The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 08, 1912, Image 2

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Owned and published by t o University of NcbrnHka througti
Offices Dnnoinont tho Administration Building.
Poatolllco Station A, Campus, Lincoln, Nobrnoka.
E. H. Taylor, Managing Editor. C. C. Buchanan, Business Manager.
Subscription $2.00 per year. 8lngle copies 6c
Faculty notices and University bulletins published free.
Entered at tho Postofllce, Lincoln, Ncbr., an second class matter under act of
Congress March 3, 1879.
Now that wo havo declared our pol
icy and gotten Into tho swim, wo aro
at llborty to tako a fall out of any
thing wo plcaso. Tho first victim of
thoso horrible attacks will not bo u
human boing. In fact it is oven an
inanlmnto ploco of somothlng wo ro
for to tho spirit of laziness which
hangs about tho campUB in these poBt
examination days. Thoro is absolutely
no oxcuso for tho presonco of this do
coptlvo bonst.
Wo havo learned by very dear ox
porlonco that it pays to got down to
tho rock bottom early In tho somes
tor. If thoro is anything that Is Buro
to spoil failuro, it is laziheBs. It Is a
full brothor to indlfforonco and a first
cotiBln to deception. An hour well
spent during tho first week of a Bom
eBtor is worth ton hard cruel hours
on tho vorgo of an examination. Lot's
kill tho beast!
Prof. H. R. Smith leaves today for
Minneapolis to tako pu his now duties
in tho Minnesota school of agriculture.
Ho has boon a loading light in Nebras
ka agricultural education for a num
ber of years and his withdrawal from
tho faculty of tho collego and school
of agrlculturo will bo keenly felt.
Ho has boon tho coach of tho string
of victorious stock Judging .teams
which havo kept tho name of Nebras
ka prominent at tho Chicago show.
Ho has boon a great factor in tho
growth of tho farm work.
Whohn asked for a statement by
Daily Nobraskan farm reporter, Prof
ossor Smith Bald: "I regret much tho
giving up of my work in tho University
of Nebraska, "both tho teaching and
tho investigational work in tho oxporl
mont station. Tho probloms of tho
Btock mon of this stato havo boon
most interesting to deal with. I havo
novor realized boforo how thoroughly
appreciative tho farmers aro of what
haB been accomplished. This might
hover havo boon known had I not de
cided to leavo at this time. Tho fact
that thoro aro so many more inquiries
coming from farmers makes mo feel
suro that thoro is a growing interest
in tho work hero and a greater do
pondonco upon tho University for in
formation. "All this is certain to give tho in
stitution tho financial support it needs
nnd which I sincerely hopb It will got
In tho near future. Tho "University of
Minnesota is getting this support now.
It is said to havo tho strongest finan
cial backing of any school in tho
world. This will moan not only largor
salaries but also largor funds with
which to carry on investigational
work. It is a great university with
broad policies. Thoro is also a great
futuro for tho University of Nebraska
becauso of tho rich heritage of this
stato in its soil and climate. Thoro
will bo 10,000 studonts horo in tho not
far distant future. Thoso who aro guid
ing tho destinies of tho University
should keep this well in mind."
C. H. Froy, florist, 1133 O St.
400 Pair $4, $5, $5 Ladies Shoes,
Broken Lines, Your Size Here.
BUDD-14 13 O-Up Stairs
Startling Information, gulnod
through a porusal of a number of up-to-date
collego papors, shows' that
Nebraska is not behind tho 'times in
tho loast. Tho Syracuso Daily Orango
is published at threo dollars a year.
Tho Dally Iowan costs 'its subscribers
$2.75 each annum. Chicago students
"pony up" $2.50, and readers of tho
Yalo News nro "set back" $4.00 each
year, tho Ibbuo qf January 31 con
taining a statement, "For tho re
mainder of tho current year, $2.50."
Other collego dailies aro subscribed
for liberally at liko prices.
Tho Daily "Rag" la published and
furnished to its subscribers at only
one dollar per semester. Taking
these things into consideration, it
would seem that tho circulation at
Nobraska would run abovo fifteen
hundred. Tho Yalo News bears tho
statement, "Circulation today, 2,000."
Tho prico mark on tho Michigan
Daily roads, "By mail, $2.00." Purduo
Exponent says "$3.50 per year, if
paid In advance, otherwise $3.00."
iBn't it awful? And Nebraska has a
dally paper which costs tho students
almost nothing, tho small sum of ono
dollar for tho semester. Tho "Rag"
asks tho loyal support of all Corn
husker studonts.
Photography offers a most appro
priate Easter greeting when made by
Townsend. Studio, 226 So. 11th St.
Only Fourth Year Students May At
tend This Temple Dance.
Tho dato for tho Senior masquer
ade was announced yestorday, tho big
clasB danco to bo given on Saturday,
March 30, at tho Tomplo.
Tho committee in chargo of tho
danco Is planning sovoral special fea
tures. Games and other amusemonts
will bo provided for thoso who do not
danco. It has been suggested that
thoro will bo some Leap Year fea
tures on tho program.
Although Chairman Hawloy had
hoped to throw tho danco open to tho
ontiro school, it was impossible to
obtain a satisfactory date. Only sen
iors, therefore, will bo allowed to at
tend. Weber Sultorlum. 1100 O St.
Swezey's Classes Postponed.
Professor Swozoy will not bo able
to moothis classes this week, owing
to tho death of his brothor, who was
stricken with heart failuro tho morn
ing of February 5. Tho wlfo of tho
deceased was buried only laBt Satur
day. This doublo grlof wob brought
to Professor Swozoy at Vermilion, S.
D., whoro ho will await his brothor's
Aggies to Play.
Tho Agglo basketball team will play
tho Nobraska School of Business this
evening on tho city Y. M. C. A. floor.
Bo suro to romembor tho Hampton
Orchestra Club. Fraternity Bldg.
Auto B-2011.
Soldo i Rented Everywhere
When you thinkof anything in the line of
Typewriters, Typwriter Supplies or Typewriter
Repairs, think of the
Nebraska Typewriter Co.
143 South 13th St.
Auto B2086
The Junior Class
'A Royal
Friday Feb. 23 1912
Hot Beef Tea
Hot Clam Bouillon
Hot Celery Bouillon
Hot Orange
Any Make
Any Price
Any Terms
Lincoln, Nebraska
Bell 1299
Hot Soda
Hot Chocolate
Hot Tomato Bouillon
Hot Lemon
Hot Ginger
J. C. WOOD and CO.
The Best Is Always the Cheapest
1322 N St. Auto 1292 Bill 147
-. V'