xrrz "V"11 ' '"MwawwMieMMWfJ 'Jfe THE DAILY NIBRABKAN t. .,- J- yWy t i BASKET TQSSERS OFF " ON FIRST BIG TRIP This, morning the basketball team started on the first trip of the year. They left ut 0:45 this morning for the Jtiyhnwker agricultural IuiuIb to meet the quintet at the Uiwrence Farm. They will reach Manhattan ut 12:30, barring snow drifts on route. The Sunllowor farmers have run out of coal and .there is neither heat nor light in the gymnasium. So, after u hasty vlBlt to the pie counter, Coach Stlehm will gather his husky warriors Into their overcoats and send them on the floor at 2:!I0 in the afternoon. This after dinner game will be quite an ovutlon. The men who will heed the call of the coach are Captain Frank, Car rier, Haskell. Gibson, Hiltner, Stryker. und,Nagle. After the skirmish with the 'Aggies the CornhUBker live will sweep down on the university of the grand old, state of Kansas. At Lawrence they Avlll play both Friday and Saturday nights. All of the games are expected to be close. FRESHMAN BASKET-CALL! SqUADJHINNED OUT The freshman basketball squad is suffering from a numUer of things, the principal one being tho absence of playors. Cold weather has undoubt edly affected a number of the men, but two of tho centers have boen laid up, Bauman with a bruised ankle and Finley with the grippe. When the weather becomes any thing but warm the bunch got a bad attack of cold feet when It came to risking an ear In the cold. "Mon who expect to make next year's 'varsity," said Coach Reynolds, "should turnout this year, for their work is wutched and will be counted when they show up at practice next year." Daskeball and athletic goods at tho Lawlor Cycle Co.'s store, 1423 O St. tf FORESTRY ANNUAL OUT SOON WILL APPEAR EARLY NEXT SE- ME8TER WITH NEWS FOR FORESTERS. C. H. Frey, florist, 1133 O St. tf Montgomery Writes Back. Professor Montgomery, who recent ly resigned his position here to ac cept one at Cornell, has written that he has arrived there and is well pleased. He sends his regards to his friends and former students. Tho Forestry Club Annual, which Is now being prepared, will be published some time next semester. This Is to be the best number that the forestorB have ever put out and will contain some very interesting material. Any body desiring a copy will have to place his order with E. T. Wohlenber ger before Fobruary 1. The price of the Annual will be one dollar. AG. SOCIETY AT TEMPLE NEBRASKA FARMERS .ATTEND LECTURES BY GOOD SPEAKERS. A large crowd of the visiting dele gates to the Nebraska Agricultural Society met at the Temple last night. Mr. V. Atwell gave a lecture on- "The Story of My Farm Boys." Another address was given by Miss McKay on "Home Economics as Re lated to Farm Life." A male quartette provided good musical numbers. STUDENTS HELD. UP. Boyles and Somervllle Stuck forChew of Tobacco. D. S. Boyles and W. M. Somervllle were the principals In a comedy that to them was anything but a comedy. On tho night of tho Dramatic Club play they came off tho stage and started home. As they went up tho dark street a rough voice ordered "Hands up," and the actors lost no time In doing so. "Have you got a chew of tobacco?" came from tho hold-up man. Upon a negative answer, he put his scissors, which by this time looked like a "gat" to the 'stuck-upa, into his pocket and walked "down tho street singing carols of glee. Despite the pledges of secrecy the story leaked out and the old story of, you ain't no robber I& flglitlng word to the victims of the wave of crime. Tshoe Sale 10 to 50 per cent dis count on , all vShoes, oxfords and, slip pers, except Walkover, Douglas and Sorosis. . Rogers; & Perkins Co;, 1129 0 street. ' 4 Weber Sultorlum, 1100 O St. UNIVERSITY JEWELER & OPTICIAN C. A. Tucker JEWELER S. S. Shean OPTICIAN 1123 0 STREET YELLOW FRONT Your Palronagi Solicited SIMMONS the PRINTER PRINTING ENGRAVING EVIBOS8ING Auto. 2319. 