;v THI DAILY N1BRASKAN K M w ; ;y t 1" , 1 rfn'!I r tirlftWMr rESHf m Intervals becpncs a roaring torrent; it presents a rainbow of colors, it is bordered by clusters of conversation alists and eternally breathes of mem orles. Thus It 1b that these nine white steps with their red-Btono ledges are not the sordid things which they ap pear, but are in reality the cradle of gosBip, the home of dates, tho bed for a consTaht stream of social activities. Mr. D. W. Eichor, father of Miss Winnifred Etcher, of the staff of the Dally 'Nebruskan, died at his home in Burbank, California, Wednesday. We wish to extend our sympathy to our fellow student in her -bereavement. CALENDAR. Friday-' j, 5:00 p. m. Convocation. Vespers. 8:00 p. m. Senior Prom. Lincoln Hotel. Senior party, School of Agricul ture. Temple. Beta Theta Pi, freshman dance. Delta Zcfta dance. Union Society. Palladian Society. Forestry Club. Saturday 2:30 p. m. . Girls' Club "Kid" party. Me t morial Hall. - " 8:00 p. m. "The Amazons" cast party. Catholic 'Students' Club dance. Fraternity Hall. Kappa Sigma dance. Temple. Gymnasium GirTs' dance. Cornhusker Staff dance at Alpha Can't Shake Them Off TherVe- mado to'flt tho face tho "nose, tho oyes and thoy stay on Shur-On. They do tho eyes a world of good, and don't spoil your looks or your temper. ESTABLISHED 1871 11431 HALLETT Tau Omega house. Sigma Phi Epsilon dance. Verein Germ'ania. Teguer. Agricultural Club. Students' Debating Club. The Hyde Prlntery, 1331 ,P St., up-to-date printing of all kinds. For your orchestra call O. L. Jones, Auto-0Lr8605. Thirty cents pays for the Best Din? rfer in Lincoln, at Baker's Cafe. AIbo high class a la carto Bervlco. We have the big juicy steaks. C. H. Frey, florist, 1133 O St. ,fcf Tickets $ 1.25 - - 1 ' BBBBBBBb 1 1 1 1 BBBBwIHfekns Catholic Students' Club i f y, - 4ryw 1- Wv-i! - ,-f) SfS4i dance: (LIMITED) no MowcSJ,m. Some things you should not do juat now, and some you should. You should stop and see the Kensington blue serges that we offer this week 1-4 off. Proper for semi-dress functions or business wear appropriate for all sea- sons. Thoroughly stylish, per fect in fit and reliable in quality. Don't forget $20, $25 and $30 suits at $15, $18.75 and $22.50. ' MAGEE & DEEMER Lincoln Aurora Red Oak REGISTERED OPTOMETRIST Le Bruns in Opera at Oliver. The great Le Brun Grand Opera Quartette wJU appear at the Oliver, Monday, January 22, on" the Y. M. C. A. course. Tickets for this musical treat on sale Friday morning at tho Oliver cbox office. .Only 100 available at 50 cents to Sl.Op. Order by phono now. Weber Suitorlum, 1100 O St. Notice. On account of tho death of Miss Eichor's fathor, theuAchoth Society will not have open house Sunday. Make your dates early with Hagen slck's Orchestra. Auto B-2900. tf The moment you .put on clothes made to your meas ure, you see the vast differ ence between merchant tailored and ready made. . Our way costs no more. Besure to see our linef irst. College Tailors I College View, Nebraska Phone - Jones9 Orchestra Jf-fTV fT? ' 4 -, Aft CLASSIFIED COLUMN BOARDING GOOD BOARD at.1320 S St, 3.50 per week; without breakfast, $3.00; homo cooking. Try it. 07-5 L08T LOST A tan lined kid glovo, on walk east of campus. Finder return to "Rag" office. 09-1 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN A 'coin purso, containing two koys and small change, was takon from the desk by the door in tho ofllco of BngliBh Litoraturo, Library, Wod nesday afternoon, January 10th. Leave the purse and koys at the Librarian's desk, general reading room within the noxt two days and avoid personal notice. LOST Delta Tau stick pin on campus. Return to Rag office. FOR RENT. FOR RENT 8plendid room for two, with private family; well lighted and heated; every convenience; accommodations excellent. Q30 No 10th St.' Auto 7170. FOR 8ALE FOR SALE Dress suit, slzo 36, in good condition.' Owner 'has out grown suit. Call B-29&9. Ask for F. S. P. 70-3 AUTO DELIVERY CO. Dell 333 118 North 13 St. Auto 3333 Baggage :: Freight , Give us a call Weekly shipments of tho best tho 10 is in chocolates. Huyler's Uhitman's Lowney's iiarretti'a California violets frosh every day. JVY&l&r Drug Co. 13th and O flfSee us for your f next job of printing. Personal aupervison enables us to make each job please. 128 N. 14 St. M75 piHTina 1ft iMcoui-nciit. We serve the purest and best HOT and COLD RE FRESHMENTS in the city Student's 3-Course Lunch 15c 7ef?if migomm Tfl IMvm'MII&fZlcrW - BWlT RENT YOUR NOW Any" Make :: Any Time 3 MONTHS 6.00 , '' " The Largeit Stock in the WW ' Lincoln Typewriter Exchange Co 140O STREET AT THE THEATRES it Oliver Theatre 8AT. MAT. & NIGHT, JAN.V20. X Cllftnn Mallnrv anrl Cnmnant in the English Comedy "DAVID GARRICK" Mat. 50c & 25c Night $1 to 25c Jan. 23 "8evcn Days" Jan. 24 "Excuse Me" LINCOLN ""IttS-X?'.",?.""" ORPHEUM EK, ADVANCED VAUDEVILLE Commencing Mon. Night, Jan. 16th "THE COURTIER8" M08HER, HAYE8 & M08HER CONRAD AND VHIDDEN THE ARLINGTON FOUR MABELLE ADAM8 & CO. LOUGLIN'8 COMEpY DO68 ZANO Matinees Best Seats 25c Night 16c, 25c, 35c and 50c HERPOLSHEIMER'S CAFE Dinner Ut30 to It30 1C Stfpper 5i30 to 7i30 JC Alto Cafatarlan Styla WARTHON'S Original, Electric, Shoe Repair Factory Always reliable and up to he minute 142 North 12th Street All students should visit the "Col lege Inn Barber Shop at 127 North 12th. S L. Chaplin, .Prop. Huyler's Chocolates $1.00 Foutain Pens $1.00 Safety Razors TYPEWRITER v. it'.. ciJH'jiiQrGr Jfam. 20, '12, fttO v, , Vr u m.r- , ,V- -Afr . j 1 ""j.S'ifj: r -j vfc. Fraternity Hall