The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, January 23, 1912, Image 1
$ .- " yf if -w i,mT'r - ftbe 2)atls IFlebraeftan VOL. XI. NO 73. UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, TUESDAY JAN. 23, 1912. Price 5 Cents " "-"j 4 i r 6 f j k a REGISTRATION BEGINS IN EARNEST WEDNESDAY TICKETS BEING DISTRIBUTED ALL THIS WEEK AT REGISTRAR'8 OFFICE. HOPE TO AYOID USUAL CONGESTION Schedules Published in Pamphlet Form and Contain Full Information. GdRNHUSKER STAFF FORMAL DRE88 SUITS LEND DIGNITY TO A VERY EXCLU8IVE AFFAIR. Assignment and registration tickets wore being given out yesterday In the ofllco of the Registrar. A good many students who did not have classes ob tained their tlckots on this, the first, day, and thus insured an early regis tration. The cards are numbered and are good only for the hours marked on them. They also bear the notico that all applications must he approved at loast the day before registering. Registrar Rutledgo said, "There is no hurry about getting the tickets, since they are to bo given out all week. However, the less general de lay there is about attending to these things the faster the registration as a whole will go off." Ho adviBed all studonts to have their schedules made out this weok, and to see the advisers about their sub jects. The second semester schedule, is out and will bo distributed today. It is in booklet form, with all classes grouped under the department head as usual, i The first day of registration will-bo Wednesday morning at 9:00 o'clock. Rules for registering, times for each class, and all information can bo ob tained from the booklet. Students aro allowed two consecu tive hours for registering in all claBseB.' " , The Cornhusker Staff established a precedent Saturday night by giving u formal party. The affair, which was very exclu sive, in that it oencerned only twelve couples, was held at the Alpha Tau Omega house; It began with a com plicated grand march and ended with a lunch of sandwiches and coffeo. Naturally, the atmosphere was de cidedly literary, and sparkled with wit and humor, somo of which will bo reproduced in the Cornhusker. The affair Itself was, however, formal only In appearance, for there were no pro grams, and nono of that restraint so prevalent at formal affairs. After the smoke of tho "flashlight" had cleared away, willing freshmen set forth tho bounteous feast, wjiich was ornamented by impromptu, but flowery toasts. Those present were: Messrs. Dana "Van Dusen, Burton Hill, .Sam Buck, Harry Coffee, Ralph Sweoley, Soarlo Holmes, Allen Newman, Guy Reed, Zackery Taylor, Mark Hargroavbs and Frank Bocken; Misses Ruth Evans, Grace Carter, Lojs Logan, Au gusta Houston, FrancoB Nolan, Mc Coman, Ruth Tlbbetts, Ruth Grlovlsh and Katharine Yatos. GO-EDS ANXIOUS TO KNOW INTER80RITY MEET PLAN8 HOLD , JOKER FOR SOME-ONE. PROFESSOR (ONANT AT MICHIGAN LAW PROFESSOR TO TEACH AT ANN ARBOR NEXT SUMMER. COUNTY FAIR ABANDONED. Preparations for "The Trail" Being Made Rapidly. Preparations aro now going for ward for the presentation of "Tho Trail," to bo given Saturday evening, January 27, under tho auspices of tho Young Women's Christian Assocla tlqn. "The Trail" will bo an historical pageant based upon frontier llfo and will take tho place of tho "County Fair" of former years. Each sorority, and tho various mixed organizations, Including the Historical Society, will help, each giving a "stunt." Plans for these should bo In tho Y. W. C. A. office for approval by Thursday, Janu ary 25t General admission 1b ten cents, and rtho admission to the different booths, five or ten cents each. The chairmen of tho different com mittees In charge are; Trail Alvlna Zumwlnkel, Sororities Louise Curtis. General Organizations Alma Sulli van. ' Posters Mary Holcomb. Advertising-Winifred Soeger. Tlckots Gerna Montgomery. Professor Conant, of tho College of Law, will give ono of tho'coursos on "Property" at tho Summer Session of the University of Michigan, beginning Juno 24th. Tho work will bo prac tically tho Bamo as that covered by Proporty I In tho law course hero, volumes I and II of Gray's Cases be ing UBed. The Summer Session of tho Law Department at Michigan gonorally en rolls about two hundred studonts. Nebraska co-eds aro wondering Just who Is tho goat. Tho commltteo for tho Charter Day track meet announced a fow days ago that thoro would bo an inter-sorority relay raco this year at tho meet. All sororities wero urged to begin prac ticing at onco for the great event. Tho sororities took this seriously enough as a duty to thoir school, and several applications for tho ubo of tho Gymnasium wero filed with tho com mittee J -Tho commltteo was then forced to xplaln. So yesterday morning postal cards wero sent to tho various or ganizations, urging them to select it team of mon to represont them In tho rolay raco, or to have ono solocted for them. Now, will Bomeono pleaso onlighton tho fair co-eds? Ib tho joke on them or on tho committee? KOSMET TO PRESENT lORIGINAUjOMIC OPERA 8TUDENT