THE DAILX NEBRASKAN fcv I . j NEBRASKA FIVE BUCK VICTORS IN EVERY BATTLE Tho CornhuBkor basketball team re turned Sunday from tholr vory buc coBBful trip Into tho field of tho Kan eas bcIiooIb and brought back ovcry game, all of which woro hotly con tostcd. At tho KanaaB Ag. School tho game camo Into the Nebraska fold 2G to 2f. OlbBon 1b touted by tho Aggies to bo tho beat player that over played on tho farmers' floor. Haskell comes closo second In tholr mind. Tho gamos at tho Unlvor<y of Kanaas woro both Nebraska's at a acoro of 30 to 2G. Tho games wero vory cIobo with honors bolng about ovonly divided In field goals and all around work. Frank and. Carrlor starred. For your orchestra call O. L. Jonos, Auto L-8005. NEBRASKA FIVE WINNERS ACCOROING TO GRIFFITH According to Coach Griffith of Drako, Nobraska has tho winning MiBSOuri Valloy Conforonco basket ball toam. "It looks llko Nebraska for tho basketball championship of tho valloy. Tho scoro of our recont game doou not Indicato tho fight put up by our mon, but wo woro badly outclassed. Howovor, tho NobraBk.i floor was much smaller than ours and I will predict that thoy will win overy gamo within It, for thoy know how to uso every Inch of space. Owen Frank and GlbBon aro both football players who havo mado good In tho lino of baskot-toBslng." NEBRASKA RIFLE TEAM HOLDSJNITIAL SHOOT Tho Yates Rlflo Team hold its first competitive shoot on Saturday, Janu ary 20. Elovon men who woro previ ously picked shot twenty scores and tho highest five in each shoot woro counted together to mako tho team" Bcoro. Saturday two shoots woro hold, ono ngainst Iwoa, and another against Michigan. Nobraska came out the bet ter of Michigan by 8 points. The Iowa score wob 901, a record. Tho BcoreB against Iowa woro is follows: Foonstor . . .17887 standing, 91 prono DrcBhor . . . .170 8G standing, 90 prono Ounthor . . . .171 72 standing, 92 prono RobortB .... 1GI 75 Btandtng, 89 prono Wohlenborg 10472 standing, 92 prono x .853 vs. Iowa 901 Michigan: .17188 standing, 80 prono .17293 standing, 79 prono .159 78 standing, 81 prono .15980 standing, 70 prone . 158 82 standing, 70 prone Total ....822 vs; Michigan 814 Georgo Bros., oxport printors, on gravorB and omboBsorB, 13th and N. Total . . . Against Gunther . . . Dreshor . . . Graham . . . Feonster . . RobortB . . . Daskoball and nthlotlc goods at tho Lawlor Cyclo Co.'s store, 1423 O St. tf Notice. All freshmon who playod on tho froBhman football team pleaso moot In tho "Rag" ofllco, Tuesday at 1 p. m. sharp to arrange for CornhuBkor pic ture. BOB M'FARLAND, President. Tho underclassmen of tho Sigma Phi Npsllon fraternity entertained at an Informal danco at tho chapter .house Saturday evening. Mako your dates early with Hagon alck's Orchostra. Auto B-2990. tf nnm-anra-an Stiv; -i !",' r" .,'- - ft w . , f Xi- 4 "V. ' t 4. m nz. ' fbift"0liQt ' i&qt &' ii4,miWsw&s:f& u' a i'z&mmmMmm '&fs? ;- Mmimvmm. "fMm ' i."iZ JTA 4 ''Aff '-L ihs&4. AV - . V. V 'AWS .'(. i.-rvsiys r mmjidM$i jr jttrrrrrkaT- ,rm v. ' Vi$.,Y. a ';? :mmmmmMMmmiarm- . , ,A'.i '"?, x ,: r. 'v frrrrrvK atksr.3iar y 5r , vtt,"tA v I'A.i'mrrmimmKmi '. . rktsm&w, ; w&s&mfM&immmmmmmw.sjgWt'sr. -'W ZX'fr v ,SMy7VSmmmmmmmLK&&A mmmmmmmmmK. Tfc. ..' jL S 3"&.X 'MX't!U,-H-------W7V".hY( jmm- X.:-" ,w ' ''MEiiM ki ' rrrrrrwr x-v, r , 'ivyet i-kt------b' sHsarsw it' JIH "'' mmmmmmmmWial r ??M mm lr 'itM mtmmmmmMMMMmWBKUtik- '$ . OmBMmk!MAwF&lB Vmmmmmmmmmm: fk flBBnll kk ,&, ' EKKSKr mmmmmmmmmm 4 MmnmmWfmmBiiKM mmmmmmWBmmmmmmmmmmYr i HUBWwHl KmKsMWWWWWmBmMWWWm mm3mmmW&lmBBLm&2mmmWmmmmmK Jlll M' .( - " , 84&jg$iZ.J ""'1 ' ' i -v, A r '--". . ? V l. .j' . , : 21 .,'-'. rr.-r j. Tw :& J'lirPl " ','iiA r 'rj. . ' jiK;- .-a-5S! SCENE FROM THE LAUGHING SUCCESS "SEVEN DAYS" At The Oliver - Tonight at 8:15 This January Clearance Sale Stands for Quality V Our clothes are built, on Quality, not a quantity basis. They are double-satisfaction-giving kind now selling at about one-third their real value. You will find here larger stocks than you will find in the combined stocks of any three stores in town. There is no garment in our entire store but what has a sane style reason for its existence and not a garment but what you would be protid to own and to be seen in. (j This Is the. Way Our Janvary Sale Deals with All Men's Suit and O'coats Lot I at $7.85 This lot embraces all men's suits and over coats that formerly sold at 10, 12.50 and 13.50. Lot 2 at $11.85 c ) I This lot embraces all men's suits and over coats that formerly sold at 15, 16.50 and 18.00. Lot 3 at $14.85 This lot embraces all men's suits and over coats that formerly sold at 20.00 and 22.50. Lot 4 at $1885 This lot embraces all men's suits and over coats that formerly sold at 25.00 and 27. 5Q, Lot 5 at P2.85 Embraces all men's suits and overcoats that formerly sold at 30.00, 35.00 and 40.00. Armstrong Clothing Co. GOOD CLOTHES MERCHANTS LINCOLN, NEBRASKA ii 41 1 AJ i" 11 -V K 1 n . k. i i. VH .m V A .T " 61