x$?pr THE DAILY NEBRASKAN . - , VM CATALOG READYF0R PRESS SUMMER COURSE WILL BE MORE COMPLETE THAN FORMERLY. CLASSIFIED COLUMN AT THE THEATRES h& . &$ ft. Tho material for the catalog of tho summer Beaton of tho University Is about ready to go to press. Tho courses offered this coming summer will bo more complete than they havo over been before. They will give an opportunity to work ahead to tho In dustrious ones who can botter afford to spend tho summer in that way. The courses have been so arranged that a porson can easily carry nino iours of work. This will bo tho maxi mum number glvon in tho summer courso, however. Fcr graduates from threo-year ac credited schools especially this will glvo an excellent opportunity to make up part of thoir entranco conditions. For all high school studonts the rules as to entranoe apply as in tho regular term. Students who havo matriculated in tho University will register as they would for tho regular term. THE INN. Look for the sign at 119 80. 12th St. Most beautiful cafe In Lincoln and service the best. Quick's Orchestra noon and evening. Aggies vs. Temple Today. Tho Aggie-Temple baskotball game, onco postponed, will bo played this afternoon at 4 o'clock .on tho City Y. M. C. A. floor. Tho first games of tho Intorclass Basketball Tournament at tho Farm wero won by tho Sophomores against tho SonlorB, 23 to 12, and by tho Juniors over tho Freshmen, 14 to 9. Mako your dales early with Hagen slck's Orchestra. Auto B-2990. tf MecHc Picture. All members of tho Medical Society aro to meet in front of Nebraska Hall next Tuesday, January 30, at 1 o'clock sharp for tho Cornhusker picture Ar rangements havo been mado so that each medic may bo absent from labor atory during tho stunt. A. TV. ADSON, President. See Les Hydo when In noed of pro grams, menus and other printing. Notice. All studonts of tho graduato college should havo thoir picturo for tho Corn husker taken on or before February 1, at Townsond's. For further Information call at Townsond's. By order of tho committee A. J. WICKLAND. For your orchestra call 0. L. Jones. AutoL-8G05. Captain Jorgensen Dies, Capt. J. C. Jorgensen, inventor of tho Krag Jorgensen rifle, tho ono used by tho University cadets, died at his homo in Washington last week. Ho enlisted In tho army, where ho dis tinguished himself in tho Indian cam paigns. Whilo In tho service ho In vented the rifle which bears his name. 1 FOUND FOUND A watch. office. Inqulro at Hag 77-1 It wont stretch, it wont scratch, it wont annoy you our underwear. Simply soft, warm, dur able, comfort giving gar ments. Just now many brojeen lines at a price Lewie $3 to $5 unions at I -4 Off. 75c Lambsdown flleecc lined shirts and drawers at 55c. If you're thinking clotnes stop and see our Kensing ton blue serges 25 Off MAGEE & DEElER FOUND Moore's non-lcakablo foun tain pen. Call Arnold, Auto 1509. L08T WILL tho person who plcke'd up a black, leathor purso with a fountain pen, in tho Temple, return it to this office and avoid trouble 77-2t ' . 1 1 , ,1 . 1 1 - -- - LOST O. H. S. '10 pin, botweon Fra tornity Hall and S street. Roturn to Rag offico and recolvo reward. LOST On campus, Waterman & Mooro non-lcakablo pen. Return to Rag offico and claim reward. 76-3 Lincoln Aurora Red Oak LOST Two first-year French books. Kindly roturn to the Rag office. W. F. Goodman. LOST Between Thirteenth street and Unl. Library, open-faco silver watch with chain. Finder return to 330 . No. 13th St. Reward. Oliver Theatre TODAY 2:30 TONIGHT 8:15 HENRY B. HARRI8 PRE8ENT8 The Best Comedy-of the 8eason "THE COUNTRY BOY" MAT. $1 to 50c. NIGHT $1.60 to 50c Tucb., Jan. 30 "Around the Clock." Feb. 1-3 "The Round-Up." LINCOLN MAT,NnBv,!oBN'ariW.,'', ORPHEUM Whr ADVANCED VAUDEVILLE Commencing Mon. Night, Jan. 22. Prize for Women. MIbb Ensign has received a pam phlet announcing another prlzo that is open to Nebraska womon. Tho Naples Tablo Association for Promoting Laboratory -ReBoarch by Women offers ono thousand dollars for tho best thesis written by a woman on a scientific subject. Now observa tions and conclusions, based on inde pendent laboratory research in a bio logical, chemical or physical science, must bo givon. Tho theses submitted must bear 1 pseudonym and bo In tho hands of tho commltteo boforo Fobruary 25, 1913. Anyone wishing further Infor mation should sco Miss Ensign. Shower bathB at Green's Barber Shop, 120 No. 11th. Y. W. C. A. Meetings at Farm. Tho Y. W. C. A. girls of tho Stato Farm moot next Sunday at 2:30 in Agriculture. At that tlmo ono of tho last loBBons of "Lifo of ChrlBt," based on "Harmony of tho Gospels," will bo taken up. C. H. Frey, florist, 1133 O St tt Real Exams at Farm. All next week tho Farm students will swelter through tho somoBtor ex aminations "of blessed memory;" Tho edict against tho grills failed to touch tho Aggies. ' George Bros., oxport printers, en gravers and omboBsers, 13th and N. New Club at Columbia. A social club has been organized at Columbia' for tho purpose of making opportunities for tho studonts to moot tho co-eds of other universities of Now York City. February 9 Lincoln Hotel t Freshman Hop - Tickets $1.25 HgeiicR QrcJera AUTO DELIVERY CO. Bell 333 fi8Norita 13 St. Auto 333a Baggage :t Freight Give us a call ROONEY and BENT. ED. F. REYNARD. CARL WILBUR. HINTON and WOOTON. HARVEY and DE VORA TRIO VIOLIN8KY THE TO88INQ AU8TIN8. MATINEE BE8T 8EAT8 25c NIGHT 16c, 25c, 35c, 50c. Weokly shipmonts of tho host thoro is in chocolates. Huyler's lAhltmon's LoiAney'8 Allearettl'a California violots fresh ovory day. Meier Drug Co. 13th and O HERPOLSHEIHER'S CAFE Dinner Ui30 to h30 C)Er Supper 5t30 to 7(30 LOL Also Cafetctlan StyU Tho Collego Inn Barber. ShopStu dont ttfado 'solicited. S. L. Chapllnx& Co. 127 N. 12th. ., BASKETBALL NebrasKa vs. Ames Feb'y 2 ai&d 3 I in formal Sat'y Tickets at Co-op. We serve the -purest and best HOT and COLD RE FRESHMENTS in the city Huyler's Chocolates $1.00 Foutain Pens $1.00 Safety Razors Student's 3-Course Lunch 15c Gelrit . M. .JMb. M cur'Jwacr RENT YOUR TYPEWRITER NOW . . t Any Make :: Any Time 3 MONTHS $6.00 The Largest 5j:ock in the West Lincoln Typewriter Exchange Co. 1406 O STREET 'v r, n I K' m n