Ibe Bails IFlebraekan VOL. XL NO. 80. UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, WEDNESDAY FEB. 7, 1912. Price 5 Cents Jf- rV "MOONLIGHT" DANCE IS UNOFFICIAL BAN MI8S EN8IQN ISSUES DEATH WARRANT OF POPULAR PASTIME. FRESHMAN COMMITTEE IS WARNED Lack of Facilities for Properly Stag ing Affair Chief Reason of Facult yActlon. Tho "moonlight" danco at Univer sity parties is a thing of fond mem ory now, as Miss Allco Ensign has Issued aa odlct barring this popular pastimo. It iBn't tho "moonlight" danco Itself at which her manifesto Is aimed, but at tho facilities for staging this form of dance. ShosayB that in dances of this sort thero is danger of not properly rogulatlng tho lights. Tho transformation of alleged mooplight Into complete darkness at tho freshman law hop last Friday furnlBhed tho prime reason for Miss Ensign's action. Tho freshman hop, which will bo held next Friday at tho iLncoln will not bo featured by two "moonlight" dances as tho zealous committee In charge of tho affair has advertised. Tho committee has been warned to dlsponso with this portion of their plans. Issues a Statement. In a statement Issued yesterday afternoon In regard to tho "moon light" danco, Miss Ensign says: "In dances of this sort thero is danger of not properly rogulatlng tho lights. Howovor, tho 'matter has not boon taken up ofllclally except In ono or two Instances and this was boforo ono or two committees, ono of whlcn had not planned for such a danco and tho other which felt tho result of tho action, but waB entirely will ing to ellmlnato tho danco and thus refrain from establishing a precedont which might bring forth criticism to tho school. Tho reason is that a great many of tho hallB aro so ar ranged that tho danco cannot bo put on effectively because of arrange ment of lights." LIMITED HOP THE "LIMIT" FRESHMAN LAWS, DESPITE ECON OMY, REPORT DEFICIT OF $30. Tho freshman hop, hold Saturday night at tho Llncol, was truly a lim ited dance. It was "limited to olghty flvo" with a total of fifty couples In attondanco. It was really tho first limited danco In tho history of tho University and pronounced by at tendants to bo "the limit" in more respects than tho ono. Tho moonlight dance was not In It with tho twilight variety which grad ually dimmed 'itself until tho olevonth and finally the twelfth hour was reached. Water, a la hypo-chlorito, was served in placo of tho usual punch. In spite of this economy, tho hop committee has announced a de ficit of about $30. WEATHER REPORT. For Lincoln Fair tonight and Wed nesday; not much change In tempera ture. Yesterday's temperature, max. lmum, 36; minimum, 17. 4fc4fc4fc&- & k W f W W k W T O m T P T T J 1 J CHANCELLOR TO AID. At the behest of the Univer- $- slty Publication Board, Chan- $ cellor Avery has determined to act as the head of a com- $ $ mittee to push a campaign for $ the upbuilding of the Dally Nebraskan. He will caM to- gether a number of the, lead- $ ing studonts in the various $ classes and confer with them $ in regard to the Institution of $ an aggressive subscription cam- - palgn. i ,U. &. . t &. &L &. ik. fe, t ik. $ic, &. W, t" y ' T jv f 'f T t " T F T " MABCELLUS jPERATED OPON VER8ATILE 8TUDENT 18 SUFFER. ING FROM AN ATTACK OF APPENDICITIS. THEY WANTED BEARDS An unguarded query from Profes sor Aylosworth In tho American Gov ornmont class, yesterday morning brought confusion to sovoral femlnlno members of tho clasB. It so happens that a Mr. Beard Is author of tho toxt usod by tho class and Professor AylOBworth inquired, "Now, all who havon't Beard's and wish thorn hold up their hands." Sovoral of tho girls in tho class signified their dcBlre, suddonly be came aware of tho two-fold applica tion of tho nucBtlon and confusedly dropped their hands amid much laughter. B. C. MarcellUB, 1910, and who at present is a mombor of tho freshman law class, was oporated upon Monday for- appendicitis at tho Lincoln Sani tarium. Though his caBo was a very critical one, from last reports he was doing nicely and will bo ablo to at tond his classes in tho course of three weeks. Mr. Marcollus was first attacked by tho dlscaso while soliciting member ships for tho Grand Inland business college this summer in Idaho. He was at once taken to a hospital and thero operated upon, but at that tlmo his physical condition was such that tho appondlx could not bo safoly romoved. Marcollus 1b well known in tho Unl vorslty as a debater and orator, be sides being popular In dramatic cir cles, having taken tho leading part In tho senior play in 1910, as well as that In several other University plays. SENIORS TO MEET DISCUSS PLANS FOR SENIOR PLAY AT THURSDAY MEETING. There will be an Important meeting of tho Sonlor class Thursday morn ing for tho purpose of Interesting members of tho class In tho forth coming tryuta for tho Sonlor play. Tho committee has selected "A Mid summer Night's Dream" for tho an nual production. This play requires a largo cast and will afford amplo opportunity for tho class to display what material is Iwb. Miss Howell of tho Elocution de partment, who will coach tho play, will speak at tho