'" ir,..-. . iiafcnrrwwm THE DAILY MIBRABKAM IDaflie flebraskah Publiuhod by tho Studont Publica tion Board of tho UnlvorBlty of Ne braska. EDITORIAL 8TAFF Editor SEARLE F. HOLMES Managing Editor. BARLE H. TAYLOR ABfloolato-Editor. FRED McCONNELL Assoolato Editor. w. BURTON S. HILL BU8INE88 8TAFF Managor CO. BUCHANAN AbbU Managor... JAMES MORRISON -Circulation Managor.... LEO BREEN is no malicious intont concoalod in this action. It 1b dono meroly to ac quaint thcBO studontB with tho fact that tholr subscriptions tiavo ox plrod. Perhaps thoro will bo somo who havo ro subscribed. In this ovent tho management will bo glad to havo attention called to the fact, as in checking over tho now subscrip tions it is possiblo that somo escaped attontion. It Is partially to ascertain whothor 'thiB condition exists that thlB list is being published. X l Of n BsKSsfsERIflWIlffiMHEL-p lff flfarJLLCw Jy!' TiTSf. iyLBBS JB ESVanl BLsaBBBBBBBLw iii in 'TTMTrBfltSiifllJjfel KlBr vP. .SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, $2.00 PER YEAR Payable In Advance. Single Copies, B Cents Each. Telephone: Auto 1888. Night Phones Auto 1888 Editor, Auto B 1036 Manager, Auto B 1B21. Entorou" at tho poatofnco at Lincoln, Nebraska, ns Bocond-class mall matter, under tho Aot of CongroBa of March 8, 1879. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 2D, 1912 AN EXPLANATION. Yob, tho quality of paper which we havo used for tho past few days is nothing to boast of. It is not tho result of economizing nor of tho high coBt of living, but rather of a short age in tho quality of paper which wo usually ubo. Tho present condition of affairs will continue only until tho exhausted sup ply can bo replenished. HOW SHALL WE VOTE? Tho confusion which provalled In tho rocont Junior eloctlon,' causing a recount of votes, suggests tho advisa bility of establishing a new system of voting. There aro about an equal nilmbor of arguments for and against a change In tho present system. Last yoar tho class of 1912 appointed a committoo to investigate tho matter, and sug gest now plans, but ad Is so often tho caso, tho committoo fallod to report. It has often boon suggested, howovor, that tho Australian system of ballot ing lro adopted, as la now tho caso with tho oloctlon of tho Athletic Board. By a proper ubo of thiB sys tem any chanco of padding tho voto can bo eliminated, for tho standing of each student can, by a previous roforenco to tho records of tho regis trar, bo definitely dotormlnod. As tho student votes his namo 1b checked off tho list and any chanco of repeti tion is impossible. This system rcquircB at least a half a day, If properly conducted, for tho voters cannot bo "rounded up" In load' than that timo. It may also bo said that If sufficient tlmo is taken, a moro ropresontatlvo voto Ib secured than und,or tho prosont system, for In tho course of a few hours nearly every member of a claBB can bo reached? This offers moro opportunity for hard work on. tho part of tho candidates and ardent supporters, who can spend a day electioneering. But thoro aro sovoral arguments on tho other side of Uio question. An all-day oloctlon is never bo spirited as qno In which tho voters aro assem bled to choor tho introduction of tholr favorito or hoot at tho appearance of tho opponent. In fact, it 1b claimed ' by many that it Is noxt to impossible! to creato any interest In an election whoso result cannoj bo immediately dotormlnod, Such aro a fow of tho arguments advancod for and gainst a change in tho Bystom. Thoque8tlon is n llvo ono and deserves consideration from tho studont body, especially thOBO politically inclined. INITIATION WEEK. Will someono please elucldato? I really want to know. What is the upo Of all tho abUBo rWo freBhmon undergo? RECITAL AT CONVOCATION PROGRAM OF EIGHT MU8ICAL NUMBERS WILL BE PRE- 8ENTED THIS MORNING. Tho chief feature of tho program for convocation this morning is a vocal recital by Clemens Movlus, ac companied by Johannes Magendanz on the piano. Eight numbers, mostly from grand opora, will bo proBented. Tho program, which will bo renderod In tho Tomplo theatre, follows: Tho Horn Flegior Es bllnkt der Thau Rubinstein Don Juan .Serenade. '.Tschalkowsky Toreador Song from Cannon.... Bizet Vision Fair from Horodiado. Massenet Snow Bolls Dorn Could I ToBtl Song of tho Drum Major Ambroso Thomas At tho vesper sorvlcos Friday even ing in Memorial hall tho string quar tet will assist the chorus in rendering the program. SEED CORN TOUR BEGINS. WHY LIST 18 PUBLI8HED. Tho names of IhoBO students who were subscribers to tho Dally Nobras Jkan last semester but havo not ro nowed their subscription this semes ter aro being published today. Thoro State Farm Professors Busy Instruct ing Nebraska Farmers. Tho bottor seed corn cars leftTuoB day over four railroads carrying Stato Farm profesBors on a trip for tho test ing of seed corn. Professor Bulling ton went south over tho Burlington with Bovon assistant professors. Pro fessor Gramllch loft over tho Union Pacific with threo; ProfesBor Kltfol bach ovor tho Northwestern with four, and Professor Pugsloy ovor tho Bur lington with three. Good crowd b havo greeted tho trav elers so far. Untermann to Speak, Ernest Untormann, studont, au thor, translator, sailor, traveler, doctor of philosophy and world-cltlzon, will speak at 8 o'clock this evening at Brownoll hall. Ho has translated many works from tho German, his greatest ono being a translation of volumes II and III of Karl Marx's "Capital." Mr. Untormann Is a grad uate of tho University of Berlin and has had a life of varied experiences, onco being shipwrecked. Tho loctuta 1b a number of tho Socialist Lyceum com so. x f p Spring Hats are the Nobbiest -0.50 wwlm IMhR. nlfv---Samp. flliTPrlRf! A BUDD in the city Same Old Price 1415 O THE NEW MODEL Think of every feature you wish a typewriter to possess, then carefully examine the Model 5 L. 0. Smith ; you will find every feature there. More L. C. Smith typewriters used in the dif ferent departments of the University than all other makes combined. The result of carefully testing every machine manufactured. Don't rent a typewriter. Purchase one on easy terms. Nebraska typewriter Company DISTRIBUTERS 143 South 13th Stroot Lincoln, Nebraska Auto B2080 Boll 1299 XJGfcWsfe- - n i. y ' " 11 TBS v A --"" :) ' ' & ty ' & JaaaVL saaatV&Ht wi ' Vw ' saBtLakJ&BBK LxaV'fBr jkJr -. - aBBBfcJvMrtCP? xtJby J MME. FREGOLESKA Tho Soprano, who will alng at tho two performances .of GRAZI C5RAND OPERA COmPANY Tho Fronch Company Intact From Paris At the OLIVER THEATER 2SS "RIG0LET.TO" W-"LAK1E" '-aaaMj J. C. WOOD and CO. Ths Bast Is Always ths Chsapsst 1822 N St Auto 1292 Ball 147 QUAKERS and DYERS ? Mv..l?,"Y '. ' a -I a j 1Sl m m .