i; THE DAILY NEBRASKA K. F . c: tf- w . r v THE DAILY NEBRASKAN " Owned and published by t o University of Nebraska througn THE STUDENT PUBLICATION BOARD OfllcoH Unsoniont tlio Admlnlatrntlon Bulldlnc. Pontofllco Station A, Campus, Lincoln, Ncbrasknv Day Auto 1888, TELEPHONES Night Auto 3145, Ed. 1035, Bus. Mgr. 4206 SAM R. BUCK, Editor-in-Chief EDITORIAL . A. H, Dlntmorcj Managing Editor F. C. McConncll, Associate Editor Sonrlo F. Holmes, Assbclnto Editor Stuart Gould, City Editor ,13. Leo Updogratf, Sporting Editor ' REPORTORIAL Merrill Reed 15. A' Bcchter Hugh Agor Homer G. 'Hewitt Wallace B. Troup William O. Cooloy WOMEN'S DEPARTMENT Mildred Bavins Ruth Mungcr FARM MANAGEMENT E. C. Nelson Joseph MsCarthy Henry Bull John Harding Henry Stubbo W. A. Nelson .T. Love joy Linn Kenneth M. Snyder AVInulfrcd Hccgar Robert Brlggs Hazel Wostover Abigail McConncll BUSINESS VINCENT C. HA8CALL, BU8INE8S MANAGER C, C. Buchanan, Asst. Bui. Mgr. J. V. Morrison, Circulation Mgr. Subscription $2.00 per year- Single copies Sc Faculty notices and University bulletins published free. Entered at the Postodlce, Lincoln, Nobr., as second class mattor under act of Congress March 3, 1870. FRIDAY, JANUARY 12, 1912 m ! p i in i ii i NOTICE. Appllcatlonp for election to the posi tions of editor-ln-chlef, managing edi tor, two associate editors, business manager, asslatant business manager and circulator of the Daily Nebraskan. for the second semester of the current year will be received at the office of the Secretary of the 8tudent Publica tion Board, Adm. 203, until 12 o'clock noon, Friday, Jan. 19, 1912, Applications to be made on form which will be furnished by the Secre tary. A. A. REED, Secretary. FARM BRIEF COLUMN. A. few late Short Courae students have continued to como In u.ull now tho number registered for that, courae has riaen to 1G4. Tho advanced classes in domestic science are now running, a sort o( cafeteria of their own. The embryo cooks now sorve breakfast as a lab oratory exercise. The State Farm Chorus of oighty flve membors, under tho leadership of Mrs. Raymond, has Just elected its offi cers. Tho following were chosen: President, R. L. Moore; vlce-presl- TINTED SLIPPERS DO ALL SHADES .95 UP STAIRS BUDD 1413 O ST. LEAP YEAR BA8KETBALL GAME. When J. Caesar mado our calendar a thousands-years ago, as oft' will hap pen "to "the best or men, ho mado a fluke or so. For moBtly, months havo thirty daya and some have thirty-one; except for poor old Fobruary, where all Uie strife begun. Horo, each four years, he adds an extra day, then It's ."leap yoar" as you've oft' heard say. Now this is just the case with nine teen twelve, on hand; yes, It's leap year, girls, so hurry up and got a man ! Tonight there'll bo a big turn out to boo somo baskets shot, and again we'll see that our Unl is Johnnie on tho spot; then the Uttle hop just after in the chapel, as you know, will ho a drawing card to havo more decldo to go. Now, listen!' Why miss this over glowing chance to seo the co-edB ask tho boys if they can havo a dance? For It's leap yoar -and tho 'girls are running things; so como, and seo tho follow that each swcot coed brings. Peanut Hill. Shoe Sale 10 to r0 por cent dis count on all shoes, oxfords and slip pers, except Walkover, Douglas and Sorosls. RogerB & Perkins Co., 1129 O street. W. O. Cooloy, a reporter on tho Ne braskan, Is confined in St. Elizabeth's Hospital fon account of Illness. The staff sends him Its sympathy and" j hopes fpn his speedy recovery. , , Thirty cents pays for the Best Din ner In Lincoln, at Baker's Cafe. Also high class a la carte service. We Jia,ve the big juicy steaks, dent, E. S. Llndburg; secretary-treasurer, Abigail McConncll. Tho domestic science classes were given a treat recently when they wore allowed to watch a meet demonstra tion. Tho work was dono In the Stock Judging pavlllion under tho supervi sion of Professor Smith. CALENDAR. Friday 5:00 p. m. Convocation Vespers. . Drake basketball game. Informal. Sigma Nu freshman dance. House. Union Society. Palladian Society. ' Botanical Seminar. Alpha Chi rfchwiga. Agricultural Club party. Fratern ity Hall. , .'' Komensky Club. Temple. Saturday , ' , 8:00 p. m. ... . , "Tho Amazons." Dramatic Club', Templo. Drako basketball game. , Sigma Alpha Epsilon dance. Housb. Spikes dance. Sigma Nu house. Weber Sultorlnm, 1100-O St. Military Ball Deficit. , The Offlcera' Club held a meeting last evening at which the report of tho Military "Ball committee was read and accepted, There was a deficit of over Jlfty dollars which tho officers will be compelled t,o make good. The non attendance of many of the officers at the danco Is given as the reason for this unfavorable financial report. i. i " Get the Impulse MaanaiMivHnHFanMMaaaaPMSaaaMBMaMaaa .,..-. ctf Jf Pay. Your Subscription at the office 4 Before the Fifteenth We Have Plenty of Goods Left To Keep You Warm Uuderwear Flannel Shirts Sweaters Gloves Caps Heavy Socks Special 1,487 Four-in-hand Ties going at . . 15c Special number 2127 Overcoats going at half price 287 Suits at 'Half Palace Clothing Co. 1419 O STREET mmmmmm'm'mmmmmm The moment you put on clothes made to your meas ure, you see the vast differ ence between merchant tailored and ready made. Our way costs no more. Besureto see oiir linefirst. College Tailors College View, Nebraska Phone 48 TicRets $3.00 SENIOR PROM Lincoln Hotel y' .Walt's January 19 I2 1 ', ? r t , W n ic- i :r J Wl (V sy r A