The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, January 16, 1912, Image 4
THE DAILY NEBRASKA! .if I: r f r' r k ' L? ?.., COLLEGIATE SPORTS E. LEE UPDEGRAFF GQRNHUSKERS TAKE SECOND CONTEST FROM DRAKE TEAM Tho Bluo and Whlto warriors from Drake wont down to defeat at tho hands of tho Cornhuskor team when they wont up agalnat a scoro of 35 to 14 Saturday night. Tho gamo was vory rough, Nebras ka drawing twonty foulB and Drake thlrtoon. flovoral nion woro with drawn in tho second half for personal fouja and tho substitutes took caro that tho gamo was not so wildly ox citing as it had started. Tho Dob Moines mon did not show up as woll as in tho gamo of Friday night, socurlngbut two field goals dur ing tho ontiro gamo. Tho Scarlot and Cream five woro in good trim and tho plrty was romark ablo for tho individual playing. Car rier wont through tho usual stunt of carrying off tho honors of tho day and Naglo scored heavily In his brilliant dofonslvo play. In tho last of tho first half tho Nobraskans played with tho ball. Frank stood in tho middle of tho floor whllo tho ontiro Drako bunch ran in over more intricate circles around the rest of tho Cornhusker team. This lasted for fully a minute. Tho following Is tho lineup: Nebraska Position Draks Naglo Forward Marlclo GlbBon Forward LaiiBlng Strykor Contor Colvlllo Carrlor Guard HardeBty Frank (Capt.). . Guard Noiman (Capt.) Summary: Flold goals. Naglo 2, Gibson G, Strykor 3, Carrlor 2, Frank 2, Collvlllo 1, Noiman 1. Fuol goals, This January Sale Is Booming Business All Over the Store In the announcement we only indicate how Men's suits and overcoats are affected by the sale, yet it should be understood by all, that every dollar's worth of Men's clothing is affected, besides thousands of items in furnishing goods and hats and caps. The sale is so good from the customers' standpoint we cannot help feeling that those who do not participate are doing themselves an injustice. MEN'S SUITS AND OVERCOATS ARE DIVIDED INTO FIVE LOTS AS FOLLOWS Lot I at $7.85 This lot embraces all mens suitsand over coats that formerly sold at 10, 12.50 and 13,50. Armstrong -v ' f. frmn.i. -ly .-,--. ,---, Nnglo 3, Gibson 2, LanBing 7, Do Butts 2. Substitutes: Honzlik for Nagle, Undorwood for Gibson, Hiltner for Strykor, Do Butts for Marlclo, Havens for Lansing, Jordan for Hardesty. Referee, R. H. Seymour. Timekeeper, Aug. Smith. 220 Record Broken. E. Cross, a sophomore at Princeton, brbko tho intorcollegiato record for tho 220. His time was two minutes and thirty-seven seconds, which clips off ono second from tho former record. Athletic Board Meets, The athlotic board held a mooting Monday evoning and cleared up a great deal of routine business. Freshman Basketball. Freshman class baskotball practice Tuesday and Thursday, four to five p. m. All freBhman candidates out. B. F. PETTIS. Goorgo BroB., export printers, en gravers and embossors, 13th and N. Maroons Out for Track. Seventy candidates havo reported for track work at Wisconsin. Juniors and Seniors. All plcturos for tho Cornhusker havo not been taken. It 1b our intention to havo overy Junior and senior in school roprosontod in tho 1912 CornhuBkor. If you havo recolvod no notice, it moans an oversight on our part. Wo want no blanks In our ranks.. See Townsend before going to tho hos pital. HARRY B. COFFEE, Business Manager. Lot 2 at $.85 Lot 3 at $14.85 This lot embraces all men's suits and over coats that formerly sold at 15, 16.50 and 18.00. This lot embraces all men's suits and over coats that formerly sold at 20.00 and 22.50. GOOD CLOTHES' MERCHANTS Innrn n.nrn.,, nnn.n WEDGE IN COLLEGE WORLD The Collego Athlotic Conference, consisting of a numbor of the middle western schools, Lake Forest, Dw Pauw, Boloit, Knox, and Racine, passed a rule at the last annual meet ing which reads as follows: Collego baseball players may now play for money at any tlmo when tho collego is not in session. The resolution was submitted by H. C. Coffeen and H. E. Hurlbut. This particular conference has al ways been noted for Its spirit of pro gressivoneBS and ability to keep up with tho times. To it belongu tho honor of being tho first conferenco to do away with tho old-fogish idea that collego sports aro injured if a par ticipant Bhould have ever played for money. I This is tho best and easiest way out of tho muddle where tho pot is calling the kettlo black. It is hoped and oxpected that the other confer ences, Including the Missouri Valley, will follow this decisive step. Coach Richard's Wisconsin plans for winter ball aro liable to bo seri ously interfered with because Com mandant Bell of tho Military Depart ment refuses to excuso the players from drill. Freshman Caps. Freshmen who ordered caps may now secure them at tho hat depart ment of Mayer Bros.' store upon pay ment of seventy-five cents and sur render of their deposit receipt. COMMITTEE. C. H. Froy. florist, 1133 O St. tf Potter In Charge of Club. Tho Mandolin Club , will hold Its Lot 4 at $18,85 This lot embraces all men's suits and over coats that formerly sold at 25.00 and 27.50. Clothing Co. weekly practice tonight in the Scienco Hall of tho Tompio. Tho meotlng will bo directed by Francis Potter of Omaha. Personal instruction will bo given to each membor of tho club. Thoso desiring to bettor their abil ity aro urged by tho management to take advantage of this opportunity. Tho club still has a fow difficult parts left and special attention will be given to mandolin, guitar, banjo or violin players who caro to apply. Thirty cents pays for tho Best Din ner in Lincoln, at Baker's Cafe. Also high class a la carto Borvlco.. Wo havo tho big juicy steaks. "Rural Life" Lecture. "Woman's Part in Improving Con ditions of Rural Life" Is tho subject of tho address for the Tuesday after noon meeting of tho Young Women's Christian Association at five o'clock. Tho speaker "will bo one of tho officers who is here for tho meeting of tho State Home Economics Association. I devote all my tlmo to music. Hear my orchestra. All tho up-to-dato hits. Thornburg, Tho "Orlo," Auto B-2556 T&F Auburnettcs Organize. "Tho "Royal Order of Redheads" is a now society with a membership lim ited to co-eds; which Is being organ ized at Washington University. All students should visit the "Cot lege Inn Barber Shop at 127 North 12th. S L. Chaplin, Prop. Alpha Tau Omega Pledges. Alpha Tau Omega announces tho pledging of Louis Horn, 1915, of South Omaha. Weber Sultorlum, 1100 O St. Tho Hydo printory, 1331 P St., up-to-dato printing of all kinds. . Lot 5 at $22.85 Embraces all men's suits and , overcoats that formerly sold at 30.00, 35.00 and 40.00. 4t ; i t V (iN& o n m Y, 4: i .".