The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, January 16, 1912, Image 2
-S I'l'L'UMI ,LUUI UnMINnH THE DAILY NEBRAftKAN v C i ' 't THE DAILY NEBRASKAN Owned nnd published by t o University of Nebraska througn THE STUDENT PUBLICATION BOARD Offices DaBomont tho Administration Building. PostolHco Station A, Campus, Lincoln, Nebraska. TELEPHONES DayAuto 1888. Night Auto 3145, Ed. 1035, Bus. Mgr. 4206 v ,. , SAM R. BUCK, EdItor-ln-Chlef EDITORIAL A. H. Dlntmore, Managing Editor F. C. MoConnell, Assoclato Editor Berfrlo P. Holmes, Associato Editor Stuart Gould, City Editor E. Leo ITpdcgraff, Sporting Editor REPORTORIAL L. A. Bechtor , Hugh Agor Wallaco B. Troup William O. Cooloy WOMEN'8 DEPARTMENT Ruth Munger FARM DEPARTMENT Editor, H. Q. Hewitt Jonoph MsCarthy John Harding W. A. Nelson Morrill Rood "Winifred Harm Wlnnlfred Elclmr J. Lovojoy Linn , Kenneth M. Snyder Wlnnlfred Secgar E. C.' Nelson Henry Bull Henry Stubbo Robort Brlggs Hazel Wostovor Abigail McConncll BUSINESS VINCENT C. HA8CALL, BU8INE88 MANAGER C. C. Buchanan, Ant. Bus. Mgr. J. V. Morrison, Circulation Mgr. Subscription 12.00 per year. Single copies 6o Faculty notices and Unlvorslty bulletins published free. Entered at tho Postofllco, Lincoln, Nebr., as second class matter under act of Congress March 3, 1879. - . TUESDAY, JANUARY 10, 1912 NOTICE. Applications for election to the posi tions of editor-in-chief, managing edi tor, two associate editors, business manager, assistant business manager and circulator of the Dally Nebraskan for the second semester of the current year will be received at the office of the Secretary of the Student Publica tion Board, Adm. 203, until 12 o'clock noon, Friday, Jan. 19, 1912. Applications to be made on form which' will be furnished by the Secre tary. A. A.-REED, Secretary. AG. ASSOCIATION MEETSr DELEGATES ARRIVE TO ATTEND THE MEETING8 AT THE STATE FARIVf. Tho first of tho delegates to tho. dozen or moro divisions of tho Ne braska Agricultural Association, which moots at tho Farm all week, havo commenced to arrive About sovonty flvo had como by Monday night, and many moro will arrive today. During UiIb convontion all classes are oxcused and tho pupils aro spend ing their tlmo in tho lecture rooms of tho association. Tho Nebraska Corn Improvers As- Velour Hats $2-50 4.00 Grades All Styles 1415 O THE WATER SITUATION. Thoro aro rumors that tho studont body haB a suggoBtlon to mako to tho "poworB that bo," but that they do not know Just how to go about It. Although Dr. Walto, tho Unlvorslty's oxport bactorlologlBt, issues his dally advlsoB about tho necessity of drink ing boiled water, no ono has thouglit of placing a tank of tho gormless liquid within tho campuB limits to re lievo tho parched throats of woll moaning students. As tho "colon bacilli" pick them off ono by ono, tho students express tholr growing wllllngnoss to drink anything tho powors ordain, but bo far, they havo boon unablo to locato any water about tho campus that "swarmoth not '' with tho unclean hordos." It has boon suggested that, 1& tho boiled article Is Impossible, tho chem istry department furnish distilled wator to tide us ovor tho crisis, A numhor of students havo recolvod lottorB from homo commanding them to carry with thorn bollod water In bottles, But thoro is general unoasl . noBS as to tho impression which such a custom might create upon outsiders. soclation waB ono of tho first to con vono, for thoy hold ono Bosslon yostor day. Tho BoyB and Girls ClubB As sociation also mot on tho opening day. NEW CLUB AT UNI FARM. Douglas County Students Form Organization. Get the Impulse Pay Your Subscription at the Qffice Before the Fifteenth lAiiVkBBBl B 8L fit r vitoM Hal I It l tmi nuiyXwIl ljf ) Sac; The moment you put on clothes made to your meas ure, you see the vast differ ence between merchant tailored and ready made. Our way costs no more. Besure to see our linef irst. College Tailors College View, Nebraska Phone 48 Tickets $1.25 Joiaes Orcltaestra. Catholic Students' Club DANCE (LIMITED) Frafceriaifty Mall Jan. 2O0 !2 sSO Tickets $3.00 SENIOR PROM Liiacolia Hotel 's January 19 '12 A Douglas County Club was formed at tho State Farm last Friday. Tho following officers woro elected: Prosidont, C. M. Gould. Vlco-proBldont, C. Lhm. Secretary, H. C. Bull. Tho now organization starts off with sovon charter mombors. Tho purpose of tho club is social as wqjl as "boost ing." To put. Douglas county on the map, intellectually, tho club Is offer ing a prize to tho club morabor having the highest average In year's work. FARM BRIEFS. Tho -State Farm Chorus mado Its first appearance today when it sang for the Nebraska Corn Improvers Association. J. C. WOOD and CO. The Best Is Always the Cheapest 1322 N St. Auto 1292 Bell 147 GLEANERS and DYERS c MV;BY fell Association tho "boosters." official athletic Soo Los flyde when In need of pro grams, menus and other printing. NOTICE. A meeting of the Senior Prom Com , mlttee will be held In U. 106 at 11:00 ' o'clock Tueiday, Green's Sanitary Barber Shop 120 No. 11th. . - -i i . Another big athletic rally was held at tho Farm last Saturday to arouse enthusiasm for the basketball season. Professors Loo and Westgato woro tho principal speakers. Tho gentle men especially urged everyone to get out for tho athletic tournament scheduled forlfe'bruary. One immedi ate result of their effort was tho addi tion of 180 members to the Athletic Tho Nebraska Agricultural Stu dents' Club held their annual meeting yosterday at tho convocation hour. Tho following officers wore elected: President, W. Coupland; vice-president, H. R. Day; secretary-treasurer, Abnor Chestem. Nearly flvo hundred studonts woro present and a good meeting resulted. Anderson, Lolbers, and Richoy of the collego spoke. Tho Aggie basketball quintette was defeated in their gamo with Univer sity Place High. The score was 37-13. & Make your dates early with -Hagon-slck's Orchestra. Auto B-2990. tf UNIVERSITY JEWELER & OPTICIAN C. A. Tucker JEWELER S. S. Shean OPTICIAN 1123 0 STREET YELLOW FRONT Your Palronigi Solicited Alpha Omlcron PI Announces Pledge. 'Miss Salome Swortloy, 1913, is pledged to Alpha Omlcron PI. HERPOLSHEIMER'S GAFE Dinner J!i30 to !i30 ft Supj 5t30 te 7i30 ZdC Also Cafeterlaii Style j t a w x. 'IS , .' J"'o &'' J -