"4"'r " " '"'" "" " llll ' J njJ IlKIHliiilllllllMfliit l-in ....i.,.. .. 1T. Tp1 THE DAILY NEBRASKAN THE $ DAILY NEBRASKAN Owned and published by to University of Nebraska througn THE STUDENT PUBLICATION BOARD OfTlccs BaBomont tho Administration Building. Postofllco Station A, Campus, Lincoln, Nebraska. ARCH H. DIN8MORE, Editor. E. H. Taylor, Managing Editor, C. C. Buchanan, Business Manager. 8ubcrlptlon $2.00 per year. Single copies 6c 3 t Faculty notices and University bulletins published free. 1 Entered at tho Postofllco, Lincoln, Nebr., as Bccond cIobb matter under act of Congress March 3, 1870. TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 1912 INTERNATIONAL PEACE DAY. Regardless of whether wo bollovo In a standing army or not, whothor wo considor battleships a protection and nocosslty or a usoloss oxponso to tho nation, or whothor wo would coun tonanco International poaco, wo wol como Rabbi Hlrsch to tho University today. This Is "Pcaco day" at Nebraska. ABOUT POLICIES. Contrary to tho usual custom, laid down by tho long lino of our prcdo cosBors, wo shall not porpotrato any groat list of "shalls" and "wont's" to day. Wo do not caro to destroy any valuablo old traditions, but wo do rattior enjoy tho idea that our readers will bo In susponso for a tlmo. It really makos no great difference what our policy Is, so long as tho Dally Nobraskan is published regularly, and distributed in a satisfactory manner, and after all wo havo something more WQrtby to talk about today a wait of one day will not hurt our "policy" in tho least. They wore pioneers in tho true sense of tho word; thoy dared to attempt a now enterprise, oven against tho odds. Thoy Invested their own "hard cash" in a collogo newspaper. Wo cannot do less than to print their names. LITERARY DEPARTMENT Searle F. Holmes, Editor. IN APPRECIATION. Messrs. Sam R. Buck and Vincent C. Hascall, aftor serving tho Dally Nobraskan in the positions of editor and business managor, respectively, havo takon a back seat. Thoy havo dono thoir Job and havo now decided that posterity must oithor look upon their work with Approval or scorn. Wo, who havo had tho privilege of working with them, print, thoir pic tures today, aB a recognition of their service Wo wish thorn tho samo suc cess in all their undertakings of tho future. LOOKING FORWARD. It Is with some timidity that tho lltorary editor accepts tho duties of tho nowly created offlco. Ho is con fronted by tho ghosts of former "IlFer ary croatures, such as tho "Kioto," and his ears ring with dark threats and murmurs of discontent at tho at tempt to mako tho "Rag" a rhetorical production. Tho start under such a cloud is not encouraging, but it Is to bo hoped that evon this cloud haB a trace of that blue-grey motal in its lining. It may bo consoling to tho long suffer ing reader to know that tho literary column will burden tho paper only once a week, and that tho outbursts will deal with phases of college life, and not with Buch oxhlllarating topics as "unity," "mass," and "coherence." Our first attempt will appear next Saturday morning, and from that time until tho arrival of Spring, whoso balmy days are so propitious to tho expression of inspirations, wo ask for forbearance. STUDENTS' LOCKERS EMPTIED. SOME "RAG" HISTORY. Prof. E. "V. Washburn, of tho Uni versity of Illinois, called at our ofilco ono day last weok (In tho terminology of tho small county newspaper) and wo wish to stato publicly that wo more than enjoyed tho call. Washburn was tho first business manager of the Dally Nobraskan. In 1900 ho became managor of tho Weekly Nobraskan Hesperian, which was at that time about thirty years old. It was under his administration that a stock company was formed to put tho paper on a moro solid basis, and that tho now "name and daily policy woro adopted. Tho Dally Nobraskan, as originally incorporated, was owned by students and faculty members. Tho capital stock amounted to two thousand dol lars, distributed in shares of five dol lars each. A board of directors was olected, composed of two students, two faculty mombers and ono alum nus, J. W. Crabtroo was tho first president of tho board. It was under this management that tho original "Rag" was published, with Mr. Hal Roberts as editor-in-chief. Whilo wo are referring to tho work of tho "old-timers" and pioneers, it is not out of placo that wo go a stop further and honor them. Thoy dot servo credit for tho work thoy did. Misunderstanding Arises Over Expira tion of Rents. Owners of gymnasium lockers spont a trying afternoon Monday when a number of cadet suits wero found scattered about tho locker room and a largo number of rifles turned up miss ing. Tho explanation of tho confused condition lay in tho fact that tho lockers are rented for only a semester instead of a year, as some of tho stu dents had Imagined. When tho period paid for expired, Dr. Clapp ordered the contents of these lockers takon but. Somo of tho Btudonts expressed dis satisfaction with tho action, saying they had notbeen given proper notice. E. W. Washburn Visits School. E. W. Washburn, ox-1903, now pro fessor of physical chemistry at tho University of Illinois, has boon visit ing in Lincoln tho past weok. Ho was at Nebraska University two, years, leaving to comploto his education at tho Masschusotts Institute of Technol ogy. Ho is a member of tho Alpha Theta Chi fraternity. New York Times Puts Out College Section In Sunday Edition. Tho Now York Daily Times has in stituted a collogo section In lfs Sun day edition. A student correspondent has been established at each of the leading universities and all collegiate news of importance will bo published. Second Hand Books will save you money. Call on us before you buy new ones Senior Pins on Sale February Graduates should order Caps and Gowns by February First Multi Ring Note Books ASK TO SEE THEM All Needed Supplies for the Second Semester at The University Book Store 340 North 11th Street Steaming Hot Soda Hot Beef Tea Hot Clam Bouillon Hot Celery Bouillon Hot Orange Hot Chocolate JHiot Tomato Bouillon Hot Lemon Hot Ginger Gefrtir 5 Bk. M CMJVtcrcr S3 r V .00 GOAT SHIRTS Glassy Dope This Is, BUDD 1415 0 69c MHHHHHHIHHHHHHHHHHiHIHHHHHHHMHIHHHHlHHHHIIH Typewriters Any Make Any Price Any Terms Soldand Rented Everywhere When you think of anything in the line of Typewriters, Typewriter Supplies or Typewriter Repairs, think of the Nebraska Typewriter Co. 143 South 13th St. Auto B2086 Lincoln, Nebraska Bell 12?9 1 tf 14 srt -M . - i