.T f ?"-" v TIbe Bails IRebraehan VOL. XI. NO 74. ONIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, WEDNESDAY JAN. 24, 1912. Price 5 Cents t fa w NEBRASKA INK SLJNGERS AND MANAGERS ANNOUNCED DINSMORE AND BUCHANAN TO HEAD STAFF OF COLLEGE DAILY-NEXT SEMESTER. BOARD CONSIDERS SOME CHANGES Literary Department to Be Edited by Holmes Taylor to Be Man aging Editor. Official notico of tho election of a now Daily Nebraskan staff has been given out by tho student publication board. A. H. Dlnsmore, the present managing editor, was elected to the position of editor-in-chief, with Z. H. Taylor for managing editor. The business department of the paper will "be managed by C. C. Buchanan. A new feature -of the paper will be tho literary Bectlon, which will be in charge of Searle F. Holmes. Ho has been elected to the newly created position of literary editor. Two years ago u special literary edition was put out at Intervals by tho English. Club. K. P. Frederick, who wasedltor .at that time, was not satisfied with th& Idea and tho lssuewas not contin ued. It Is thought that a literary column publtehda" once a week will prove a valudole addition to the paper. New Business System. Anew system of accounts is being .-considered by the board and, while no plans will bo made public at present, It, is said that the business managers will receive more co-operation from tho board In tho future. A complete system of orders, requisitions, checks, card files and account books is being worked out at prosont. Other changes in the business pol icy aro being discussed, but nothing definite has been anounced by tho board. The New Staff Chosen. Tho comploto staff as selected by tho Btudont publication board Is as follows: Editor-ln-chlef,. A. H. Dins more; managing editor, Z. H. Taylor: literary editor, Searle F. Holmes; as soplate editors, F. C. McConnoll and B. S. Hill; business manager, C. C. Buchanan; assistant business mana ger, J. V. Morrison; circulation man ager, L. J. Broen. All of these men, with tho exception of Taylor and Hill, have been identi fied with the paper during the present semester. Both of these men hae had city newspaper experience and aro expected to prove strong addi tions' to tho staff. WANTED Three numbers of tho 1910 Thanksgiving edition of the Daily Nebraskan. Will pay 50c apiece for same. Bring to Nebras kan offloe. 73-5 Of, 4t REGISTRATION DATE. . Official notice has-come from . the7 Registrar's o..ce announc- $ ing that registration for, the $ second semester will start on Wednesday, January 31. Tick- ets and class schedules are now ready for distribution apply at at the Registrar's Office. ' ' ' BBBBBBBBBBBk ItBBEBnlSjBjBBSBBBBBB f i ft bvJBSBHBBBBJBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBJ .BBBBjeuBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBb BBBBBhBbHW r CsSVZwSrVTSlMBBBBT TBJBTrTrwrBCTMBBBlBBBBTBBBBMWBBlMplSSfgMBBBBBBBBISBBBBBBBBBBl BBBBWl SSmSWS1h5BB ' fgll?SIBBBBBMBBgiBSBWBMiiBBBBBBBBW bbbbbBhIi irmlEmm wBHiwhbbtbTbI ' . jJmbTbtbTbmbbTbTbTbTbTbTbTbwbtbJbTbibTbm BBBBBHI :- WHt'- , JBBHrJBBMlBHBKBBBViBSBHBPiBBHHQlBBBSBBBBSBB tBBM bTbTbTbTbTbTbTbTbTbTbTbI.4' fSm.fWHi'MKSKiUmKKKmmKmKtOmm yKsV BBBBBBBH ?7:EBBr BWIBBBIBBBBBBRiBBBBmBBBKTBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBIBK ''VfiBBl H i , WTV'lfSM A!ElBBHnlBHH9lBtBBBBBBlBBHBUL2JBBl BBBBBBUjBBBBilBBHSHBBBB&irrjMHM bbbbbbbbHBbHbbbbbbHbhbHbVXbbVPtbbEbHIIb BHRKBHliHBSHBBWBHiBHIBHBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBilP TBH'iiHHcBnBHHwiBBKiUniBBHfl HIBSbbbbHIbBbBHBPbbbbB!bBbbW THE GREAT NEBRASKA CADET BAND CHICAGO MAN WANTS TO COILECHIFTY DOLLARS EDWARD MANLEY CLAIMS PAT ENT ON EAGER'S GOAL POSTS. LOW PRICE FOR DESIGNS QUOTED No Action Taken In the Matter Two Hundred Dollars Usual Price. One of the most peculiar claims ever brought against tho University of Nebraska athletic management, and taking equal rank with tho claim foi medical services by tho voiceless rooster, Is one that comes from the office of Edward Manley