317 South lath St. For yourStoaks, Chop and Quick Service Visit The New York Chop House Open Day and Night 1840 O Street WALT Stands for the latest and best in Sheet Music' 1215 O St. HERPOLSHEIMER'S CAFE Dinner H:30 to Ii30 'Iff. Supper 5i30 to 7i30 LvL Also Cafsterlati Styla ?3v v- . J3lMfRi ' .;,' '-:v. o " JBatv MtTsV i.? jvy foiJSSJSJSJSJSjBJBJpjf 1 -.,.,-. -:.' rMfHHHHHV ,$, w wSfaBBKHt' wKmIBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBT yi vw&4HaaaaaaaaaaBk JOroBBfeVElBTajrvBaaaaaaaaHaaaW?'?!'!! BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBa BSirSHKioILL I .?BBaBBBaBBBBBBBBB - ' " wSaWnRBMlft. wlnBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBl """"""SaHBaaaS "' x muBiWaiMliy'' TliPB"-" "1 BBBBBBBBv Bjhk ' BSHwfTBBBBBMBBBtft yBBBBBBBMr wv w t - .JBBBBBBBBB7.4 W,( ' WmBBKR rBBBBBBli I v.?.4.x--vi Pr ,.BBl BBVBBVBABVBVBVBB'-iBVBVSBVBKLBJ- l '' z " 9BBb BVBBMVBBBBBBBBBBttfiMBwJBS uteVaMTS I '" S?"' &, .V'.vl m ;BaBBaaaaaBMaBBMattl 'am Jml txijmmm n BHBBBa bbbbbbbF' & avfo & .aaaaaaaaaav aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaTflafH IJaaaaaaaaal aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaVflt IIBallBallBallBallBaW -T MBawJaBBBBBaBaWflVRPlMH I bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbi " vwta ,v.vi.'Ny''yisu,'.?u. ,VMtaiA' . aV vt VI SbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbV BBBHBHBHBHBBBJ jt ' - U y Ij Jfa BMBMBMBMBMBMBMBBJ I Scene from Bud Fisher's Original Creatior "MUTT AND JEFF" A Musical Comedy Success with 50 People At the Oliver, Today 2:30. Tonight 8:15 J. C. WOOD and CO. Th Bst Is Always ths Chsapsst 1322 N St ' Auto 1292. Ball 141 GLEANERS and DYERS c ?;?," DO YOU REALIZE THAT These are the men that make .this paper possible? The subscription price isn't a drop in the bucket. They help us; we must help them. PATRONIZE THE MEN ON THI8 LI8T (IDbWBik They Will Treat You Right BAGGAGE Auto Delivery Co. BANKS First Savings Bank , , Central National Bank BAKERIES Folsom , BARBER SHOPS Chaplin Green's CLEANERS . J. C. Wood & Co. 1 Lincoln Cleaning and Dyo Worlu. Weber CLOTHING Armstrong Clothing Co. Farquahar Flodeon & Brothouwor Magoo & Doemer Mayor Bros. Palace Clothing Co. ., Speler & Simon COAL ' Whitobroast CONFECTIONERY- Lincoln Candy Kitchen DRY GOOD3 Millor Sc Paine Rudge & Gueuzel DRUGGISTS Molor Drug Co. Rlggs FLORISTS C. H. Frey FURNISHINGS , ". Armstrong Clothing Co. Budd Mageo & Doemer " Mayor Bros. Palaco Clothing Co. .Speler & Simon Rudge & Guenzel HATTERS Armstrong Clothing Ue. Budd Magee & Doemer J" Mayer Bros. Palaco Clothing Ct. Spolor & Simon Rudge & Guenzel JEWELERS Hallott ' - Tucker LAUNDRIES Evans x MUSIC Walt Hagonslck Thornburg OPTICIAN Shean Hallott PRINTERS George Bros. Hyde Printery Simmons Van Tine RESTAURANTS Herpoisnolmer Y. M. C. A. Spa Baker's Cafe SHOES Budd Men's Bootery Mayer Bros. Miller Sc Paine TAILORS Flodeon & Brothouwer College Tailors. THEATERS Oliver Orphoum TYPEWRITERS Lincoln Typewriter Exchange . u :. AV- PrtiSSiWu' r&firt f tt: vi r . "'"i, CENTRAL N1TI0H1LBIHK 12th tmi O Street P. i. H ALL. PU4nt F. K. JOHNON, Vlc-Pmlt ' ' 1ft W. HACltNSY, JR., Am. Owlu l