ppa55!S"jP x ' 7- -v THE DAILY NEBRASKAN LILLIAN GINBERG PLAYS YOUTHFUL VI0LINI8T DELIQHT8 BIG AUDIENCE AT TEMPLE THURSDAY. N "t X r Miss Lillian Cinborg delighted her , audience in a violin recital at tho Tem ple yesterday at Convocation. So great was their appreciation of her playing that sho was forced to render an encore. Miss Clnberg is barely thirteen years of age, but she already Bhows a talent which 1b unusual. Hor program yesterday as rendered was: "Adagio, Bruch; Gavotte, Gossec; Canzonotta, Ambrosio; Gipsy Dances, Nachez; A tho Brook (encore), Bols-deffer. Make your dates early with Hagen sick's Orchestra. Auto B-2990. tf STATE CHEMISTS WILL MEET NEBRA8KA DIVISION OF AMER ICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY WILL HOLD SIXTY-FIRST 8E88ION. Tho Nebraska division of tho Amer ican Chemical ocloty will hold its sixty first annual session in the lecturo room of the Chemical building tomor row morning at 8 o'clock.' Following Is tho program for the meeting: "Miscellaneous Notes From tho Gen oral Analysis of Food,"' by S. H. Rosb. "Pure Milk for tho Homo," by Prof. Robert Currons. "Value of Chemical Engineers to tho City," by Dr. Chas. A. Crowley. All of the speakers on the program are residents of Omaha. Mr. Robs is employed in tho government food lab oratory there. Ted Marrlner, cleaner and presser, Is still at 235 No. 11th. Auto 1799. t? Strong Michigan Club. Tho Michigan Women's League, which corresponds with our University Girls' Club, has GOO members. At the opening of school committees meet tho trains and assist the dean of women in finding suitablo rooms. Tho loaguo serves also as an employment bureau. Uniforms Unclaimed. Twenty uniforms remain unclaimed at tho quartermaster's ofllco and must bo called for In tho next fow days. Several days' demerits from this cause will fail a man for tho .semester, so it is .to their Interest to call for them right away. T t t The Great Christmas Store o i Gifts Suitable Fo EVERYONE , . . ammammmmammmmmmmmmmmimmmmmmmmmmmmmmmimmmmmmmmmmmimmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmKmm Breen Pledged Delta Chi. Delta Chi announces pledging of Leo J. flreen, 1913. WALT Stands for the latest and best in Sheet Music 1215 0 St. THE FIRST SAVINGS BANK 4 pir cut Interest " " w"' $100 Opens an Account With the First National Bank, Cor. 10th and O. For your Steaks, Chops amd Qaltk Service Visit' The New York Chop House Open Pay and Night 1840 0 Street IKhSjHjflEM ' M--?LBslBflm.'lsmMslisWisy BBBBBBBBLl BLbWBBbI BBBBHlBV BB flB SJbbBHbBBBBBBHbBBBuEBBBH.1 BBBBbLbBBBBbSI ., li I BbMBBBBBBBBBBbMBbBbWbM '' "ffrV ihujHaflGBHBBBBBstB BBB llHBBBHBiBHBBBBBi 1BBBBHb1BBBBBHRH BBBmnJBBBHBBBBBHBli ;iVHHiHHH BBHbBBBBBkSBEeBBLBBBBEBHbP Sr BBBBBBBBBM f- HVHrOvHkVFIiBBBBBBBBBBWIBHBBlSaBBBBBH LB; XBBLBBBIbBBBBBBIbB m. , BBBBBBBBH T ' i HWbW "5&J yVtWX "'ttl9lttmAtF''& BBB ViK IbbbbbbbBIWbbbbV Wm M w.fcfs&.i w QLk w dietfm HKBBBBBBBBBHBBBBBBBBB3BBBf.BBBH 'f ' Vmm..-r'?-SSmi 'v$ iBBBBBBBH' JbBH IbBBBBHbBBBBBBBbT '"'''V'BHbBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB I BBBBBPBBBBBBBBBBBBBVBpBBBBBBKBuBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBwBBBBBBBB Br&MBBBSBBOVDBBVBBflBBBiBlBBBBBBnHBI-l;Alk HoflBBBBMBBBBBBBBBBBBHBBl I BotSPP'SCbBBbBVBIW'PBBBBbIbBbBBBBBBbHh "SbbIbBHbBBBBBBBBHbBBHI HHBHBBBBBBHlWHBBBBBBBBi SCENE FROM i Geo.M.Cohan'sS6etRicliQuiGkWallingfor(l COMING' TO THE OLIVER MONDAY and TUESDAY NIGHTS, DEO. 17 and 18 i Avv -,