HX DAILY K1BKAIKAM ABOUT PEOPLE CLASSIFIED COLUMN AT THE THEATRES I m -& - fo : . Jk Joseph Fradenberg, '99, and Roy Sunderland, '07, aro visiting at the ' Alpha Theta Chi house. Marguarito Gilbert, Delta Gamma cx-1913, was a campUB vipltolr yester day. Blanche Brothorton, 1915 who" has been visiting in Omaha, has returned to school. Will Haley, 1913, leaves today for' Chicago, whero he will be the official delegate of the Nebraska chapter of Delta Tau Delta at the Western prov ince convention. Have GraveB print it for you. 233 North Eloventh St. Prof. C. R. Richards, former dean of the Engineering college, but now head of the Mechanical Engineering depart ment at Illinois, addressed tho stu dents at Purdue last week on "Tho Transmission of Power by Means of Gas." Dean Richards is gaining a wide reputation by his experimental work with this branch of engineering. Miss Ruth Pilcher of tho University School of Music gavo her recital for graduation Tuos'day evening at tho Temple Theatre. Sip.ma Chi announces the pledging of Fred Horton of Newcastle, Wyoming. Georgo Bros,, expert printers, en gravers and embossers, 13th and N. Dr. Ernest Wray Oneal, of Chicago, will appear at tho Oliver Theatre to night on the City Y. M. C. A. enter tainment course. His lecture subject will bo "Popular Fallacies." A limited number of seats aro on sale at tho Oliver box office. Miss Adelaide C. Rood, library as sistant, has been confined to her home for tho last few days on account of illness. C. E. Bennett, E. E. '09, has been at the University of Illinois as a fellow in the Electrical Engineering Experi ment station since leaving Nebraska in 1910. In conjunction with Profes sor Bryant he has just completed an experiment station bulletin on 'Trans former Economics." C. H. Frey, florist, 1133 O St tf Florenco Boyles, Alpha Chi, 1914, has gone to her home n Alvo. She will be compelled to stay tho rest of the week on account of illness. , Prof. F. A. Stuff will address a paiijotic meeting in tho JT. M. C. A. ropm at 6:50 o'clock tonight. His sub ject is "The Sources of a Great Man's Power." This is tho second of a series of addresses by University pro All students should visit the "Cot lego Inn Barber Shop at 127 North 12th. S I. Chaplin, Prop. Plan Smoker or Party. At aj meeting of tho freshman law class the motion was made and carried that President Harmon should ap point a committee 'to make arrange ments for a freshman law smoker or Orpheum Theatre party. The report of the commlttoo and tho submission to tho class of its arrangements will be made Friday. vliza FOUND FOUND A fountain pon. Ownor can havo tho samo by identifying it and paying for this ad. 90-3t L08T LOST A pigskin cigar caso on tho campus, Thursday. Finder return to Rag office Under the "pale" of civ ilization you can't afford to disregard fashions ed icts. We're now ready to show you what fashion authorizes in spring hats. Our windows and cases are full of fresh style sug gestions. Smart shapes in derbies and soft hats Stetson and Hawes makes from Amer ica White's from Lon don $3 to $5. A special line of $2 hats both novelties and sta ples they're dandies. MAGEE & DEEMER Lincoln Aurora Red Oak LOST Bollos Non-loakablo fountain pon. Finder return to Nobraskan office. LOST Ono Watorman Ideal fountain pen, No. G. Return to "Rag" office LOST A black gauntlot glovo, be tween tho Chem. Lab. and Adminis tration Hall. Roturn to tho Rag office. LOST Gold Swastika pin Monday ur ternoon, probably