mcetlg Thursday morning and give a brief summary of tho play and Its characters. FRATERNITY MEN PALLBEARERS. Phi Delts to Have Charge of Hutchlns' Funeral. Tho funeral services of James War ren Hutchlns, whoso doath Monday after a six wqeks' illness of typhoid fever came as a great shock to his friends in tho university, will bo held at Falls City at 2 o'clock Wednesday. The Phi Delta Theta fraternity, of which the young man was a member, will have charge of tho funeral and some twelve of his fraternity brothers will leave this evening to attend tho funeral and act as pallbearers. PARENTS BECOMING WORRIED CHANCELLOR'8 OFFICE ADVI8E8 STUDENTS TO WRITE HOME FREQUENTLY. Students, write your homo folks soon and often. This Is tho ad vice being given out from tho chancellor's office. Several letters from anxious parents have been received within tho last fow days, asking if certain studonts aro In tho hospital or what may bo pro venting them from writing home. In ono case the student had oven been sent a check for a month's allowance and had failed to acknowledge It, causing tho parent moro than ordin ary alarm. Now that exams aro a thing of tho past and things have roturned to tholr regular routine again, it has been sug gested that all students clear up any doubt as to tholr health and happi ness by writing home. SENIORS TO DISCUSS PLAY SPECIAL MEETING CALLED TO AROU8E INTERE8T IN AN NUAL EVENT. An Important mooting of tho Senior class will bo held Thursday morning at 11:30 In Memorial hall. Miss Howell, who Is to coach tho play, will give a short talk. "A Midsummer Night's Dream," tho play selected, af fords an opportunity for a largo num ber to take part and will render pos sible a representative cast. Prof. Carl Steckolburg will also glvo a short talk on tho Incidental music. All members of the Senior class aro urged to attend this mooting, as o tli or Important business will como up for discussion. Tho date for tho tryuts'VIH-bo announced Thursday. Y. W. C. A. MEMBERS TO ELECT. Balloting For Officers Will Contlnu Until Thursday Noon. An informal ballot for the elec tion of tho officers of tho Young Wo man's Christian association was opened Tuesday noon, and will re main open until Thursday noon. It is hoed that overy mombor of tho Y. W. C. A. will put In a sugges tion for the officers to be elected. Tho formal' election will bo held Tuesday, February 13, at tho'r.egular Associa tion meeting. Tho formal ballot will bo open that afternoon shortly be fore five o'clock. The officers to bo elected aro president, 'vice president, secretary and treasurer. FRATS ARE PREPARING FOR BJGIINNUAL MEET MORE THAN TWENTY EVENT8 ARE INCLUDED IN THE PROGRAM. INTER-SORORITY RACE A FEATURE Matinee Dance Will Follow Conclu sion of Contest 8lngle Admis sion for Both. The big annual Intor-frat Indoor moot will bo hold Saturday aftornoon, boglnnlng promptly at 1:20 o'clock. Over twonty events aro promisod Including tho novel Idea of an intor sorlty race. Almost every sorority in tho ontlro school has announced Its Intention of ontorlng a team. Preparations aro being made to con duct this contest in a manner suit able for tho solemnity of tho occa sion. A banner will bo given to tho wlnnng team. In the list of Individual ovonts aro a 25-yard run, ropo climb, a fonco vault, high jump, high kick, polo vault, shot put, and a quarter mllo potato race. Medals aro offered for first and second places In theso ovonts, in nddltlon to ribbons for those finishing third and fourth. Points aro given to tho fraternity's credit whoso ropreBontatlvo wins tho placo. Tho winner of tho moot will bo tho fratornity socurlng tho most points. Tho tug of war and relay race count greatly In tho final re sults, for thoy glvo tho winnor ton points each, five going to tho second placo team and throe to tho ono gaining third: Banners will bo given to tho win ners of tho relay and tug of war. A plaque now In possession of Dolta Upsllon goes to tho winning fratorn ity. Tho University band will play during the entire meet. v All of tho ' fratornltles havo boon practicing for tho meet for somo time and It Is likely that each house will havo a representation In all of tho events. Comment In regard to tho probablewlnnor seems to bo tinged with considerable uncertainty. After tho meet a matlneo danco will bo given in tho innor gymnasium. Hagenslck's orchestra will bo pres ent and tho music will commence at 2:45 o'clock. Admission of fifty cents will bo charged, to include both tho meet and danco. COL. SMITH NOW IN LINCOLN. He Expresses Disapproval of the Pres ent Demerit System. Col, A. S. Smith of the cadet regi ment is taking his work in Lincoln this semester, and will have chargo of tho theoretical work of tho second year men until It Is completed. Ho ex pressed disapproval on his arrival of tho demerit system In use at present, and hopes he will not have to uso it. Tho final examination In the theoreti cal work will lo held February 13. Thereafter the men will bo given an opportunity to drill tho others and test their own ability to command a company in preparation for tho gov ernment inspection: