THE DAILY NEERASKAN THE DAILY INEBRASKAIN Owned nnd publlnhcd by t o UnlvorBlty of NobraBka througn THE 8TUDENT PUBLICATION BOARD Offices Basement tho Administration Building. Postodlco Station" A, Campus, Lincoln, Nebraska. DayAuto 1888. TELEPHONES ., Nlght-rAuto 314G, Ed. 1035, Bus. Mgr. 420G 8AM R. BUCK, EdltorHn-Chlef EDITORIAL A. H. Dlnsmore, Managing Editor P. C. McConnoll, Assoclato Editor Scarlo P. Holmes, Assoclato Editor Stuurt Qould, City Editor E. Leo UpdcgrafT, Sporting Editor REPORTORIAL Homer a. Howltt Walluco H. Troup L. A. Bcchter Wllllnm O. Cooloy WOMEN'8 DEPARTMENT Ruth Munger FARM MANAGEMENT Joseph MBCartliy John Harding W. A. Nelson Morrill Rood C. P. Androws "H. 8. Buddenburg Mildred Bovlns Hugh Agor Kunnotli M. Snyder J. Lovejoy Linn Wlnnlfred Sccgar 13. C. Nelson Honry Bull Henry Htubbo Robert Briggs Hazel Westovcr Abigail McConnoll BU8INE88 VINCENT C. HA8CALL, BU8INE88 MANAGER C. C. Buchanan, Asst. Bui. Mgr. J. V. Morrison, Circulation Mgr. Subscription $2.00 per yoar. Single copies 6c Faculty notlcoB and Unlvorslty bulletins published free. Entered at tho Poatolllco, Lincoln, Nobr., on second class matter under act of Congress March 3, 1870. FRIDAY, JANUARY 5, 1912. SUMMER BASEBALL. Much Iiub boon said pro and con, prlnclpaly con, about summer baBo ball and whothor participants in it should bo classed aa professionals and barred from collogo sports. Thoro Ib no reason on earth why a basoball playor Bhould come undor tho professional rulo. In tho first placo what bona fldo professional stick swlngor would go to collogo for tho purposo of ontoring athlotlcs. Tho training camps begin boforo tho col logo basoball season has oven startod. Also a professional would wish to bo paid and tho colloges of tho Val- thoso funny little top-coats tho boys aro wearing? Why, Gladys, whore havo you been? They look just like smoking Jackets." "Oh, yos, all difforont colors. Thoro'B a Gamma Phi with a bright groon ono and a Tau Dolt with a red ono, nnd I'vo Boon a brown and a gray ono bOBidCB." "Well, I should say tho men can't Bay anything about hobblo skirts any more A hobblo skirt wouldn't bo in tho running with those coats at all." "No, I don't think Hnrold has got ton ono yet. Ho'd better not, either, If ho wants mo to keep wearing his frat pin. I wouldn't be seen walking down tho street with one." Tan Button For Men In That New English Toe, Rocker Last BUDD - - - 1415 0 $3.50 loy conforenco aro not supposea to pay tho athloto who ontors into com petition for tho school. For a numbor of yonrs past baseball haB hold tho doughnut holo of Import ance medal in tho Missouri Valloy and dospito numoroUs attompts to rcsus tlcato it ovory spring It looks llko a natural death. Football is tho sport that wo wish to keop unblomishod by professionalism. Dut whoro do basoball and footbnll havo anything in common? What harm Is dono if a man plays on his homo team or on tho team of somo dinky league or ovon on tho class O and E teams? . Every conforenco in tho country holds mootings and talks, but does nothing in tho mattor. Why not havo tho Missouri Valloy conference start tho ball rolling. Tho rest will fall m lino. Prudlshnoss in amateur azhletlcs Is getting rathor monotonous. Tho spirit of tho schools will carry tho abolition of tho rulo. It did away with tho training tablo and can bo mado just as effective in this caso. B. LEE UPDEGRAFF. "Oh, hero ho comos now! And ho's wearing ono. It doosn't look so bad, doos it, Gladys? I'm glad it's gray, anyway, instead of that horrid red. Thoy really aro quite swell, I guess." "Oh, hollo! No, not home, just ovor to class. Yos, indeed, I'd bo glad to havo you. Good-byo, Gladys. Como and soo mo real soon, won't you doarlo?" Thirty conts pays for tho Best Dln nor in Lincoln, at Baker's Cafo. Also high class a la carto Borvico. Wo havo tho big juicy steaks. HERE AND THERE. I dovoto all my time to music. Hoar my orchestra. All tho up-to-dato hits. Thornburg, Tho "Orlo,"Auto B-25B6 T&F Profossor Fosslor, who has Deon very ill, and unablo to attend classes, is roportod much better. Miss Eliz aboth Witmann has been teaching his classes during his absence. Mtfss Mayland, who was called to Soward because of tho death of her nophow, will reBumo her University work next Monday. MIbs Hazel Howard, who loft school sovoral weeks boforo vacation on ac count of illness, has returned. NOW ON THE MEN. Tho following contribution strayed Into our ofilco a fow days ago. It has given us so much fun that wo print It, tho hamo of tho perpetrator being un known: "Havo you seen or hoard them? You mean to say you haven't soon thorn, Will Ross has returned to Nebras ka, after spending a semester at tho University of Chicago. Miss Ora Murty, '14, has been plodgod Kappa Alpha Theta. All students should visit the "Col lego Inn Barbor Shop at 127 North 12th. S L, Chaplin, Prop. -Evey- Suit and Overcoat in the Store Is Being Sold at 20 Per Cent Discount Come on Boys Palace Clothing Company 1 4 J 9 O St. - Lincoln Get the Impulse Pay Your Subscription at the 0ce Before the Fifteenth Ji&flSII Ml1 I liPSI Hi WBSm I Iff jgmi m The moment you put on clothes made to your meas ure, you see the vast differ ence between merchant tailored and ready made. Our way costs no more. Besure to see our linef irst. College Tailors College View, Nebraska Fhono 48 WATCH FOR THE NEW FOLSOM Bakery and Cafe We cater to Students trade. 1325 to 1331 N Street W v