r-rl" ' -vfr I9$M '" " t Uhc 3aih IFlebraeftan s4 VOL. XI. NO 63. UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, TUESDAY JAN. 9, 1912. Price 5 Cents a. 0 '4 '.. J. ' r.'TO,' i M v : lr- i M FIRST GAME FRIDAY IN BASKETBALL SERIES NEBRASKA MEET8 DRAKE IN OPENING CONFERENCE 8TRUGGLE. INFORMAL DANCE AFTER THE GAME Stehm to Try Out His Cohorts In Week-end 8crlmmage Drako In Good Trtm for the Game. Nebraska will play the first basket ball game this season when the Corn huskers moot Drake next Friday even ing. The place will bo the old gym nasium and the timo will bo at eight o'clock tho girl you needs got your self. The bunch will all bo there and root for the Scarlet and the Cream until tho finish of tho game. Then as re ward for loosening up, Dog Eager has started an informal danco to take place immediately aftor the scrim mage is over. This will last till John thinks it Is time to lock the doors. In tho words of tho ico cream social, "A good time is assured to all who hold reserved seat coupons. Tho hoi-poili will not get by tho Argus-eyed watch dogs who gather in tho tickets. This game will show whether the team has been ablo to got into their old stride and mako themselves again the terror of the Valley On Saturday thoy will havo another chance to play tho Drakes into a stage of sweet, bliss ful dreams. This will bo ono of the hardest games of tho year for tho Drake bunch havo played ono game and have had much hard practice up to date. TO HONOR MNCELLOR FACULTY MEN TO PLACE TABLET IN TEMPLE BUILDING LOBBY. BURNHAM PLEASES AUDIENCE PROMINENT BANKER ADDRE83E8 ECONOMIC CLA88E8 ON "CUR RENCY REFORM." Tho address given by S. H. Burn ham, president of tho First National bank of this city, on the subject of "Currency Reform" before Professor Lo Rossignol's class in Monoy and Banking was attended by a large num ber of students interested in this im portant question. Mr. Burnham reviewed tho banking system of this country, pointing out tho fact that thero has been no funda mental changoB in tho plan since its foundation at tho time of tho Civil War. Tho old system gives security, but not elastlcltyof tho currency "and this is what tho Aldrlch plan of a Na tional Reserve Association Is designed to remedy. Ho characterized the measure as an economic, and not a political plan, which is of vital inter est to the business and laboring classes of the whole country. Tho fundamental principle is to centralize the reserve for use where it may bo most needed. It also gives to tho Reserve Associa tion tho exclusive" right to Issue cur rency. Mr. Burnham said "the Al drlch plan has adopted tho principles of the central bank which the experi ence, of a hundred years In all the great nations of tho world havo found safe and practical, but without allow ing it in any way to Interfere with our general banking system." , A bronzo tablet in honor of Ex Chancellor Andrews is to bo placed in tho lobby of the University Temple building because ho was instrumental in obtaining tho Rockefeller contribu tion which made tho building possible. The design of tlio tablot is boing drawn by Professor Barbour, whllo tho inscription will bo written by Dean Sherman. Tho design is to be very simple. It js probable that tho inscription .will be, "To Elisha Benjamin Andrews, sixth Chancellor of tho University of Nebraska, who secured tho funds for tho erection of this building." Tho tablet was first suggested by Chancellor Avery. It immediately mot with hearty support from tho faculty and tho regents. Tho Chancollor was authorized to go ahead with his plans, so that tho tablot might bo in place by Charter Day. SORORITIESJTO RETALIATE TAKE ADVANTAGE OF ONE FRA TERNITY'S INVITATION TO CALL SUNDAY. GERMANS T0J5IVE COMEDY THE REORGANIZED "SCHAU8PIEL VEREIN" BEGIN8 WORK ON TWO ONE-ACT PLRY8. At last tho co-odB will havo a chanco to pay back tho men who havo worn out their best mission chairs and tholr oriental cosy cornors by calling every Sunday for tho last flvo years. It Is rumorod that a prominent fra ternity will hold open houso next Sun day from three to five. Invitations havo been sent out to all tho sorori ties. Tho co-eds who havo boon fortunate enough to recoive Invitations havo planned to doscond in a mass upon this bravo fraternity. "I certainly am glad thoy aro start ing tho custom,"' said ono co-od yes terday. "Now wo will havo tho chanco to get soro if thoro aren't men onough to gQ around, or if wo draw a man wo don't caro about. Somo of us aro ovon planning to follow tho custom of staying so lato we havo to bo invited to lunch. Thoro aro really a lot of ways to got ovon," sho added. PEARSE WINS FIRST SUNT NOVELTY PRESENTED IN DRAMATIC