THE DAILY IfEBBASK.Alf r N K l MANY TO PARTICIPATE IN KOSMET KLUB OPERA SUCCESSFUL A8PIRANT8 ARE CH08EN AFTER TRYOUT8. REHEARSALS WILL BEGIN SOON Nlnotcen Girls and Twenty-six Youths Win Places In Cast of "The Diplomat." Tho succeBBful parsons trying out for partB In tho Korimot opora havo boon announced. Tho mon'B tryouta woro hold Tuoaday lovonlng, Pobruary 13, when ovor forty contestants on torod. At that time tho mombora. of tho KoBmot Klub reached tho doclslon that In order to mako a worthy pro duction of tho play It would bo nocoa aary to ubo girls In tho cast, ConBo quonlly tryouta for tho fomlntno parts woro hold Saturday aftornoon In tho Tomplo. In theBO tryouts both voice and dramatic ability woro taken Into consideration. Tho following porsons havo been choaon to prosont tho opora: The Successful Ones. MIbbob Marjorlo Kimball, Floronco Nason, Murlol Jonca, Olivia Sturde vant, Floronco Rush, Arvllda Mooro, Ruth Malono, Kathorlno Yates, Char lotto Allen, Dorothy Raymond, Trlxoy Longtln, Mario Douglas, Evangeline Long, 'Inez Flogonbaum, Rachel Kel logg, Eula BatoB, Marguorlto KUnkor, BobbIo Drako, Ruth Reavla. Mossra. Joo Pomorlno, Morton Stoln hart, Roy Allen, J. F. Moad, George Soomann, Searlo Holmoa, Reavla Gist, Clayton Radcllffo, J. J. Keogan, Will Randall, Dean McBrlon, Qua Lofgren, Hugh Mills, Ernest Gravea, George Dovoy, K. W. McLonnon, Reed Daw son, Richard Guthrlo, Wallaco Troup, O. D. Jonnlnga, H. A. Arenaon, B. G. WoBtovor, E. M. Gallagor, Harry Swan son, Earl Sago and Robort Ferguson. Tho ordor of uamoa In tho abovo Hat signifies In no way tho compara tive Importanco of tho parts; those mentioned hero are tho oiiob whom tho judgoB consldor moat capable of proaontlng tho opera. 'Much lntoroat la being Bhown in thla opora, as waa ovldoncod by tho largo numbov who appeared for tho tryoutB. RehoaraalB for "Tho Dip lomat," which 1b to bo given at tho Oliver, May 3, will begin hoxt week. UNIVERSITY SECURES VALUABLE EQUIPMENT NEW APPARATUS INCREA8E8 WORKING EFFICIENCY IN MANY DEPARTMENTS. Thornburg's Orchoatra delights dancers with popular hlta. Auto B 2BBG. tf JAYHAWKER FIVE COMING HOTLY CONTE8TED BA8KETBALL GAME8 IN PROSPECT FOR FRI DAY AND 8ATURDAY NIGHT8.' Equlpmont valued at thousands of dollars and of almost lnestlmablo worth In increasing working efficiency has boon acquired by tho various de partments of tho University within the laBt two semesters. One of tho most valuable additions to departmental apparatus or material to bo mado recently is the $1,500 col lection of wax models in. tho depart ment of physiology of tho college of medicine. "" Mounting Skeletal Collections; In tho department of geology two powerful mloroBCopeB havo -Just been added to the equipment at great ex pense,, and a valuable collection of hand specimens of rock haB also boon secured. The mounting of .now akol- otal collections Is being done and this work when completed will give Ne braska one of the. country's prominent collections of that nature. A remarkable projecting lantern Is one cf tho neweBt acquisitions in the department of botany. A collection of about 1,200 Philippine plants for tho herbarium, ovor 400 samples of woods from tho same islands, a largo, collection of fernB from Jamaica, and bamboos from the Philippines. Porto Rico and Panama aro other additions to tho botany equipment within tho laat month or two. A new giant telescope 1b now being built for the University observatory and new' books aro constantly being added to tho already Immense gen eral and law libraries. WALT Stands for the latest and best in Sheet Music 1215 0 St. T SIMMONS the PRINTER PRINTING ENGRAVING EMBOSSING Auto. 3319. 