-JpT" i irih' THE DAILY NEBRASKAN ,ii tmmmmmmmm X ? ynl t Tv' Tf .' BASKET-BALL PRACTICE BY SPORTING EOITRESS I wont to aco tho men play baakot rfha. When wo camo neur tho gym natrium I hoard a lot of shouting and yolllng that Bounded Just llko an In dian war camp. Wo went iiiHlde the building, which was all lit up with oloctric- lights, and a big man, who Was Just as pollto as could bo, told us to climb It; so wo went up Into the dustiest gallery, all full of horrid spiders and moBtly cobwobs. Thoro wore a lot of men who wore . dreBsed In perfectly killing costumes. It 1b a wonder that they don't catch cold, gome of thorn wore red sweaters with white JottorB on them. I wonder who sowed them on. Wo watched tho boys toss a ball around awhile and thon wo camo back down to tho offlco to write the story. Coming back I saw tho lovlleBt plume hat on tho campus. WOMAN ELECTED MANAGER TULAN! FOOTIALL TEAM Tulano Unlorslty, Ala. Fannlo Sol forth, seventeon years old, the daugh ter of a Now Orleans editor, 1b tho manager of tho Tulano University football team this BoaBon. an honor that nover before has fallen to any collogo woman. Miss Solforth confors with the coach concerning the best methods of training, attends all tho practice gamcB and dally scrimmages and has full chargo of arrangelng. de tails when tho squad makes an out-of-town trip. Moreovor, It Is said that hor election was carried by almost unanimous vote of tho student body, and that her opponents frankly ad mitted aftorward that she has shown moro ability than any football mana gor In tho university for several yearB. INDOOR IIOCKY TEAM PLAYS PRACTICE GAMES IN GYMNASIUM AND TAKE UP OTHER COL LEGE 8PORTS. For several months this fall Indoor hockey has boon played by tho spoclal atudontB. Thoro has. boon somo prac tice on tho football grounds and play ing on such a largo Hold mado It qulto stronuous. Theso same studonts, un dor tho supervision of Miss Gttlngs, aro having practlco In all popular ath lotlcs and playground activities. EAR MUFFS Ear muffs aro out of date, but chest nuts aro still cracked. T. Pontius Qulnn watched tho sun set fading o'or Capital Beach. 'Tho Toxas steer grazing near by fell ltf with a splash. "Cow-boys aro passing fast," ho said sadly. Did you ever soo a fly cry? No, but wo have seen a moth ball. If there Is somothlng wrong with tho Rag, should tho co-od It? Would tho vlllago boll give society tone? Did. you evor get these Christmas horrors: A copy of "Evangeline"? A celluloid whlsk-broom holder? , A Pint bottle of "Jockey Club"? , A pair of pink crocheted bedroom slippers? ": t A lavender mull scarf? A stag-horn manicure sot? V White House cook book? ; A rhlnestono back comb? And other unmentionable things? GIFTS FOR "HIM" I Choosing his gift will be easy if you come here where you'll see on display a wonderful collection of useful, practi cal things for Men, .Young Men and Boys; things to wear are sure to be most acceptable to the men folks. Buy it today or tomorrow. MEN'S HOUSE COATS The nicest assortment we've ever shown new rich colorings, neatly trimmed, neat styles in coats of good quality, coats that will Avoar and retain their good ft . ft looks vZiUU 10 V I OiUU BATH ROBES Something every man would like to have big line neat patterns . . . . $2,95 to $15.00 NECKWEAR A great big showing of all the newest things in Men's Neck wear, plain and fancy colors 25c to $3.50 Ties and Hose to match in neat leather case $1.00, $1.50, $2.00 Tie, Hose and Handkerchiefs to match, in leather case. Come in all colors. A very neat gift for Xmas $1.00, $1.50, $2.00 SPECIAL Just in time for Xmas Special purchase of a traveler's samples of Grips and Bags, made of the most select stock and care i'ully finished. Only a small line at this price 25 Off Regular Price MAYER BROS. K'MfaiMai. fJjW WARTHON'S Original, Electric, Shoe Repqir Factory Always reliable and up to he minute 142 North 12th Street L Get a Michigan or Nebraska Pennant Free with a pound box of candy 80o Meter Drug Co. An Appropriate Gift tSei&d a copy of tbe Football Number to your fries&ds. Let them see tHe famous team your school Has pro duced. At the Office. - lO Cents Per Copy CENTRAL NATIONAL BANK 12th amd O StrU - .- ' ' P.J.HALL.PmUat F. . JOHNSON, Vlc-Pml4at W. W. HACKNEY, JR., At. Cufc. HERPOLSHEIMER'S CAFE Dinner JJt30 to Ji30 fEU Suppr 5i30 to 7i30 vL Also Caftrlan StyU MUFBbERS Have just received a new line of Fine Silk Knit Mufflers in plain and cross bar stripes. Strictly new and the best out ..-... $2.00 to $3.50 Plain Silk Mufflers, made up and. made square to fold ....$1.00 to $2.60' Knit Mufflers, all colors 50o to $1.50 Suspenders, plain and fancy 25c to $1.00 Suspenders in neat Xmas box .-,75c and $1.00 I 4 . pi . i 'm M wr iflfofrf Kag -&" ,;'' tf . . . -; -x-.u ".a). "l,""T" rr