, E. H. Crookpaum, Chaa. Cromwell, Richard O. Darlow, Ida Davis, G. R. Dlcklncon, F. Dlorks, D. J. Dobbs, -C. B. Dort, B. "N. Dowllng, Vera Downar, A. R. East, (Anna Ellis, O. L. ' Ellis, Jas. Evans, M. C. Eversole, Rob a Fisher, W. A. Fleck, H. C. Flory, P. J. Fowler, Lucllo Fowlor, VW- K. Francis, R. V. Funko, H. W. Ganott, Ralph W. Golssler, Paul C. OUR CAFE IS OPEN After All Dances and Parties .We "cater" to student trade and can serve you and your lady to all kinds of Club Sandwiches, Salads, Oysters any style, Ice Cream and Sherbets Fountain in Connection with Cafe THE FOLSOM CAFE . 1325-31 to St. Subscribe for Your cft 1 ' Gibson, Irma Gilbert, A. H. Gllnian, C. W. Gist, R. Gwonn, 'Loretta Goodbody, Maurlco F. Gowlng, Mabelle Graham, R. A. Graham, A. R. Graul, K. S. Greenborg, Abo Grlor, Kenneth Grlfiln, B. F. Guenzel, Stanley Haarman, Elsa Hall, A. D. Hamm, Joyce Hanzllck, Carolyn Harris, C. B. Harvoy, D.,R. Harvey, J. F. Hatcher, Mario Hawkins, E. Hoaton, Helen HoatBon, Vbrna Holtz, Loralno Hooper, B. T. Hornberger, E. J. 'Hudson, Chas. B. Hunt, Loren Jackson, W. E. Jamea, T. A. Jearry, Clark Johnson, Albert Johnson, Julius Juergens, JX. Kolfer, Lucy Kopner, R. B. Kinsman, C. D. KIpllnger, R. E. KJeldgaard, A. Kochler, D. A. Kruso. Frank Lzlcar," OVjo. Lynch, J. E, Ludden, J. E. Leonard, R. E. Leonard, L. H. Leahy, W, R. Latta, E. C. Larson, A. V. LafonUB, F. R. Lacy, Lydla E. Munn, Geo. A. Mullen, J. C. Mosoloy, Thos. W. Morao, -Mooro, Roy Montgomery, E. C. "Mlsholl, Clara MUlerT Glen Mites, S. H. Meyer, C. A. Morrlok, Curtis Marohn, Beulah Marcollus, B. C. McLennon, K. W. Own College Paper McComb, Molllo J. McBrlen, D. t. Ryan, C. F. Ross,- Ralph P. Rocklo, W. A. Roberts, Besslo ReIn,C. L. Reese, R. O. Radollffe, Clayton Pnrdy, F. N. Proud, G. C. Powell, F. C. Posey, J. R, Poraereno, J. D. Plorce, H. B. Osborne, "H. A. Nyo, Cathorlno Northrup, R. H. Nooltlng, W. H. NIolBon, H. 0. Nevitt, H. G. Nelson, Nora Nlohans, F. W. Nealo, Edith Sandy, P. W. Savlgo, H. A. Schulto, Q. J. Schultz, John Schwab, Harry Scott, A. G. Shank, Edith Shojdon. Bess Sloan, Porter.s Smith, C. R. Snyder, Leon Spraguo, T. B. Squires, R. M. Stauffor, Miles Steinor, Helen Stolk, W. D. Stewart, Elvossa Stoddard, P. C. Taylor, Otis Tomplo, H. L. Thomas, H. N. Thomrson. Guy Todd, W. G. Tonoy, P. S. Towlo, L. Tuppor, Moulton Utterback, A. G. Vrana, Edward Vlolo, Inoz Walter, Frank H. Weaver, L. H. Wobor, C. R. Wells, A. S. Wongor, L. Wostovor, B. G. Westovor, Ed. Whltomoro, C. H. WIckstrum, P. M. Williams, Albert Walford, Hoy York, L. May Young, R.'M. Zurawlnkol, 0. ' ' UNIVERSITY JEWELER k OPTICIAN 44 C. A. Tucker JEWELER S. S. Shean OPTICIAN ' 1123,0 STREET YELLOW FRONT Yeur Patrenafli Stllclted Try Our Luncheonettes They are always the best We serve hot and cold . - drinks all winter long. LINCOLN CANDY KITCHEN South West Cor. 14th O HAVE EVAINS Do Your. Laundry 99 Try a lunch at tke Y. M. a A. Lmnch Room. Cafeteria Flas. City Y.MC.A. uih an . CEHTRIL NATIONAL BANK 12th wad O StrU P. J. HALL. Pmtont K. JOHNSON, Vc-PruUat x W. W. HACKNHY, JR., Aut.Cu. Ftr,yewStoaki, Chop amd Qmlak Serylot VU1I , Tho Hew York Chop House Open Day and Night 1840-O Stret HERPOLSHEIMER'S CAFE Dlnotr H30 io JtSO Cn SuppM Si30 U 7t30 IdC Alto Cafaterlan ftyla WALT Stands for the latest and best in Sheet Music . 1215 O St. SIMMONS the PRINTER PRINTING EISGRAVING ' EMBOSSING Auto. a3ISV 317 South lath St. THE FIRST SAVINGS BANK . $tP0 Opeas u Account With Tint NaUoaal Bart, Owr. ltib aad O, M - M ' 1 4 SI 4 i j M M Ks A. L Y u I -.J . t i 3 K1 t V tf , . , - I s v - - . .h ' f . T- ..