COHAN8 TO VENTURE INTO NEW FIELD8. NEWEST SOCIETY ORGANIZATION Enterprising Club Will Present Play at the Oliver Theatre, May 3d. BAND AT CONVOCATION NEBRASKA'S "RAG TIME BAND" TO GIVE CONCERT. German. Club Elects. "Dor Deutsche Geselllgo Vereln" met at tho home, of Miss Marjorlo Selleck, Thursday evening, January 18. The following members wore in Itlatod: Nell Brldenbaugh, Vorna Hydor, Bertha Roach and Searlo Holmes. The officers for the new semester wero elected as follows: President Alurlno Zumwlnkel. Vice-president Herman Wlobo. Secretary-treasurer Ella Morrison. Tho University band will bo tho at traction at Convocation this morning Tho program is as follows: March NIobolunger Wagner Intermezzo La Cinquantaino Tho Rod Men . . Sousa Loose Lucas Succossor to "Alexan der's Band." Tho appearance of the. band at this timo will furnish a rousing prelimi nary to tho big band concort at tho Oliver Friday night. . A largo section has already boon reserved by tho Aggies for this ovont. Guaranteed Water. Nebraska students no longer neod to bo afraid to drink tho gormless liquid that Is furnished gratis by tho Unierslty authorities. ,A1I doubts as to its safety wore removed when tho following notico was poBted b Dr. Walte: Tho Chancellor has Informed mo that arrangements have been mado to supply University boys with pure water at tho Chemical Laboratory. University women may obtain tho same at tho Ladles' Rest Room in tho Armory. Water obtained from either of these places is guaranteed to be ABSOLUTELY SAFE. Dr. Walto, Tho University of Paris, Franco, is the largest ln the world, having a total enrollment of 17,512 students. This university was, organized seven hundred years ago and it is the sec ond oldest in the world. RESOLUTIONS OF THE JUNIOR LAW CUSS Whereas, It has pleased Almighty God in JIIs wisdom to call from among us, our boloyed fellow claBBmate, Everett Jenks, of tho Junior Law Class of tho University of Nebraska; and Whereas, Wo reallzo that in his death tho class has lost one of its loyal and beloved members; therefore, bo it Resolved, That wo, tho Junior Law Class, do deeply, mourn tho loss of our fellow clasBmato; and be it Resolved, That wo express our sincere sympathy to the family of the deceased in their bereavement; and bo it further Resolved, That a copy of these resolutions bo sent to tho fam- ily of tho deceased, and that a copy be printed in "The Daily Ne braskan." ' For the Class, . C, S. RADCLIFF. - . - ' J. P. EBERT. E. M. CUNE. "Tho Diplomat" an original comic opora, written by Professor Scott of tho English dopartmont in colabora tlon with a trio of undorgraduatbs, , will bo prosonted In tho Ollvor Thoa tor, May 3d noxt by tho KoBmot Klub of tho University. This decision was reached at a meeting of tho Kosmets last weok, at which timo tho play was heard and accepted Tho Kosmot Klub Is tho youngost of Nebraska organizations,, having boon formed temporarily lato last Bprlng, and this is tho first attompt of tho kind that Nobraska studonts havo undertaken. Competition Is Open. Tho Klub membership Is limited to male undergraduato studonts, but tho play as accopted contains six fomato parts In addition to tho chorus, which aro opon to general University com petition. Tho tryouts will bo held at throo o'clock on tho afternoon of Sat urday, February 3, In tho Music Hall of tho Tomplo, and dressing rooms will bo provided for those who wish to appear In costume. Tho problom of securing mon cav, nablo of taking women's Darts sue cessfully was rogarded as a veiBTii grave ono by tho Klub, but this' PtaHf?l has finally boon set upon, and It IHl I hoped by tho promoters that a larg number will prosent thomsolvos that time arrayed in whatever foml nlno finery is availablo to each. Honorary Organization. At tho last meeting of tho Klub now plan for election to'momborshti was adopted, looking toward making choice, to this socioty ono of tho high est student honors In college. The so-called "fratf' and "barb" linos arc entirely abolished, tho Klub will br limited probably to fifteen or twenty! active mombers, and oloction opon only to second and third year mon who havo taken either a part in ono of tho productions or an especial! Interest in the work of the Klub, with- out regard to affiliations of any na ture. All parts in all the productions arc to bo thrown opon to general com-j petition, and tho presentations will bo so arranged as not' to interfere with .the class plays or tho Dramatic! Club productlpns. Tho present membership of the Klub comprises tho- following men: Meade, Whitcomb, Hornborgor, Hill,' Holmes, Stoinhart, Boyles, Pomerene, Guthrlo, Scott, Graves, Gist, Randall, and Buck. Catholjc 8tudents Dance. A crowd of more than seventy couples enjoyed tho annual dance of the Catholic Students Club Saturday night in Fraternity Hall. Jos. Y. Johnson was master of ceremonies, while L. J. Breen managed the hop. WEATHER FORECAST. For Lincoln and .vicinity: Fair and temperature steady, '-r1 ', 4 ."S. & iV'&y i.yr'- j "f.tjj : ft m