THE DAILY NEBRASKAN 2afl Webvaehan PubllBhod by tho Student Publica tion Board of tho Univoralty of Ne braska. EDITORIAL 8TAFF Editor SICATILE F. HOLMES Managing Editor. EARLE H. TAYLOR ABBOClato Editor. FRED McCONNELL Associate Editor. . .BURTON S. HILL BU8INE88 8TAFF Manager C C. BUCHANAN Ass't Manager.... TAMES MORRISON Circulation Manager LEO BREEN SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, $2.00 PER YEAR Payable In Advance. Single Copies, 6 Cents Each. Telephone: Auto 1B88. Night Phones Auto 1888; Editor, Auto B 1035; Manaoer, Auto B 1821. ISnturod ut tho poHtolllco at Lincoln, Nobrnwkii, nn Hocoml-clnBH mull matter, under tho Aot of ConRrcHH of March 3, 1879. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1912 fc ABOLITION OF EXAMS. A rocont wavo of aontlmont has awopt tho Btudont body as a result of tho nowly Inaugurated syBtom whoro by examinations aro abolished. Tho commontB have boon numorous and from various sourcos, but scorn to boar a marked similarity In tono and contoxt. Tho grumblings Immediately preceding and during tho porlod here tofore dovotod to examinations wero long and lnBlstont. If tho aforesaid grumblings aro a truo Indication of the ' general senti ment, tho present system is not In tho highest favor. On tho othor hand, thoro wore grumblings undor tho old regime. Which, thon, aro justifiable? Tho main source of confusion and dlscuBBlon over tho provisions of tho now ruling apparently Hob In tho Interpretation of tho torm "examina tion."' Tho rulo provldos that thoro 'shall bo given no examination laBtlng two consecutive hours. Tho lottor of this rulo was strictly oboyod, tho spirit ? In tho placo of those two hours examinations, woro substituted two, throe, or five one-period "tests," regular assignments, and in many cases tho Inovltablo "back work." In his lolsuro hours tho student was free to docldo upon his courses for the com ing somoBtor, to comploto tho process of registration, or to determine as best ho might whether ho passed or failed. It la no doubt truo that aomo stu dents do not do their best work in final examinations; it must also bo admitted that two-hours oxamlnatlonB moan a great deal of work for tho pro fessors. On tho other hand, however, is not tho proportion of such students who aro not ablo to do themselves justlco In finals comparatively small? Do not several one-hour tOBts Involvo as .much work for tho professors aB one final? Are not tho few days of comparative rest; posslblo undor tho old system, beneficial to tho student? Does not tho present rushing of regis tration crowd tho administrative office, as well as tho professors who aro obliged to servo? Tho above-mentioned aro a few of tho inquiries as to tho why-for of tho now system ; they may or may not bo satisfactorily answered. From thom wo aro led to bollovo that, although this syBtom was Inaugurated only after caroful consideration, it is as yet not popular in tho cyos of tho student body. Regiment Again Compete. For tho first tlmo this year tho cadet regiment this week presented a solid military appearanco, tho second year men having completed their indoor claBB work. Tho candidates for non commlBBioned officers aro being given a chanco to show thoir ability, each taking his turn at commanding tho company. Colonel Smith and tho bat talion majors havo charge of the men. Spauldlng to Play Here. Albort Spauldlng, tho groat Amer ican violinist, will appear March 4 at tho Olivor theatre, undor tho auspices of tho University School of MubJc course Ho will bo accompanied 'by Andro Bonolst, a planlBt well known to Lincoln audiences. Tho concert to havo boon given last wook by OBcar Seaglo has been post poned to March 25. SIMMONS the PRINTER PRINTING ENGRAVING EMBOS8INC Auto. 3319. 317 South lath St. Far yourStoaki, Ohopi ad Qmiak Barrio Visit Tho New York Chop House Open Day and Night 1840 O 8trest WALT Stands for the latest and best in Sheet Music 1215 0 St.. Try Our Luncheonettes They are always the best We serve hot and cold drinks all winter long. LINCOLN CANDY KITCHEN South West Cor. 14th O UNIVERSITY JEWELER & OPTICIAN C. A. Tucker JEWELER S. S. Shean OPTICIAN 1123 0 STREET YELLOW FRONT Your Patronagi Solicited 5AA Ladies Sprllg Oxfords g III in tan, patents, gun V UK I W white, brown, brown etc. I WW BUDDUpstairs1413 0 Street f i v -aiAi J -v?1iCJ- THE NEW MODEL Think of every feature you wish a typewriter to possess, then carefully examine the Model 5 L. C. Smith; you will find every feature there. More L. C. Smith typewriters used in the dif ferent departments of the University than all other makes combined. The result of carefully testing every machine manufactured. Don't rent a typewriter. Purchase one on easy terms. Nebraska Typewriter Company DISTRIBUTERS 143 South 13th Stroot Lincoln, Nobraska Auto B2080 Boll 1299 NOW IS THE TIME For all True Students to RENEW ir Subscriptions L.uM FRATERNITIES AND SORORITIES We Want Your Coal Orders. Give lis a Trial Order SATISFACTION GUARANTEED WHITEBREAST COMPANY 1106 0 STREET AUTO 3228 BELL 234 THE FIRST SAVINGS BANK 4 pir cent Interest fM " d'p8lt $100 Opens an Account With the First National Bank, Cor. 10th anil O. CENTRAL NATIONAL BANK 12th and O Streets P. J. HALL. Proldtnt F. B. JOHNSON, Vlc-Pmldtnt W. W'. HACKNEY, JR., Awt. Cm. S c Sufoscrifoe for Your Own College Paper H g y '-V