!','. . THE DAILY NEBRASKAN w b ' 1 ' . THMB DAIliY NEBRASKAN Owned and publlaliod by fe University ofNcbrnskn. througii ' THE STUDENT PUBLICATION BOARD ' OfflceH Dasemont tlio Administration Building. , ' . Postofllco Station A, Campus, Lincoln, Nebraska. Day Auto 1888. TELEPHONES Night Auto 3145, Ed. 1035, Bus. Mgr. 4206 SAM R. BUCK, Editor-in-Chief EDITORIAL A. H, Dlntmore, Managing EdltoV P. C. McConncll, Associate Editor Searlo F. Holmes, Asfloclato Editor Stuart Gould, City Editor E. Leo Updcgruff, Sporting Editor REPORTORIAL Ii. A. Bcchtcr Hugh Agor Wallaco B. Troup William O. Cooloy WOMEN'S DEPARTMENT Ruth Mungor FARM DEPARTMENT Editor, H. O. Hewitt Joseph MBCarthy John Harding "W. A. Nelson Mcrrlll.'Rccd Winifred Harm Wlnnlficd Elchnr J. LoVoJoy Linn Kenneth M. Snyder Wlnnlfrcd Sccgar E. C. Nelson Henry Bull Henry Stubbo Robert Brlggs Haxel Wcstover Abigail McConnell BUSINE88 VINCENT C. HA8CALL, BU8INE8S MANAGER C. C. Buchanan, Asat. Bga. Mgr. J. V. Morrison, Circulation Mgr. Subscription $2.00 per year. Single copies 6c Faculty,, notices and University bulletins published free. O Entored at the, Postofrice, Lincoln, Ncbr., as second class matter under act of v ' Congress March 3, 1879. THURSDAY, JANUARY 18, 1912 NOTICE. Applications for election to the posi tions of editor-in-chief, managing edi tor, two associate editors, business manager, assistant business manager and circulator of the Daily Nebraskan for the second semester of the current year will be received at the office of the 'Secretary of the Student Publica, tion Board, Adm. 203, until 12 o'clock noon, Friday, Jan. 19, 1912. Applications to be made on form which will be' furnished by the Secre tary. A. A. REED, Secretary. We have all decided to study hard every night between now and exami nation time and now wo are pleased to take a test' each day in place of the finals. Great world, isn't it? Cheer up, it might be worse.- Yes terday the weather man gave ub a chance to pot our nose out of doors without having ft frostbitten. Registrar III. Registrar Rutledge has been out of the office since Monday with lllncBS, which the doctors think Is grippe. For your orchestra call O. L. Jones, Auto L-8605. W & TH English The $2.00 Kind 1.15 j 1405 O EVERETT M. JENK8. It is with sincere sorrow that tho Daily Nebraskan publishes In-Its col umns an account' of the untimely death of Everett M. Jenks, a member of the junior law class. He was a diligent and conscientious student whose untiring and earnest offorts in' pursuit of a chosen subject won for him the respect and warmest affec tion of his friends. Wo take this opportunity to express on behalf of his friends and class mates our heartfelt sympathy to his bereaved family, and the conviction that in his death we as well as they have Io'bI a friend worthy of esteem. j, OUR APOLOGY. It is truly discouraging. After the over-taxed staff of the "Rag" had la bored all Tuesday afternoon and far into tho night in order to put a paper before tho reading public; after they had lost copy, Vo-read and slashed the rest, examined tho proof and taken the remainder meekly to the printing office, tho "make-up man" brought all to nought'. The advantakes of one o'clock drill were Introduced -"In the discussion of Bterilize'd ' water, the opinions of Pro fessor Engburg were substituted for the-planB of Miss Gittings as to the girls' locker room lri fact, chaos pre vailed Perhaps1 the r only advantage In this' Chinese arrangement 'of ' the reading matter lay In, Its novelty." In lieu of the constant 'grumbling which followed the novelty, however, the staff has decided that' such a scheme will be hereafter avoided as far as possible. GRADUATE 8CH00L MEETS. Organization of One Hundred Mem bers Will Be Formed Jn Chapel Hall Today. The members of the graduate school of the University will hold a meeting this morning at 11:30 In the Chapel. The purpose of this meetlnc is the perfecting of the organization, which 1b at prosent rather loose. At a ban quet recently held by the graduate students over fifty attended, and since there are nearly ono hundred nnd fifty In tho entire class, a .powerful organization Itf possible At this meeting the advisability of engaging space In the Cornhusker will also be discussed. The Hyde Printery, 1331 P St., up-to-date printing of all kinds. MANDOLIN CLtiB ELECTS. ' Officers Chosen and Work Begun on Concert Program. The Unlyerslty Mandolin Club held Its election of officers last night. R. P. Thomas'1 was chosen president; E. H. Young, vice-president, and J. t). Neal, librarian. The services of Francis Potter of Omaha have been secured at great expense rto the University, He is very enthusiastic over the prospects. Work is being done on. the concert program. Two guitar players and two banjo players are all that are' needed to make the organization perfect. Get the Impulse Pay Your Subscription at thee Offi Before the Fifteenth t i . M J1 r, , tift t ' IUm Rill ? ISSP Ib ; J Will J -Zl""BBBr IBW The moment, you put on clothes made to your meas ure, you seethe vast differ ence between merchant tailored and ready made. Our way costs no more. Besure to see our linefirst. College Tailors College View, . Nebraska Phone -4S Tickets $1.25 Jones' Orchestra Catholic Students' Club DANCE (LIMITED) Fraternity Hall Jan. 20, '12, 8:30 Tickets $3.00 t. if f j ' (jj j X- ivf SENIOR PROM Lincoln Hotel Walt's i January 19 '12 THE FOLSOM CAFE 1325-31 N STREET A Comfortable place for Students meal . j t ' times or after the shows TRY US J Salads,, Sandwiches andJSanoy pastries .uit , t j-J '''. i r . - I" r , 1 ,,, , i ' ,j ji . i iJ Make No Date for vs. z;Z'-"" HJ ariuary 26th, 12 t - r .' i V : i m v? Wi U A