The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, January 16, 1912, Image 1
' It'' -Jtt, WTWSWff' Ube 2atl IRebrasftan VOL.XI. NO 68. UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, TUESDAY JAN. 16, 1912. Price 5 Cents m- i$? I v.. If II a W Lir 3 j" Hi fc fe K K. WILL RANDALL CANDIDATE ' JUNIOR PRESIDENT PLUM FIR8T ANNOUNCEMENT MADE FOR THE BIG CAMPAIGN OF SECOND 8EME3TER. PROBABLY OTHERS OUT SOON Law Student First in the Field With Promise of a Hot Contest. Tho first political gun of tho now year was fired yesterday when Wil liam Randall, a Sigma Nu and junior law, announced himself as a candidato for thoprosldoncy of tho junior class. Tho elections of tho junior class aro usually tho most important political events of tho year and tho early open ing of hostilities indicates a'llvely sea son for tho politicians. Two moro candidates aro expected to appear upon tho field in a short time and tho contest will probably bo come rather hot CHANCELLOR TO ENTERTAIN DR. AND MR8. AVERY TO GIVE DINNER TO MA8QUES AND INNOCENTS. Following tho example of last year, tho Chancellor and Mrs. Avery, and Miss Alice B. Ensign, will ontortain tho Black Masques and tho Innocents at a dinner, January 27th. Tho affair will tako place at tho Chancellor's homo. These two representative organiza tions of tho senior class stand for Ne braska policy and Nebraska "spirit," and this joint gathering with tho heads of tho University is regarded as most appropriate. Tho dolightful ness of last year's affair led to its repetition this year. (URLS' KID PARTY SATURDAY CO-ED CLUB TO ENTERTAIN KIN . DERGARTEN PARTY AT ARMORY. Tho Girls' Club is becoming active again. Saturday afternoon they had a kindergarten party in tho Armory for tho members of the club. Everything is being dono to mako tho affair unique and delightful. Miss Luikhart, who has successfully en gineered similar affairs, is in charge. "Kid" games and "kid rats," and, of course, "kid" costumes, will bo tho special feature. t Tickets can be obtained from Lola Berry, Florence Schwake, Fanny Drake and Miss Ensign, Membership blanks will also bo loft with this -committee for thOBo who wish to Join tho club. Tho membership fee Is 25 cents, Printed invitations are being sent out to tho members, but tho president announces that if any member falls to receive ono she is to consider her self invited, as oversights aro unavoid able. Don't; forgot Ue time, .January 20th, at 2 o'clock; tho place, tho Armory. Como dressed as a "juvenile.",. - HOFFMAN ADVOCATION M. E. PROFE880R TO TALK ON INFLUENCE OF VOCATIONAL C0LLEGE8. WEATHER FORECAST. For Lincoln and vicinity: Fair and slightly warmer. Coldest temperature' fojrMonday was H below zero. Prof. J. p. Hoffman, head of tho Mechanical Engineering department, will give a lecture at convocation to day on "Tho Influence of Vocational Schools." Professor Hoffman camoto Nebraska this fall from Purduo to take charge of the Mechanical En gineering. Ho will mako his first ap pearance this morning beforo tho stu dent body. His talk will deal particularly with the manufacturing and agricultural in dustries. American Institutions. The idea of tho vocational school, though not original with America, has been developed to a largo extont in our country and tho percentage of at-. tondanco is far greater proportion ately. Another feature which Professor Hoffman will discuss is the general advantage and profit derived from such schools, not by tho student alone, but by tho community In general. Mr. Hoffman will devote most of his discussion to the broader effects of these colleges, as they effect tho lifo and growth of the country at largo. Imperial Quartette. Tho Imperial Quartotto will open tho hour with a selection. Thoso de siring to hear them must bo prompt, for interruptions will not bo permitted. NO REGISTRATION WEEK FACULTY DECIDE8 8TUDENTS MU8T SCHEDULE BETWEEN CLA88E8. OMAHA CLUBJLL MEET ELECTION OF OFFICER8 AND PLANS FOR BOOSTING NE BRASKA TO BE TAKEN UP. Tho Omaha Club will meet In tho chapel, Tuesday, at 11:30, for tho pur pose of, electing officers and discussing plans for the future. The plans of tho club at present aro to start at once to send University men as speakers to Omaha to talk to tho students of tho Efigh School and to the business men as parents. Tho intentions of tho club are to arouse some Interest in tho Univer sity in Omaha, so that Omaha will be better represented In tho University and to keep so many of the Omaha High graduates from going East to fin ish their college education. It Is tho hope of the members that they may have tho power of boosting tho University, and for that reason tho club will not bo-limited to just Omaha men. All boosters living In tho vicinity of Omaha will join and do their best for tho Interest of tho University. HEW REGIMENT FORMED o FARM BATTALION8 -ARE TO BE GROUPED A8 ONE UNIT. A new cadet regiment is to be formed' at tho State Farm., Tho six companies have hitherto been drilled as oho battalion, but will now bo di vided and will