THE DAILY NEBRASKAN ABOUT PEOPLE Professor Chatburn is in Hastings attending a meeting of the Good Roads association in the interests of the Omaha to Denver road. Robert H. Hastings has .relumed frpm a short visit with his parents nt Crete. William H. Larson, eng. '02, visited the campus last week. He ban at present, and has held for the last eight years, a responsible position in the engineering department of the Canadian Pacific in Saskatchewan and adjoining provinces. Mr. Larson was on his way homo and will atop in Lin coln on his return west. Alpha Theta Chi announces tho pledging of Russell Israel, of Omaha, a freshman in the college of arts and sciences. Jfrfi CLASSIFIED COLUMN Fred G. Schmockor, '14, has with drawn from school for tho rest of the year to manage a farm for a relative. Francis J. Honey, who is to appear tonight at tho Oliver on the Y. M. C. A. entortainmont course, is tho man who did more than any other in tho great fight against graft which cleaned up San Francisco a few years ago. Honey is ono of tho lead ing students of political science and political economy in tho west and It is probable that ho will visit tho University campus during the day. A limited number of seatB for the lecturo tonight aro yet to be had at tho Oliver box office at fifty cents each. Be sure to remember tho Hampton Orchestra Club. Fraternity Bldg. Auto B-2011. A new month has been ushered in February. Tho it's short in days, it's generally long in dis agreeable weather. Plenty of time yet to get good usage from a winter overcoat. We can give you a coat that's a forerunner in style and comfort now and will be next season too. The big advantage for you is that we can save you money on it. NAGEE & DEEMER Lincoln Aurora Red Oak FOUND s0s-n FOUND .Moore's non-leakablo foun 1 tain lien. Call Arnold, Auto 1500. LOST LOST A black gauntlet glovo, be tween tho Chem. Lab. and Admlnis- tration Hall. Return to tho Rag office. TAKEN A light grey overcoat from Chem. Lecture Room Monday after noon. Leave at Rng office. Re ward. 70-3 IOST A bunch of keys on Monday. January .'0. Please return to Rag office. LOST Gold Swastika pin Monday .it ternoon, probably in Chem lab Re turn to Rag office. RABBI ADVOCATES PEACE. Famous Educator Says History Lays Too Much Stress Upon War. LOOKING TO THE BARBS. Sophomore Candidates .Concentrate Attention on the Non-Frat Men. Tho fight for tho presidency of tho Sophomore clasB is developing ito ono of tho most oxciting political con tests in years. No third' candidato has yet appeared, though" ono has boon anticipated. This leaves tho race to Wood and 'Nnglo, both fratern ity men. Tho friends of these men realize that tho fraternity vote will bo fairly evenly divided, and aro con centrating their offorts on tho barb vote. Especial stress is laid upon this campaign, because of their bearing on tho Cornhus'kor elections to follow. Tho display of mezzotones at Townsond's is attracting tho atten tion of all who nppreclato "art in photography." They aro distinctively now and exclusive. A portrait that made its "debut" at tho lato national convention of photographers in St. Paul and excited tho admiration of nil present. How about them for Eastor greetings. Studio, No. 22G So. 11th St. Georgo Bros., export nrlntors, en gravers and embossers, lath and N. To Hold Bridge Tournament. Indiana University fraternities plan to hold a brldgo whisht tournament, a suitable trophy to bo given tho win ner. Each fratornlty may enter only ono team. Make your datoB early with Hagon elck'B Orchestra. Auto B-2990. tf A representative audience of stu dents at convocation yesterday morn ing heard the address of Rabbi HIrsch, who Bpoko on tho subject of "Universal Peace." Ho was intro duced by Chancellor Avery and for thirty minutes spoko In a direct, stu-dont-to-Btudent manner on that topic which is now being widely agitated. .JJo appealed directly to tho mon and women of tho Univorslty to real izo their responsibility in tho move ment. To show them this responsi bility ho doflno Culture as tho power of self control, and education as the ability to distinguish between false and true. Therefore university stu dents, who aro striving after these qualities, must hold in check tho mass of people who are bo easily led to fa vor war, ho said. Ho spoko of the fact that history as it has always been taught places too much importance on tho wars of tho nations. All tho dates of a na tion's development aro based on the dates of its groat wars. Historians now aro emphasizing tho peace of tho world, which is a work that students may aid In. Ho closed his nddress by picturing tho horrors of war and tho happiness of peace. "Let tho ono," ho said, "bo used only as a warning, and lot us all Btrivo to make the other tho true pic ture." LOST O. II. S. '10 pin, botween Fra ternity Hall and S street. Return to Rag office and receive reward. LOST Two nrst-year French books. Kindly return to the Rag office. W. F. Goodman. FOR RENT. FOR RENTLargo sTeaTnateJC strictly modern room, with largo . cloBet, and furnished particularly for students. Convenient to sani tary bathroom; private entrance; 3 blacks from University. Tho Mar quette, 16th and S Sts., Apartment No. 4. AT THE THEATRES Oliver Theatre THURSDAY NIGHT, FEB. 8 Finish Wrestling Match MAHMOUTvt ROMANOFF Prices, 50c to $1.00 FrK, Sat. and Sat. Mat., Feb. 9-10 FLORENCE WEBBER In the Comic Opera NAUGHTY MARIETTA Co. of 80. Augmented Orchestra. Night, $2 to 50c; Mat., $1.50 to 60c imiiOLrsasy1"1' ORPHEUM ES. ADVANCED VAUDEVILLE Commencing Mon. Night, Feb. 5th All students should visit the "Col lego Inn Barber Shop at 127 North I2tb. S L. Chaplin, Prop. Peru Club to Meet, Tho Peru Club will meet in the Y. W. C. A. Temple at 8 p. m. Friday, February 9. GOGGLES, Sun Glasses, Snow Glosses, Reading Glasses, Magnifying Glasses, Spectacles, Eyo Glassos, Opera Glasses, Field Glasses, Reducing Glasses. Everything in the Optical Line Here. Broken frames repaired and lenses replaced while yon wait. ESTABLISHED 1B71 II f f IhTT REGISTERED 11431 A-1 1J M. I OPTOMETRIST MR. & MRS. JACK M'GREEVY THOSE FOUR ENTERTAINER8 LANCTON-LUCIER CO. LES FRAED-NAD BOB AND TIP TRIO MISS BOBBIE GORDONE LOA DURBYELLE PRICES Matinees, 15c and 25c Nights, 15c, 25c, 35c and 50 o THE INN. Look for the sign at 119 So. 12th St. Most beautiful cafe In Lincoln and service the best. Quick's I Orchestra noon and evening. Wehvu&.Ty fy ILimicoli Motel Freshman Hop Tickets $1.25 MagerasicK's Orchestra HARRY PORTER He Wants Your Patronage He sell all kinds of Station ery and School Supplies. 1123 O St., Yellow Front Bell 851 Auto 1857 The moment you put on clothes made to your meas ure, you see the vast differ ence between merchant tailored and ready made. Our way costs no more. Besure to see our linef irst. College Tailors College View, Nebraska Phone -4-Q i:un KMtm mUlRMlUS AND SORORITIES We Want Your Coal Orders. Give Us a Trial Order SATISFACTION GUARANTEED WHITEBREAST COMPANY 1106 0 STREET AUTO 3228 BELL 234 .-. . ! W JtX i('