THE DAILY NEBRA8KAN CLASSIFIED COLUMN AT THE THEATRES WU f Hr ? I R k. WA' rS4 V ' RGISTRATIOHFOR CHORDS .EXCUSE FROM DRILL TWO DAY8 A WEEK MUST 8EE MRS. RAYMOND. All frcahmon with tho oqulvalcnt of -one hour's credit in prop-BChool drill work may rogistor for tho Chorus in tho socond Homester. Those who do slro to .tako advantago of this oppor tunity have boon requested to soo Mrs. Raymond in tho Science Hall of the Tomplo between tho hours of 3 and 5 o'clock, beforo -Saturday. The UniYorsity Chorus has just taken up a new selection of dramatic naturo and great interest is boing shown in the preparation of tho num ber for tho Matinee Musical. Later bn in tho year some grand opera will bo given with a special orchestra and soloists. Thirty conts pays for tho Best Din ner in Lincoln, at Baker's Cafe. Also high class a la carto sorvice. Wo havo tho big juicy steaks. German Dramatic Club. Mombers of tho Gorman Dramatic Club moot at Townsend's Studio, Tuesday, January 30, at 12 m., to havo CornhuBkor picture taken. WM. REIMER. I devoto all my tlmo to music. Hear my orchestra. All the up-to-dato hits. Thornburg, Tho "Orlo," Auto B-2556 T&P QUIOl REPAIRS Wo mako a specialty of hurry-up jobs, Broken frames whilo yon wait. Tho most complox lonsos quickly duplicated. ESTABLISHED 1871 1143 0 HALLETT THIS WEEK. Tuesday ..11:00 a. m. Convocation. Prof. P. M. Buck, on "Jack London." Momorial Hall. 11:30 a. m. Mid-year graduates meet in Me morial Hall. 5:00 p. m. Mr. C. L. Harknoss at Y. W. C. A. rooms. Miss Stanton will sing. Thursday 11:00 a. m. Convocation. Musical program in Momorial Hall. Friday 5:00 p. m. Convocation. Vorper services. Momorial Hall. 6:Q0 p. m. Student Volunteer mooting. 8:00 p. m. Basketball. Nebraska vs. Ames. Armory. Freshman Law Hop. Lincoln Hotol. Saturday . 8:00 p. m. Basketball. Nebraska vs. Amos. Armory. Informal after gamo. ., Basketball Nebraska vs. Ames Friday and Saturday Informal Satur day. Dean Davis Invited. Dean Davis will deliver tho princi pal address at tho Charter Day oor oisos of the University of South Da kota, Vermillion, on Saturday, Febru ary 3, 1912. rr Make your dates, early with Hagon slck's Orchestra. Auto B-2990. tf Freshman Caw Hop Limited to 85 FrWay. 1 Ttt i It wont stretch, it wont scratch, it wont annoy you our underwear. Simply soft, warm, dur able, comfort giving gar ments. Just now many broken lines at a price Lewis $3 to $5 unions at 1 -4 Off. 75c Lambsdown flleece lined shirts and drawers at 55c. If you're thinking clotnes stop and see our Kensing ton blue serges 25 Off MAGEE & DEEMER Lincoln Aurora Red Oak REGISTERED OPTOMETRIST Shower baths at Green's Barber Shop, 120 No. 11th. Georgo Bros., oxpert printers, en gravers and embossers, 13th and N. BaBkoball and athlotic goods at tho Lawlor Cycle Co.'s store, 1423 O St. tf For your orchestra call O. L. Jones. Ailto L-8G05. C. H. Froy. florist, 1133 O St. tf Wobor Suitorium, 1100 Q St. The Third Regular Term of the University School of Music Begins January 29th Jll Branches of ap plied Music Taught Harmony, History of Music Thiory, Analysis, Pedagogy and Public School Music WARTHON'S Original; Electric, Shoe RepairFactory Always reliable and up to he minute 142 North 12th Street FOUND FOUND Mooro's non-loakablo foun tain pen. Call Arnold, Auto 1500. LOBT WILL tho porson who picked up a black leather purse with a fountain pen, in the Temple, return it to this ofllco and avoid trouble. 77-2t LOST O. H. S. '10 pin, between Fra ternity Hall and S streot. Return to Rag ofllco and 'receive roftard. LOST On campus, Waterman & Moore non-leakablo pen. Return to Rag ofllco and claim roward. 76-3 LOST Two first-year French books. Kindly return to tho Rag ofllco. W. F. Goodman. FOR RENT. FOR RENT Large steam-heated, WiAAAWVSAAAAAAAAAAA strictly modern room, with large closet, and furnished particularly for Btudonts. Convenient to sani tary bathroom; prlvato entrance; 3 blacks from University. Tho Mar quette, 16th and S Sts., Apartment No. 4. AUTO DELIVERY CO. Dell 333 8 Norifc 13 St. Auto 3333 Baggage r: Freight Give us a call Weekly shipments of tho bost thoro is in chocolates. Huyler's 1A hit mean's Lowney'a Aiiearotti's California violots fresh evory day. JVK&l&r Drug Co. 13th and O BASKETBALL; NebrasKa vs. Ames Feb'y 2 ai&d 3 I informal Sat'y Tickets at Co-op. We serve the purest and best HOT and COLD RE FRESHMENTS in the city Student's 3-Course Lunch 15c elrtt Wf Jf m gmJmmMla,M.n.B-Z3jUBBKmE.XL.l RENT YOUR NOW Any Make :: Any Time 3 MONTHS $6.00 The Largest Stock in the West Lincoln Typewriter Exchange Co. 1406 O STREET . Oliver Theatre TONIGHT AT 8:16 AROUND THE CLOCK PRICE8 $1.00 to 25c Thu.r Frl., 8at. & 8at. Mat, Feb. 1-3 KLAW & ERLANGER'8 "THE ROUND-UP" 135 People 20 Horses Night $1.50 to 50c. Mat. $1 to 25c I IHPni II MATINEES (except Monday) LinbULn BVBNINOS AT 8jo ORPHEU a"7o8 advanced vaudeville COMMENCING MONDAY NIGHT, JAN. 29TH "everywife" diamond and nel80n brown, harri8 and brown w. b. patton & co. ethel Mcdonough karl gree8 MATINEE Best Seats 25c NIGHT 15c, 25c 35c, 50c HERPOLSHEIMER'S GAFE Dinner 11 130 to li30 ij" Supper 5i30 to 7i30 IvL Also Cafeterlan Styk Tho Collego Inn BarbejShop. Stu ' dent trade BolIcIteisTL. Chaplin it Co. 127 N. luGT Huyler's Chocolates $1.00 Foutain Pens $1.00 Safety Razors S3 r- V TYPEWRITER T-ry cirl$acr 1 31 See Les Hyde when In need of pro grams, menus and, other printing. Boost for the tyebratkan.