of Chicago. Manager E. O. Eager placed a couple of new-fangled goal posts on Nebraska field last fall and those people who sat upon the grandstand and watched the Cornhuskors take tho games in gave forth many admiring comments. A Patented Goal Post. Now the manager has received a letter requesting that Nebraska pay to Edward Manley fifty large round silver dollars because he thought of the model first and has a patent on tho aforesaid design of goal post. Mr. Manley states that his usual charge for the use of his design is two hundred dollars, but as Nebraska has had them up for some time, ho will And a check for fifty dollars very ac ceptable just now. No action has been taken by tho manager or by the board. DAND HAS MANY FRIENDS ORGANIZATIONS PLAN THEATER PARTIES FOR FRIDAY CONCERT. The University band concert at tho Oliver theater next Friday bids fair to bo a great success. All of tho pro ductions to bo rondored at that time havp been rehearsed over and over again for tho past three weoks and are in' shape to bo glvon oven though no more practices were poBslblo. Four rehearsals, however, are boing held this week. Student organizations aro planning to attend tho concert en masse. It was rumored on tho campus last night that ono of tho cadet companies was planning a theator party in honor of tho occasion. A Nebraskan reporter was Informed by ono student that he understood that Company I was ar ranging to attend In a body, but ho did not know how far tho plans had .been carried. "It Is. mere rumor, bo far as I am able to state," he said, when pressed for a moro definite state ment Other organizations aro reported to be making plans, but nono would have much to say about it. Ono girl boast od that the organization to which sho belonged needed no publicity. "Wo will do our duty by the" band, though," she emphatically announced,. COTTON THIRD ASPIRANT FOR JUNIOR PRESIDENT KEARNEY MAN ENTER8 THE FIELD FOR HONOR8. WZk WARM RACE IS ANTICIPATE! Three Cornered Fight to Occupy the Interest of Third Year Students, Union Meets. t iMflembers of tho Union Literary Society will meet at Townsend'a Studio, Saturday at 1:00 o'clock, for the Cornhuskor picture. Fresh Hop Plans. The members of the Freshman Hop committee are . requested to meet in the "Rag" office, Thursday at 11:00 i m. TYPHOID SCARE AT FARM BUT ONE STUPENT ILL AND NO EPIDEMIC OF DI8EA8E 18 FEARED. But one student of the State Farm has typhoid fever. F.. O. 'Arnold fs re ported very low with the disease, "Principal Hunter warned all the stu dents against the city water and his warning stands vindicated, for Mr. Arnold's' illness was caused by drink ing the condemned supply. The Farm water system is Independent of the city plant and is absolutely safe. Harry Cotton, a junior engineer, has announced himself as (ho third candl date for the presidency of tho class of 1913. Cotton is from Kearnoy, is a mem bor of tho Engineering Society, and played on tho Junior football team. He Is also a member of tho Sigma Phi Epsllon fraternity, and Is master of ceremonies of tho Junior Prom. There aro two other candidates In tho field for tho honor of Junior presi dency, namely, Randall and Forbes, and with this new addtlon tho coming race promises to bo tho hottest tho class of 1013 has over seen In any of its previous elections. It is even, whispered about that other candidates will bo announced to tho unsuspecting' public whon the "proper, time comes." NOTED CRITIC HERE. Dr. Jenkln Lloyd lones to Address Thursday Convocation. Dr. Jenkln Lloyd Jones of Chicago will be the speaker at tho Thursday morning convocation. Dr. Jones is a speaker of national reputation. Ho was the organizer and first president of tho Chicago Browning Society. His address' here will be on "Browning." WEATHER REPORT. for Lincoln and Vicinity: Fair and warmer,, with no change In tempera ture. Variation of temperature from 26 to 42 above zere. ii . NiSr. x . .( Jit, tt i ., v .-, .ttw'fe.'' m..-i -i- v.s i-W -Nrtviw ti V,' .