CLUB PLAY "THE AMAZON8" TO PROVE 80URCE OF MUCH MERRIMENT. CMD CAST HANDLES ROLES First 8emester Production of Dramatlo Club, to Be Given 8aturday Even Ing, Will Be Entertaining. SCORE8 81 OF P088IBLE 100 IN INITIAL TRYOUT OF THE RIFLE CLUB. Five members of the "Deutschor Schauspiol Vorein," tho nowly organ ized dramatic club of tho Gorman de partment, will present "Lehmann's Klolnod," a comedy in. ono act. Herr Lehmann has 'a daughter who has ar rived at tho marriageable ago. A haughty schoolmaster asks for her hand and at Cho same timo proceeds to criticise hor features in a manner which well-nigh approaches tho ridic ulous. Tho play is to bo given before tho "Vorein Germania" in tho Pal ladlan hall of tho Tomplo, Wodnosday evening, January 10th, at 8 p. m. "Lohmanns Klolnod" will bo fol lowed in a few weeks by a second ono act comedy, entltle'd "Dor Schlmmel." In this a gruff horso buyer and horse trader goes in quest of a wife, but conceals his purpose by protending that he wants to buy a mate for his driver. The club will also stago a big play in the early spring. Last year no German play was given. Tho comedy presented two years ago proved very successful, bolng'played before a largo audlenco both in this city and in Omaha. The play to bo given has not yet been selected. Tho first of tho competitive shoots to bo hold, under tho auspices of tho University Rlflo Club was pulled off in tho basement of tho Mechanical En gineering Building on tho now rango Saturday afternoon. Thoro woro forty flvo competitors and tho shooting was good considering that tho candidates woro doing tho first shooting of tho year and many of them had novor used such guns boforo. H. B. Pearso led with a high scoro of 81 out of a possible 100, and four others woro above seventy. It is expected that another chanco will bo 'given tho sharks in tho near futuro. The purpose of tho mcot was to aid the officers of tho club to pick a team to shoot in tho National Rlflo Association's meet In tho spring. v 7f p p "v 7p p r fr "p . Convocation, 11:00 a. m. $ FRANCIS LA FLE8CHE . Memorial Hall $ k 3 k k k l k ji km k aLl l& lt i j h V F" p v h F fr n n BASKET BALL, : - Drake , - Friday and Saturday Informal Dance, Friday Night "Tho AmazonB," by Pinoro, is tho titlo of tho play which tho Dramatlo Club will presont for its first semester production next Saturday ovoning in tho Tomplo theater. ThlB is one of tho livolloBt, mirth provoking comedies evor presontod by tho Dram people It is full of clovor ' wit and humor and is bound to mako a doclded hit. . Deals With Novel Plot. Tho author, who is a famous play writer, attompts In this pieco no crit icism of llfo or to solvo a problem of morality, sociology, or psychology; ho merely permits himsolf to deal with tho "mannish woman" idea In tho lightest, gentlest spirit of satire, and in a moBt whimsical mood of romance. In tho Tangle of Ovorcoto Park, which is tho scone of tho play, wo seem to hear distant laughing echoes from tho Forest of Arden, and In Lady Noelino Bolturbot and Barrlngton, Lord Utter ly wo fancy wb rocognizo tho descend ants of Rosalind and Orlando. Tho freshness, delicate humor, and unconventionally of tho pieco, and tho quaint prottlness of tho costumes aro suro to captivate tho audlenco and mako "Tho Amazons" tho talk of tho school. Characters Eccentric. Interest in tho play centers around tho various excursions of several ox centric characters. Tho threo sisters, Ladles iNoollno, Wilholmina, and Thomasin, tho daughtors of LadyCas tlojordan, aro forced to bocomo vory mascullno in their homo life bocauso they aro so unfortunate as to lack 'a brother, much to tholr mother's bitter disappointment. Tho audience Is permitted to accom pany them through hunting and fish ing excursions, their athletic training, and finally sees them fall from their mascullno ways back into sweet girl Ishness as the result of a vigorous onslaught of threo men much to their mother's disgust, 1 Parts Well Cast. The parts of tho threo Amazons are being ably carried by Hazel Porrln, Floronco Hosteller and Marjorlo Kun kle, while tho gallant youths playing opposite them aro Harry Coffee, Clar ence Clark and Louis Horn. Floronco Farnam and Will Aten play good comedy roles and add much ,to tho play, while tho minor parts are well placed with Otto Siriklo, Ralph Northrup, Dale Boyles and Marie Douglas. '' Tickets aro on sale by members of the Club andtat the Book Stores. The admission price is but twenty-five cents. Mildred Bevlns Is coaching the play, and V. 0. McConnell is stage manager; 8enlortl The -Senior Masquerade committee will meet Thursday morning in TJ. 106 at 11 o'clock. R. D. HAWLBY. 1 a K: t