MMttMlMMM'MMi M - "r THE DAILY NEBRASKAN I SOCIAL CALENDAR Friday 6:00 p. m. Vespor BorvlcoB. 8:00 p. m. Military Ball. Lincoln Hotol. 'Kearney Club. Tomplo. Union Society. . . Sigma Chi dinner and danco. Palladlan Socloty. Saturday 8:00 p. m. Tognor Socloty. Kappa- Kappa Gamma danco. Dolta Chi danco. Sigma Nu danco. Alpha Tau Omega danco. Phi Dolta Thota danco. Band Banquet. Modic Banquot. The Hyde Prlntory, 1331 P St., to-dato printing of all kinds. up- oach month in tho Tomplo hereafter. This decision was reached at tho last fortnightly mooting of tho socloty, at which tho members wero each given a Christmas gift by "Kris Krlnglo." Weber's Sultorium, 1100 O Street. Omaha Club Notice. The senior clasB of the Omaha High School will glvo their annual danco Friday ovonlng, December 22, at Cham bers' Academy. All of tho members should plan to attend as this is quite a function, and tho club should glvo it thoir hearty support. 55-4t Miss Ensign Announces Hours. Miss Ensign has announced that she will hold rogular ofllco hours as fol lows: From nine to ton, and from two to three, daily, In A. 204. Also from ton to eleven, dally, in A 104, upon hor return. SUNDBYJEMARKS Overheard at tho QirlB' Club: I wondor "What a stag matinee danco would bo like? Why wo aro compollod to eat our Now Year's dinner on a dining car? Why red-hoadod mon and llttlo men aro always smart? Who created that stylo of "slap back" hair cut and why? If tho auditorium and a brass band won't bo secured for tho next Girls' Party? If tho laws will sing tho "naughty word" in their now building where thoro Is no ono to hear? How many knocks thoro will bo on this edition of tho Rag? How many spoochoB "Jerry" War ner will make noxt year. Working on Catalogue. All UnivorBlty departments aro bUBy rovlsing material for tho now Uni versity catalogue. At tho request of tho Chancellor, it ls to bo gotten out earlier this year. PRIF. ENOBERG SUSPENDS NO GIRLS ALTHOUGH FIVE MEN FORCED TO LEAVE, THE GIRLS' RECORDS ARE ABOVE MARK. Professor Engborg gives out tho offi cial report that no women havo been suspended far delinquency this semes ter. Five men havo boon suspended. n C. H. Frey, florist, 1133 O St. tf FRESHMAN CLASS MEETING. Important meeting of tho freshman class Immediately after tho Convoca tion on Tuesday, December 19th. Every freshman Is urged to bo pres ent. BOB MAC FARLANE,' President. "Bootery" Shoes SERVICE that meets tho emergency Is tho kind that counts. READINESS In having tho right thing at tho right timo and In tho right way. You'll And our service ready for tho test when over you're ready to buy shoes. ry us to day, tomorrow or any day. Winter weather is real shoe weather and you'll need real shoes on your feet if you expect comfort and satisfaction in wearing them. Every good sort of wint er shoe is included in the vast assortment shown here. There are leather lined, heavy soled shoes; black calf or vici kid leathers; extra heavy storm Bluchers Winter tans with sturdy viscolized soles and Bellows tongues. men's Dootery Margaret Gilbert Engaged. Tho ongagomont of Margaret Gil bort of York, Nebraska, to Charles Fisher has boon annonnced. Miss Gil bert belonged to tho class of 1913. C. V. Roberts 144 No. 12th Change In' German Club Meetings. Meetings of Der Voroln Gormania will bo hold tho last Wednesday of UNIVERSITY JEWELER & OPTICIAN C. A. Tucker JEWELER S. S. Shean OPTICIAN 1123 0 STREET YELLOW FRONT SIMMONS the PRINTER PRINTING ENGRAVING EMBOSSING Auto. a319. 317 South lath St. Try Our Luncheonettes They are always the best We serve hot and cold drinks all winter long. LINCOLN CANOY KITCHEN South Weat Cor. 14th O Handsome as a Bulldog! 1 M' OREOVER The up-to-date Youno Man insists upon Wearing Shoes that way, this Season. Wants room to cross his toes when he sees the Pretty Girl coming, maybe! So, here you are, Meboy ! We didn't invent the Style. It is "Rhinocerian," if you want to say so. But nevertheless l It is the Proper Caper for Fall, 1911. This, and a dozen other new Styles shown now in Regal Shoe Store and Agency windows, to tickle the Young Man's Fancy and to Get his Money. Four Dollars, that's all ! Milder Styles for more con servative People. Higher prices, too, for Super Standard Regals. But, remember, all Regal Shoes are made in Regal Shoe Factories, on a Factory profit which is limited to 5, as per Public Auditor's Certified Statement. ("Cost Plus 5" we call this.) Retail price stamped on the sole of eacji genuine Regal by the Makers. This to insure a full return for the money to Consu mers every time. Greater value (at the price) does not exist than in Regal-Standard $4.00 Shoes il "BUR1P,V ll Model J RM 1 SPEIER & SIMON Cor. 10th and O Sts., LINCOLN, NEB. AH Soul's Ghurch, Unitarian Corner H and 3th Streets A FREE RELIGIOUS ORGANIZATION Sunday Morning, December J7, Service 10:45. Rev. Manford Lillifors of Omaha, will preach Students' Liberal Religious Union 12:00-12:30. Adressed by Mr. Lillifors 7:30 Mr. W. E. Hardy will give a travelog on Naples, illus trated with stereoptican views. The m6ment you put on clothes made to your meas ure, you see the vast differ ence between merchant tailored and ready made. Our way costs no more. Besure to see our linefirst. College Tailors College .View, Nebraska Phone -4-S 44 Try a lunch at the Y. M. O. A. Lunch Room. Cafeteria Plan. City Y. MCA. 13th an P. HAVE EVANS Do Your Laundry o A ) i c V Yeur Patronagi Solicited i .