the daily; kbbrabkam CLASSIFIED COLUMN at the Theatres ABOUT PEOPLE 'mf ( m-rsr j" .. n .' Wi - v , , m.?: -i.'k3 ...- . Xj-r- j'( ' . ' iVv 1. s-. mt.- .. . Up . Anno Wright, 1014, has returned from Omaha, where sho has been vis iting hor sister, vho Is seriously 111. Eleanor Bustard, Chi Omega, 1915, left Sunday for hor homo in Virginia. Later in tho spring sho will make a trip to Florida. Havo Gravos1 print" It for you. 233 North Eleventh St. , Dana Van DuBon,. who has been slightly ill for soveral days, Iras re turned to school to resume his studies and his duties' as edltor-ln-chlof of tho Cornhuskor. Kappa Sigma announces the pledg ing of. Otis Taylor, of Madison, Ne Georgo Bros., expert prlntors, en gravers and embossers, 13th and N. Finn Howard, v '07, of Columbus? will . spend sovernl days at the Alpha Tau . Omega house. L. L. Zook, a Nebraska graduate of several yeara ago, has just published a very creditablo bulletin on "Tho Cross Breeding of Corn." C, H. Froy, florist, 1133 O St tf Delta Zeta announces tho pledging of Misses Mlna Thlerolf, Plattsmouth, Neb.: Mario Piert, Flandreau, S. D.; Ruth Inholder, Plorco, Nob.; Almeo Arnold, Lincoln, Nob. For your orchestra call O. L. Jones, Auto L-6C05. STATE FARM NOTES. Tho Ceres Club, composed of Stato Farm faculty women, mot at the home of TMIbb Zimmer last Saturday afternoon. Miss . Mary Ellon Brown, absent from school a week on account of Ill ness, Jias returned to hor Domestic Science work tit, the Farm. Miss Hedges,, after a week's ab sence on account of the illness and death of her mother, has roturned to her work In tho Domestic Science do partmentat tho Farm. Katherlno Potring, a student of tho S. of A was called homo Friday on account of tho death of hor mother. Tho Ralphl Komba Club will give a dance March 16 'at St. George's Studio. Tho club is composed of'.aov entoen of tho girls at H. E. Hall. t Tho Farm Y. W. C. A. will glvo a six o'clock dinner this evening at H. E. Hall for Miss Eva Morris, terri torial secretary of Y. WVC. A. . , Make your dates early with Hagen lck's. Orchestra. Auto B-2990. tf Law Appointments Made. Chairman R. D. Fuller of tho' senior law class .has announced tho follow ing appointments: Barboque committee: V. C. Haskall, chairman: R, D. Hawloy, A,, C Schmidt. Class picture committee: R. M. Switzler, D: D, BoyleB. The man who gave a "party-without inviting his brother explained that he had to draw the line some where. Don't draw the line on spring shirts till youve seen ours You would be dicing a jgrave mistake. New Manhattans are now showing as durable and comfortable as ever, and even more beautiful. Splendid Madras and French Whipcord fabrics plain and pleated in tasty patterns. $1.50 to $3.50. IYIAGEE & DEEMER FOR SALE FOR SMJDrFOult, uged.sUghtlyy coat 3G, pants about 34; prlco right. Call "Rag" offlco'. 02-3 1 II . - - , Ill ! I !'! ! m , ! FOR SALE Journal routo, to a Btu dent; best graft known; must havo good backing; prlco, $1,600; re turns 22 per cent. Inqttlro of Stato Journal. 