in Chem lab Re turn to Rag office. LINCOLN MATmB,!vcusl.BN,ac5,,kW.,,',1 ORPHEUM lieu ono Anto 158R ADVANCED VAUDEVILLE Commencing Mon. Night, Fob. 19th CHARLE8 F. 8EMON TOM NAWN & CO. THE STROLLING PLAYER8. DOROTHY KENTON HELEN QRANTLEY RICE, 8ULLY & 8COTT E8MERALDA & VEOLA PRICE8 Matinee, 15c and 25c Nights, 15c, 25c, 35c and 50c CALENDAR. Thursday, February 22. Pershing Rifles. Junior Convocation. Friday, February 23. Junior Play. Oliver Theatre. Saturday, February 24. Students' Debating Club. Medical Society. N. 210. Junior Aggies' class hop. Komensky Club. Music Hall. Junior Prom. . LOST Watorman fountain pon. In itials on barrel. Please return to "Rag" office. 90-2t LOST Monday morning, between Li brary and 14th and Rstroots, aBmall black volvet purse containing somo stamps and money. Roturn to this office. 90-lt FOR SALE FOR SALE A Smith Promior type writer. This 1b a good machine which writes as woll as now. You can buy this typewriter for what you pay to rent ono for two months. Call at tho "Rag" offlce and see it. 90-Gt FOR RENT. FOR RENT Largo warm rooms for University girls only at 1220 R St. Phono 1662. Prices reasonable. 87-6t Dr. Orin Lamb DENTIST V. of It. Clnai of '11 B3740 208 Cantor Bldg. 12th O WARTHON'S Original, Electric, Shoe Repair Factory Always reliable and up to he minute 142 North 12th Street Mako'your dates early with Hagon sick's Orchestra. Auto B-2990. tf Deutsche Vereln to, Meet. Der Deutsche Geselligf, Vereln will meet at the Alpha Chi Omega house, 327 North Thirteen street, at 7:45 p. m., Thursday, A program and election of members are scheduled. I5LLA MORRIS.ON, Secretary. Farm Cadets Examined. The theoretical drill examination for the Farm cadets was held last Mon day. Major Johnson gavo tho exami nation for tho First battalion In tho Veterinary Building and Major Ander son for the Second in tho Judging Pavilion. Photography offers a moBt appro priate Easter greeting when made by Townsend. Studio, 226 So. 11th St Weekly shipments of tho boat thero is in chocolates. Huyler's Whitman's Lowney's Aiiecrretti's California violets frosh every day. Meier DrugCo; 13th mnd O HERPOLSHEIMER'S GAFE Dinner 11(30 to lt30 ),, Supper 530 to 7i30 LOJ Also Cafetorlan Styk HAVE BVAINSIf Do Your Laundry Try a lunch at tka Y. M. a A. Lunoh Room. Cafeteria Plaa. CityY. M.C. A. 13lhaMi. IPRIHTIHGJ ut &a UMOUI-MSgS ff Seo us for your jl next job of printing;. Personal supervison enables us to make each job please. 128 N. 14 St. Must Have Been. Mrs. Nagum "I wonder who wrote tho song, 'There's Only Ono Girl in tho World for Mo? " Mr. Nagum "It must havo been Adam." Cornell Widow; Thornburg's Orchestra ' delights dancers with popular hits. Auto B 255G. tf Geography Class to Meet. Field Geography 10 clasB will meet in U. 7 at 9:00 a. m. Saturday. All members aro requested to be present DONEE GRIFFITH. Special Bhoo 'sale this week at tho Men's Bootery, 12th and P Sts. Kappa Slgmas Forfeit. ' Kappa Sigma forfeited last night's basketball game in the inter-fraternity series, by failing to appear against Alpha Theta Chi. The moment you put on clothes made to your meas ure, you see the vast differ ence between merchant tailored and ready made. Our way costs no more. Besure to see our linef irst. College Tailors College View, Nebraska . Phon -40 () We serve the purest and best HOT and COLD RE FRESHMENTS in the city Huyler's Chocolates $1.00 Foutain Pens $1.00 Safety Razors Student's 3-Course Lunch 15c 9e2if al$&a SB mr V o t .,