THE DAILY NEBRASKAN i It! CHANCE FOB STUDENTS TO VISITPHILIPPINES TWENTY OFFICERS NEEDED BY WAR DEPARTMENT TO FILL VACANCIES. SALARY TWELVE HUNDRED ANNUALLY Nebraska Men May Land Positions in Island Constabulary Carrying Rank of Third Lieutenant. Cuptiiiti Yates bus received a notice from tlio War Department stating that twenty officers will be needed to 1111 vucmicIch In the constabulary service of the Philippine on or before June IB. To the University men who uro taking drill this should bo of Interest, for a special conceBBlon has been granted to graduates of colleges and universities which offer a course In military drill and have government officers in charge. Under this ar rangement the appointees will bo given the ofllce of third lieutenant without the usual written examina tion. The posit Ioiib carry with them a salary of $1,200 a year as well as an allowance for living expenses. It stands to reaBon that a man with that salary should bo able to save a largo part of It because of the low cost of living In the Islands. The chances for promotion In the constabulary ser vice are good, for efficient men can advance by other means t,han senior ity. Howovor, appointees will be re quired to serve at least three years and to remain single during that time unlosB they reach the rank of captain or Becure the consent of the director of the constabulary. Full pay Is given through all regular vacations, which amount to about two months each year, and additional time and pay Is given during the time spent In going to and from the United States. Have Civil Duties Also. The duties of the constabulary offi cers consist in maintaining peace and order In the sections to which they are asBlgned, and the general military knowledge gained during the course offered by the University Is sufficient for this. The officers have some civil dutleB ns well as military, such as the supervision of taxation, and when necessary they are aided by the Fili pino scouts. Their duties in general are somewhat like those of the North west mounted police. (iraduates of the University may re ceive appointment by applying to the Bureau of insular Affairs at Washing ton, D. ( The applications nuiBt be accompanied by recommendations from the commandant and from mem bers of the faculty, and by a report of a complete physical examination. Only .single men between the ngeB of twenty-one and thirty-three years, who are-of good physlcul strength and havo good moral habits are desired. This offer is open to the graduates of reputable colleges all over the country, and as the appointments will bo made early in .luno, the applica tions should bo sent In immediately. Lincolns New Boot Shop "Famous Footwear" B0ST0NIAN "Shoes for Men who care to be comfortable and 'Walk Right" $4. & $5. $4, $4-2 $5. S4.00 Knglisli Walking Boot in Tan Russin unci Calf, the pr. Mutt" our newest last in Pan Russin and Black Calf. Dull Calf, Full Dress Pump Out of town orders prepaid Send for Booklet "We guarantee to fit you" YES! we do repairing jfzfev&zt U&r 1307 O STREET. LINCOLN. NEBRASKA. NOW IS THE TIME For all True Students to RENEW Their Subscriptions .jSuta Rdcm Weber Sultorlum. 1100 O St. SHALL THEJ50JDS RULE? SIXTY GIRLS IN PHYSICAL EDU CATION CLASS ASK FOR EN GINEERS TO WITHDRAW. What would you do If your coed classmates Invited you to get out? That la what happened to four Senior engineers who registered with sixty girls for Physical Education G, under Miss Ina E. Glttings. This class deals with emergencies, or first aid to tho Injured, and prac tical demonstrations are given of how to proceed In case of bleeding arteries, rrrxii umiii s and sororities We Want Your Coal Orders. Give Is a Trial Order SATISFACTION GUARANTEED WHITEBREAST COMPANY 1106 0 STREET AUTO 3228 BELL 234 J. C. WOOD and CO. Th Bst Is Always the Cheapest 1322 N St. Auto 1292 Bll 147 CLEANERS and DYERS cJ;r broken bones, otcc etc. As listed in the catalogue, tho course is open to everybody, but as a rulo, no member of the sterner sex does to ponetrato Into the secrets which are heroin dis closed. ? This arbitrary demand of the co-eds Beoms to be tho culmination of the gradual growth of feminine influenco In University life. Time was when only members of the male sex were admitted to the higher institutions of learning and now, tho co-eds domi nate. AH of which only goes to show that "the female of tho speoles is deadlier than the male." Try Our Luncheonettes They ar always the beat We serve hot and cold drinks all winter long. LINCOLN CANDY KITCHEN South West Cor. 14th O DO YOU REALIZE THAT These are the men that make thla paper possible? The subscription price Isn't a drop in the bucket. They help us; we must help them. PATRONIZE THE MEN ON THI8 LIST They Will Treat You Right BANKS First Savings Bank Central National Bank BAKERIES Folsom BARBER SHOPS Chaplin Greon's CLEANERS J. .C Wood & Co. Weber CLOTHING Armstrong Clothing Co. Farquahar Mageo & Doomor Mayer Bros. Palaco Clothlug Co. Spoier & Simon COAL Whltebroast CONFECTIONERY Lincoln Candy Kltchem DRY GOOD3 Millor Sc rAin Rudge & Guonzel DRUOGIST3 Molor Drug Co. Rlggs FLORISTS C. H. Frey FURNISHINGS Armstrong Clothing Co. Budd Magee & Doemor Mayor Bros. Palaco Clothing Co. Spoier & Simon Rudgo & Guonzel HATTERS Armstrong Clothing C. Budd Magee & Dqomor Mayer Btob. Palaco Clothing Ct. Spolor & Simon Rudgo & Guenzel JEWELERS Hallott' Tucker LAUNDRIES Evans MUSIC Walt Hagenslck Thornburg Jones, Orchestra University School of Music. OPTICIAN Shean Hallott PRINTERS Georgo Bros. Simmons Van Tine Graves Prlntery RESTAURANTS Horpolsheimer Y. M. C. A. Spa SHOES Budd Men's Bootory Mayor Bros. Miller & Paine TAILORS College Tailors. THEATERS Oliver Orpheum TYPEWRITERS Nebraska Typewriter Exch. n