02-3t FOR SALE A Smith Promlor type writer. This lo a good raachlno which wrltos as woll as now. You can buy this typowritor for what you pay to rent ono for two months. Call at tho "Rag" offlco and soo It. 00-Ct FOR RENT. FOR RENT Largo warm rooms for University girls "only at 1220 R St. Phono 16(32. Prices reasonable 87rGt Lincoln Aurora Red Oak THE FIRST SAVINGS BANK 4 pir out IMirnt "' $t06 Opt ns an Account With the First Natloaal Bank. Cor. 10th ud O. Ito ymr Steaks, Chops umA QmUk 8rr!o Yiiift The New York Chop House Open Day and Night 1840 O Strett CALENDAR. Thursday, February 29. . Pershing Rifles. ", V .. Friday, March 1. Union. Palladlan. Alpha Theta Chi formal. Elocution recital. Temple. 'Phi Gamma Delta dance. Music Hall,. Temple. . .' Delta TJppllon dance, WalBh Hall. Delta Zeta house party." Agricultural Club danco. German Club banquet. Lihdell Hotel. , ;.-' . Baskotball game with Kansas;' In formal. ' . 3aturday, March 2. , JCappa Kappa Gamma formal. Kappa Alpha Theta banquet. Basketball game with Kansas, University night. w Weber Suitorium, 1 St. PROOF Is convincing, and oiir largo, and steadily increasing v patronage furnishes the evidence that our expert service in tho adjust ment of Eyeglasses and Spectacles is appreciated., We have ever maintained that there is nothing too good for the eyes, and therefore furnish tho best only, Perfect fitting lenses and frames cost no more than Ill-fitting ones. 6LIVER THEATER MARCH 4, 1912 Albert Spalding Groatost Amorican Violinist Andre Benoist A.ccompani8t SEATS NOW SELLING $1.50, $1.00, 75c, 50c. Try Our Luncheonettes They ar always the best We serve hot and cold drink all winter long;. LINCOLN CANDY KITCHEN South West Cor. 14th O weekly shipments of tho best thoro 1b in chocolates. Huyler's AhItrnn Lowriey'a Jfma:vmttVm California viojots frosh every day, Winter Drue: Go. 13th and Oliver Theatre Tonight, Thu. and Thu. Mat. Of Paris, France The Grazi Grand Opera Go. Presents In French Wed., "HERODIADE" Thu. Mat., "RIQOLETTO" . Thu. Night, "LAKME" Company of 80 -Orchestra of 20 Night, $2 to 50c; 'Mat., $1.50 to 60c Mar1, 2, "LET GEORGE DO IT" LINCOLN ""'rMoTi?'"" ORPHEUM !.??., ADVANCED VAUDEVILLE Commending Mon. Night, Feb. 26th EIGHT PALACE GIRL8 "HONOR AMONG THIEVES" MACK and ORTH "TED" BAILEY'8 DOG8 Elliott and Foles Bergere Girls BELL & R08AMOND CARON ROSA ROMA PRICE8 Matinee, 16c and 25c Nights, 15c, 25c, 35c and 50c Dr. Lamb DENTIST V. of N. OIkm otm B3740 208 Ganter Bldg. 12th O WARTHON'S Original, Electric, Shorn Repair Factory' Always reliable and up to he minute 142 North 12th Street ''ifeiM urihtu:$; UKOW-r.vtK. rtpSeo us for your nf next job of pnntino;. Personar Bupervison enablea us to make each job Please. 128 N. 14 St flfffl ihBw '' ilnf nil i-flHLa mk The moment you put on clothes made to your meat- ' ure, you see the vast cliff er ,ence between merchant tailored and ready made: Our way costs no more. Besure to see our linefirst. College Tailors College View, Nebraska Phon -4-0 W serve the purest and best HOT and COLD RE FRESHMENTS in the city Huyler's Chocolates $1.00 Foutain Pens . $1.00 Safety Razors Student's 3-Course Lunch 15c mM k LsT (Sf 1 iiy e! S3 zr I ESTAKimi 1171 kWI Uk I .1 1-T 11" RHfXTHn 114M ,, m.-m't. m, mm mm m .m m fflWlW! j . inwiw swii- r r r ' ia CI I . . , f ,A. v " A' k. .c ' '. ir umm jgki er .t . ', r