317 South lath St. Orpheum Chop House We Warrant Satisfaction 1418 O St. Open All Night The College Inn Barber Shop. Stu dent trade solicited. S. L. Chaplin 4c Co. 127 N. 12th. 44 Try a lunch at the Y. M. O. A. Lmeh Room. Cafeteria Plam. CitjrY. M.C.A. 131k Mi . HAVE EVANS Do Your Laundry CENTRAL NATIONAL BANK 12th aad O Street P. . MALL. PmUmt F. ft. JOHNSON. Vie-Prlit It. W. HACKNHY, JR., Am. Cm. The University of Chicago II HONE STUDY 19th Year Correspondence Study Dept I oner aso cuss-room counts to non-mldtnt students. One may thus do put work (or a Uich elor'i degree. Elementary courses In many sub Jects. others lor Teachers, Writers, Accountants. Hankers, and those In diOercnt vocations. lie. Kin any time. U. I C. (Dir. Z) Chicago, III. Porhaps tho moat Interesting as -well as the raoBt hotly contested games left on the Cornhusker casket ball schedule will be played at the Armory, Friday and Saturday nights whon tho Kansas' University flvo ap pears hero. Tho Jayhawkora aro out of tho championship race, but thoy haveplayed good basketball through out the season and probably will bo in their best form for these contests. In order to attract more students to the first of these games, an informal danco-will bo added to tho program. . Since this will be tho opportunity to see the probable champions of tho Missouri yalloy, tho Cornhuskors, at their best, It is expected that a good attendance will bo present at the games, The Nebraska-Kansas con .tests are always featured .by the in tensity of the rivalry between the teams itnd in consequence are usually the most spectacular, games on the schedule. N tfJLl fcto jSLo4 fj?.. J. C. WOOD and CO. Tha Bast Is Always ths Chsapsst 1822 N St ' Auto 1292 BcU 147 QUAKERS and DYERS &?.?," Subscribe for Your 'AwTV Own College Paper OUR CAFE IS OPEN After All Dances and Parties We "cater" to student trade and can serve you and your lady to all kinds of Club Sandwiches Salads, Oysters any style, Ice; Cream and Sherbets Fountain in Connection with Cafe THE FOLSOM CAFE 1 1325-31 N St . m DO YOU REALIZE THAT These are the ,men that mafca thla paper possible? The subscription price Isn't a drop In the bucket. . They help us; we must help them. PATRONIZE THE MEN ON THIS , LI8T They Will Treat You Rlht BANKS First Savings Bank Central National Bank BAKERIES ' , Folsom BARBER SHOPS Chaplin Croon's CLEANERS' ( J. C. Wood & Co. Weber CLOTHING Armstrong Clothing Co. Farquahar Magee tc Deemer Mayer Bros. Palace Clothing Co. Speler Jb Simon . 0 fis COAL Whltebreast CONFECTIONERY Lincoln Candy Kltctxe DRY GOODS Miller k. Paine Rudgo & Guenzel DRUGGISTS Meier Drug Co. , Riggs FLORISTS C. H. Frey FURNISHINGS Armstrong Clothing Co. Budd Magee Jb Deemer Mayer Bros. Palace Clothing Co. Speler Jb Simon Rudgo & Guenzel HATTERS Armstrong Clothing Ce. Budd Magee Jb Deemer Mayer Bros. Palace Clothing Cc ' - Speler Jb Simon Rudgo & Guenzel .' JEWELERS Hallett Tucker LAUNDRIES Evans ' MUSIC Walt Hagonslck Thornburg Jones, OrohoBtra University School of Muslo. r. ; m . J. !. OPTICIAN "" Shean Hallett PRINTERS George Bros. Simmons Van Tine Graves Prlntery RESTAURANTS Horpolshelmer Y. M, C. A, Spa SHOES ' , Budd Men's Bootery Mayer Bros. Miller ft Paine TAILORS College Tailors. ,", ty -rsaBw Mgjjiiri .vtf.J'fc il - r-v r-, v ? i - e'l -'5 - ' TYPEWRITERS - ?wv f Nebraska Typewriter lxokr, THEATERS Oliver Orpheum ,M -' , dit(j'ii, .,, i jLihAiJ-.. r - A- i-tirf -L&iL. . Jj$- i-'fimilii- j J -A .' 4i . $ 1 A J r n t i L t- I 1 I I -f '1 t h f .1 V t