THE DAILY NEBRASKAN WE HAD HOMESTV 9PANKED CLASSIFIED COLUMN AT THE THEATRES ABOUT PEOPLE INTO US: -T a J tf; K i . it.- -v) ?v- M '' H. F. Chenowoth, ox-'14, is now at tending school at Wesloyan. Ho 1b preparing for tho ministry. Dr. Bessey is preparing a paper oh "Tho Content of High School Botany." This paper, which will bo printed in a very short time, will deal with bot any as It should bo studied in tho high schools. Have Graves print It for you. 233 North Eleventh St. Miss Florence Chapman, who for merly attended the University, and who was graduated from tho School of Music last year, had tho honor of being presented to President Taf t yes terday. Sho was introduced to the president by Senator Norrls Brown, whoso eldest daughter she was visit ing. Miss Chapman is studying music in New York. Guy Thompson, formerly of Kansas University, attended the Miller-Moore wedding in Kansas City and also called on friends in Lawrence, Kan sas, and Falls City, Nebraska. George Bros., export printers, en gravers and embossers, 13th and N. " Alpha Omlcron Pi announces tho pledging of Allwlno Zumwinkel. Miss Cella Davis, 1912, who has tieon teaching Latin at Harvard, Nob., for tho past two weeks because of the illness of tho regular teacher, has re turned. Mable Gowlng left today to take the position for the next two weeks. Miss Carol Howard leaves today for Omaha, whoro she will spend Satur day and Sunday at homo. C. H. Frey, florist, 133 O St tt Miss Margaret Guthrio, 1911, who Is teaching in tho University of Omaha, is spending tho week-end at the Delta Gamma house. J. Livingston Richie, 1910, who Ib working in a bank at Plattsmouth, camo to Lincoln yesterday to attend tho Junior play and Protn. Ho is staying at tho Alpha Thota Chi house. Prpfespor Howard has received and accepted an Invitation from tho Uni versity of "Wisconsin to teach In sum mer school thero during the coming sosslpn. Ho will offer two courses, ono in General Sociology, the other a graduate course, The Family. For your orchestra call O. L. Jones, Auto L-8605. Unlonltes Take Notice. All good Unlonltes will bo found at the Junior Play this evening. The hall will bo dark out of respect for tho Junior entertainment. Regular meeting as usual next Friday evening. Watch for announcement. JunlorStto Elect Tuesday. Tho Junior class will hold its elec tion at 11130 next Tuesday morning in Memorial Hall. When Yon Break Your Glasses don't toke them whoro you have , to wait two or throe days to get thorn fixed. COME HERE Wo are preparod to grind the most difficult lens while you wait. Expert opticians to make broken flames ano mountings look like new. 13 r r " r ' - - - FOUND fountain pon. ownor can havo tho samo by identifying it and paying for this ad. D0-3t L08T LOST- A small red note book; valu able to ownor. Return to this ofTlco. OMt We had honesty spank ed into us at the cherry tree age, Years of experience have deepened our convic tion that it's the only pol- " icy. J We never misrepresent. It would not pay us be cause we want to see you in our store more than once. We want your confi dence we want your good will we want your business. Already showing spring hats and shirts better stop and see them. MAGEE & DEEMER Lincoln Aurora Red Oak CALENDAR. LOST A Watorman pon, old model. Finder please return to "Rag" ofllco. 91-3t LOST A pigskin cigar cclbo on tho campus, Thursday. Finder roturn to Rag ofllco. LOST BolloW Non-loakablo fountain pon. Finder return to Nobraskan ofTlco. LINCOLN "ATnaWiWS?" ORPHEUM kku advanced vaudeville' Commencing Mon. Night, Feb. 19th CHARLE8 F. 8EMON TOM NAWN & CO. THE 8TROLLINQ PLAYERS DOROTHY KENTON HELEN GRANTLEY RICE, 8ULLY & 8COTT E8MERALDA & VEOLA Friday, February 23. Junior Play. Oliver Theatre Saturday, February 24. Students Debating Club. Medical Society. N. 210. Junior Aggies' class hop. Komonsky Club. Music Hall. Junior Prom. Sophomore Debaters Wanted. It is urged that all tho Sophomores who can enter tho tryouts for tho ln-ter-class debates will do so. Notify a member of tho committee at once. COMMITTEE. Special shoe sale this weok at i tho Men's Bootory, 12th and P Sts. Farm Reporters Meet. Tho Nobraskan staff at tho Farm met last night In room 20C, Agricul tural Hall. Plans woro perfected for a bettor organization of the field and more efficient work. Must Have Locks Assigned. All locks on men's gymnasium lock ers not properly assigned at ofllco will bo cut without further notlco. R. G. CLAPP. THE FIRST SAVINGS BANK 4 pir m litimt "' $100 Opens an Account With the lint National Bank, Con 10th amd O. SIMMONS the PRINTER PRINTING - ENGRAVING BJVIBOSSING LOST Ono Watorman Ideal fountain pen, No. 6. Roturn to "Rag" ofllco. LOST Gold Swastika pin Monday af ternoon, probably in Chom lab Re turn to Rag ofllco. LOST Watorman fountain pon. In itials on barrol. Ploaso roturn to "Rag,oflico. ' 00-2t FOR 3ALE FOR SALE JrTHsultujcdsnghUy; coat 3G, pants about 34; prlco right. Call "Rag" ofllco. 92-3t FOR SALE Journal routo, to a stu dent; best graft known; must havo good backing; prlco, $1,G00; re turns 22 per cont. Inquire of Stato Journal. 92-3t FOR SALE A Smith Promior type writer. ThiB is a good machlno which wrltos as well as now. You can buy thia typewriter for what you pay to ront ono for two months. Call at tho "Rag" ofllco and boo It. 90-6t FOR RENT. fuk -uiSNT Largo warm rooms for' University girls only at 1220 R St. Phono 1GC2. Prices reasonable. 87-Gt WANTED WVNTTSi56TfTwants" rwmTmato? havo modern room. Auta B 4448. 01-3t WANTED Two glrlB for largo front room at 1439 S St. 9i-3t Wookly shipments of tho best thoro is in cnocolatoa. Huyler'B Whitman's Lovuney'a Aiiasretti's California violots frosh ovory day. Vleler Drug Co. 13th and O . .. . , PRICE8 Matinee, 16c and 25c Nlghti, 15c, 25c, 35c and 60c Dr. Orin Lamb DENTIST O. of W. Olnia of '11 B3740 208 Gantar Bldg. 12th O WARTHON'S Original, Electric, Shoe Repair Factory Always reliable and up to he minute 142 North 12th Street HERPOLSHEIMER'S CAFE Dlnaer JJi30 to Ji30 C Sup ft 5t30 to 7i30 LOL Also Cafatarlan Styk have: EVANS! Do Your Laundry VfRIHTIHC; 2CO M m luvccin-xtrtt. VySeo us for youi Tl next job oi printing. Personal supervison enables us to make each iol please. 128 N. 14 St The moment you put on clothes made to your meas ure, you see the vast differ ence between merchant tailored and ready made. Our way costs no more. Besure to see our linef irst. College Tailors College View, Nebraska Phone We serve the purest and best HOT and COLD RE FRESHMENTS in the city' Huyler's Chocolates $1.00 Foutain Pens $1.00 Safety Razor Student's 3-Course Lunch 15c Zeihtt cur7$&a ,B T EsttblkkriWI Uff,U4 Mflitwwl V 114M MMtiris! Auto. a3I9. 3I7 SOutb lath St, t- '. ' ' l .i.-... drMi'lim-tJk.(br AjALfott4ul. -i'. ,t