constitute ono w regi ment The commandant has Issued a call for applications from the aspirants for the positions created by the change. A now system of registration will bo used for tho second somoster of this year. Owing to tho abolishing of examinations by the faculty, students will bo glvon no holidays in which to register. Instead, they will bo re quested to do this botweon their classes. In placo of the two soparate hour tickets formerly given out, each stu dent will bo presented with ono card, allowing him to registor In ono two hour period. Students aro, howovor, requested to see their deans and ad visors, to obtain approval of their registration slips, tho week beforo registration. Schedules will bo ready on Monday, January 22nd. Tho schedules will bo in tho form of a book, Instead of tho usual fiat sheet, which havo boon found In tho past to bo too awkward to handlo easily. IMPERIAL CONCERT TONIGHT QUARTETTE, ACCOMPANIED BY LOCAL TALENT, AT TEM PLE TONIGHT. AMATEURS DO CLEVER WORK IN 'IE AMAZONS" PINERO'8 FARCE-COMEDY EFFEC- TIVELY PRE8ENTED BY THE DRAMATIC CLUB. PIAYS TO A WELL FILLED MUSE Annual Performance of Local Actors' Club Pleases a Largo and En thusiastic Audience. Tho Imperial Concert Company will give an entertainment at tho Temple Theatre Tuesday ovening. An excel lent program was rondored rocontly in Omaha and a treat for muBlc lovers is oxpectcd this evening. Tho quartette, which is a -Nebraska production, is composed of M. 0. Ca ble, flrBt tenor; W. O. Humes, second tonor; Ray Overman, baritone, and W. J, Lambert, basso. Accompanying thoso will be Miss Lauretta Spencer, pianist, and Harry Duboff, violinist. Miss Spencor Is a former Cornhusk or. Sho took work at tho Conserva tory for several years and achieved somo prominence. Sho is a member of Alpha Chi Omoga sorority. Mr. Duboff is a protogo of Professor Stockelborg of tho Conservatory. Ho has played beforo tho leading violin players and shows great skill In his work, THE SIGMA NU PLEDGES THE MEDICAL FRATERNITY AN- NOUNCE8 MEN SOON TO BE INITIATED. Nu Sigma Nu announces tho fol lowing pledges, who wiil bo Initiated as soon asjthoy aro registered in the College of Medicine: M. It. Bowman, Lincoln; G. W. Hoff molster, Imperial; F. L. Horton, New castle, Wyo.;. C. F. Andrews, St. Paul; W. L. Ross, Omaha; E. C. Sago, South Omaha; R. E. Curts, South Omaha; W. T. Wildhaber, Plymouth. Doforo a well-filled house tho Uni versity Dramatic Club presented Pin oro's clover farce-comedy at tho Tom pie Theatro, Saturday night. Tho play was effectively staged, and well coached, and the acting dono by tho mombors of tho cast brought out fre quent and merited applauco. . Tho Interest In tho 'play contors around tho adventure's of a young English lady and hor two sistors, raised by a stornly masculino mothor to think and act as boys. In carrying out hor mother's precepts tho girl in question gets into somo.troublo, from which a young English lord rescues her. Although sho is disguised as a man, ho recognizes hor sox, and bo coming interested, follows hor to hor country estato, whoro follow many amuBing advonturcB, for mon aro for biddon at Ovorcoto Park. Two other characters appear on tho scone, who occupy tho attention of tho two sis ters, and aftor somo humorouB com plications, tho situation results in tho decision of tho girls that thoy aftor all profor to bo girls. Hazel Porrln led In tho part of Lady Neoline, tho girl of tho adventure Sho was oxcollontly supported by , Floronco Hostottler, who did admir able and clover work In tho rolo of hor sister, tho Lady Tommy, and by Marjorlo Kunkol, her other slstor, who introduced a littlo song as a pleasing variation. Two other femlnlno roles, tho charmingly militant sorgeant and tho masculino old mothor, wore clev erly portrayed by Mario Douglass and Floronco Farman. Harry Coffee did lifelike work in tho part of Litterly, and Louis Horno, as tho mercurial Frenchman, was the laughing hit of tho ovening. Clarence Clark also did offoctivo character work in his portrayal of an Insipid and con ceited English fop. Tho other mascu line roles wero likewise well worked out, and showed tho selection of an all-star cast. Mildred Bovlns coached tho play and is deserving of a great deal of credit for hor painstaking efforts in producing an artistic performance. Dr. Bessey 8peaks. Today at 2 o'clock, Dr. Bessey is to spoak before tho Historical Society at the Farm. Tho subject of his address is "Wild Fruits Which Ought to Be Cultivated." Delta Gamma Recovers. Madge Meredith, 1915, who has been ill with the grippe since New Year's at her home 'in York, has returned to school. Alumnus Visits Lincoln.. Harold M. Noble, 1911, who is prm-'" clpal of tho Hebron High School, vis ited in Lincoln over Sunday, , Aj iL- i - 1 1 i lf Ua U jifc it &. ite, &. &. lL c " T " p " T h "w T h T T t n ; Convocation, 11:00 A. M. . &, "VOCATIONAL 8CH00L8" Prof. J. D. Hoffman Memorial Hall ' . yjf iL tf k k t. itm 4 U Jf U L t J t' fi T T t' T" f v T i 4 ( v . ..ft. '' not -J WJ! WMiAit