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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 16, 1912)
THE DAILY NEBRASKAN -z n 'i dt : ."m v to M!- '. JSeft-.' : 0 .'f1 ; 83s! ! :w i' r. Wr J K!f . 'r . $& rj ?.- .- . T ' TYPHOID FEVER PASSED EPIDEMIGJILIMAX POINT WILL BE GRADUAL LE8SENING OF NUMBER OF CASES, TILL . NORMAL CONDITIONS ARE REACHED. R. WAITE SAYS BOIL TIL WATER Although In Month Water Will Be Pure as Usual, Boil It Until Further Notice. ' Typhoid fever has passed its period of epidemic climax in Lincoln and from this time on there will bo a gradual lessening of the number of cases each week. In less than a month conditions tending to conduce typhoid fovor In Lincoln will bo nor mal. This is the opinion of Dr. H. H. Walto, professor of bacteriology at the University of Nebraska, probably tho best informed man on conditions of typhoid In Lincoln. "Tests and experiments of the past week confirm me In my opinion," de clared Dr. Waito. "When I first ex pressed It, It was partly conjecture, but my opinion has been carried out in action and In a month, unless there Is further contamination of tho water." Reports of sickness of typhoid, Monday, tended to indicate that tho worst of the epidemic has passed. There were fewer reported as Borlous ly 111, and the condition of thoBO pre viously reported was reported to bo generally good. Parents of Nebraska students, have been greatly worried over the condl . tlons In Lincoln, but no Btudonts have considered It necessary to leave school, although rumors of nervous parents outsldo Lincoln senddlng hurry calls for their sons or daughters have been heard about tho campuB. Dr. Walto advlBes that all studontB take tho most extreme care of all water which they drink, being sure that it is boiled first. Ho advises this course to bo kept to regorously for at least a month. CALENDAR. Tuesday 11:00 a. m. Convocation. Prof. Hoffman on "American Vocational Schools. 11:30 a. m. Missouri Club to organize In Mo - -- - morlal Hall. 5:00 p. m. Address In Y. W. C. A. rooms by Homo Economics Association. Thursday 11:00 a. m. Convocation. Musical program. Friday 5:00 p. m. Convocation.' Vesper services. . 8:00 p. m. Senior Prom at Lincoln Hotel. Saturday " 8:00 p. m. Catholic Students' Club dance. -v ' Fraternity Hall, CLASSIFIED COLUMN BOARDING Would you accept a lib eral rebate on your clothes money? . Just now we're making you such an offer. 1 40 blue serge -suits,-mostly Kensingtons at a straight discount of 25. They're broken lots and discontinued numbers, but they're Kensingtons and therefore reliable in fit and quality. Three groups $20, $25 and $30 suits at $ 1 5, $ 1 8.75 and $22.5.0. Don't miss it. MAGEE & DEEMER Lincoln Aurora Red Oak GOOD BOARD at 1320 S St., ?3.50 per wcok; without breakfast, $3.00; homo cooking. Try it. 675 LOST coin purse, containing two koys and small ohange, was taken from tho desk by tho door In tho office of English Litoraturo, Library, Wed nesday afternoon, January 10th. Leave tho purse and koys at tho Librarian's desk, general reading, room within tho next two days and avoid porsonal notico. 'Shoe Sale 10 to 50 per cent dis count on all shoes, oxfords and sllp ,pors,' except Walkover, Douglas and ''SoroBls. Rogers & PorklnB Co., 1129 O street, "" Phi Delta Pledge. Phi Delta Theta announces tho pledging of Leonard Clark, 1915, of St. Edward. HAVE EVANS Do Your Laundry JAN KUBELIK The World's Greatest Violinist, Who Will Play the Following Program at The Oliver, Wednesd'y Night 1. Tachalkowsky. Concerto D Major Allegro modorato 2. (a) Beethoven. Romanze F MaJ. (b) .Bach '. Praoludlum (for violin alone) (c) Salnt-Saens .....Introduction et Rondo i ' Caprlccloso, 3. leniawskl.. Souvenir do Moscow (b) Dvorak Humoresquo (c) Paganini Campanella Ludwlg Schwab at the Piano. LOST Delta Tau stick pin on campus. Rotum to Rag office. "Tor rent. FOR RENT Splendid room for two, with prlvato family; woll lighted and heated; evory, convonlonco; accommodations oxcollont. G30 No 10th St. Auto 717G. AT THE THEATRES Oliver Theatre Wednesday Night, Jan. 17 WORLD'S QREATE8T VIOLINIST Dlroctlon of P. C. Whitney JAN KUBELIK (Knabo Piano Used) Prices $2.00 to 76 Cents Thurs. Mat. & Night, Jan. 18 "MUTT and JEFF" Mat. 75c to 25c. Night $1.00 AUTO DELIVERY CO. Dell 333 118 North 13 St. Auto 3333 Baggage :: Freight Glvo us a call Weekly shipments of tho best thorb is in chocolates. Huyler's Whitman's Lowney's Aiteeretti'a California violets fresh ovory day. W&l&r DrugCo. 13th and O ORPHEUM Sffi.. ADVANCED VAUDEVILLE Commencing Mon. Night, Jan. 15th "THE COURTIER8" M08HER, HAYE8 & M08HER CONRAD AND WHIDDEN THE ARLINGTON FOUR MABELLE ADAM8 & CO. LOUGLIN'S COMEDY D0Q8 ZANO Matinees Best 8eats 25c I Nights 15c, 25c, 35c and 50c 44 Try a lunch at tho Y. M. O. A. Lunch Room. Cafeteria Flan. Cily Y.M.C.A. 13 th and P. THE IMPERIALS ARE COMING Here the Imperials Tuesday evening at the Temple. The Imperial Male Quartette. The sweetest singers In the West. Miss Lauretta Spencer, a pianist of culture and finish Harry DubofiyThe boy violinist the pride of Lincoln. 67-2 rihtiha; Ad pi VtlA J i -.-" -WA urscui-i.tcrt. JPSeo us for your P next job of printing:. Personal supervjson enables us to make each job please. 128 N. 14 St. WARTHON'S Original, Electric, Shoe Repair Factory Always reliable and up to he minute 142 North 12th Street - L We serve the purest and best HOT and COLD RE FRESHMENTS in the city vHuyler's Chocolates $1.00 Foutain Pens $1.00 Safety Razors Student's 3-Course Lunch 15c fVr jr M M mm - czTJ$lart7 RENT YOUR TVPEWWTER NOW Any Make :: Any Time w 3 MONTHS $6.00 , The Largest Stock in the Weit Lincoln Typewriter Exchange Co. 1406 O STREET 4 ! .J 4 f t ji ' 3 i Htit. v V - ,, it fi vtw, i -fhn,ittomii yt " '