THE DAILY NEBEASKAN i n THE DAILY NEBRASKAIN Owned and published by t o University of Ncbrnslca througn THE 8TUD.ENT PUBLICATION BOARD .OfTlccs Dnsomont tho Administration Building. PostoHlco Station A, CampiiB, Lincoln, Nebraska. Day Auto 1888. TELEPHONES Night Auto 3145, Ed. 1035, Bus. Mgr. 420C SAM R. BUCK, EdItor-ln-Chlef EDITORIAL A. H, Dlnsmore, Managing Editor P. C. McConnoll. Assoclato Editor Searlo F. Holmes, Assoclato Editor Stuart Gould, City Editor E. Leo Updcgraff, Sporting Editor REPORTORIAL Morrill Reed Homer O. Hewitt Hugh Agor C. P. Androws Wallace B. Troup Kenneth M. Enyder R. S. Buddonburg L. A. Bcchtcr J. Lovejoy Linn William O. Cooloy WOMEN'S DEPARTMENT Mildred Bovlns Ruth Munger Ollvo B. Mann Winifred Elchar Huth Sheldon Allco Chambers BUSINE88 VINCENT C. HA8CALL, BUSINESS MANAGER C. C. Buchanan, Asst. Bus. Mgr. J. V. Morrison, Circulation Mgr. Subscription $2.00 por year. Single copies 5c Faculty notlcos and University bulletins published free. Entorod at tho PostofTlcc, Lincoln, Ncbr., aa second class matter under act of Congress March 3, 1870. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 15, 1911 Tho bUBy mascullno profoBBlonallBtB of tho Btaft have turnod over tho offlco pons to ub tho girl roportors. Thoy look on and smllo in good natured tol oranco while wo wrlto tho things that havo boen horotoforo crowded out by athlotlc stuff and smoker notices. It is nlco, but, with apologlos to tho Orphoum, wo "hato to take another porson"s job." ThlH has been a red-lotter year for wnmnn at Nebraska. Thoro was a tlmo whon pooplo said Nebraska Uni versity women missod somothlng of college life. Tho atmosphere waB not all that cldo it once for all and settle (?) the question as you did about the cabB? Ted Stuart, former Nebraska assist ant coach and referee at tho Michigan gamo, was married yesterday to MIsb Bottlna Bradley of Centervillo, Iowa. Hero's hoping that tlmo wasn't called on him before ho made liis homo run. A KUMPLAINT. Dear Chancellor: A week ago Tues day I was up to yure university to see my dotter Amolla. You hov a splendid instltushun on I feel reel proud to see my dotter a llvin part of sech a col ledge. One of them professors with a plnted beard tipped his hat to her jest like ho know her reel well. But there XMAS NECKWEAR 25c Fancy Boxes WHY PAY MORE, BUDD 1415 O Imported Gonaff Shades could bo desired. What social llfo wont on was In tho Bmall and unropro sontatlvo organizations. Tho larger interests wore noglected. And women students really Boomed to justify tho criticism: thoy not only took llttlo Interest in all-school activities, but it waB hard to go't a crowd out for af fairs which directly concerned them. A largo mass mooting of women was unknown hero a few years ago. This year omphaflizes tho changing order of things. A football gamo COULD happen without tho co-eds, but It doesn't. Even tho CornhuBkor Banquot of sacred tradition this fall throw open Its doors to thom. Tho difficulty now in planning a elrls' affair lies not in getting tho crowdB, but in accommodating them. Tho satisfaction over those social oc casions has boen marred only by tho necessity of turning away a number each time. Tho Unlvorslty Girls' Club and tho Black Masque organizations aro tho nuclei around which tho ovolutlon'haB boon evolving, but tho "spirit" Is In tho individual girl. . We have tho right sort of Btuff at Nebraska and wo aro learning how to uso it. It is good to bo a co-ed, and it 1b good to bo here. was one thing I mus pained to see. Now, my Hiram smokes on a hull life time of arg'yln hasn't stopt him; so I wa'n't so turrlblo shocked to see ail thom men standln' around Bmokln'. I am a W. C. T. U. on a Baptist; so 1 don't believe in encouragln' sech h vice, but for goodness sakeB, If them follors has to smoke, give 'em a place so't thoy kin move off tho sidewalk My dotter, she said, "Ma, I don't mind Inhaling these deadly fumes. T don't mind treading a sea of cigarette stubs, but I do hato to climb down off tho sldownlk and fight my way 'round to tho gate." I told Amelia mebe if she carried a whistle en blow It when she was comin', they would move en let her thru, but sho said she doubted it. Now, I guess thot's all I got to say. Please bring it to tho attenshun of the publlck thru yure avlubel paper, and oblige. AUNT MATILDA. P. S. I suppose the dean of women up thoro will see thot Amelia wears her rubbers. Unl students aro invited to try the Y. M. C. A. Barbers. You will like their work. Wonder what that tonso feeling in tho air moans, that sense of dlsquiot. A member of tho Military Ball com mittee told us that It was bocauso tho men wore having such a time de ciding whether thoy should send flow era to their ladies. That is funnyl tho co-eds are just as calm- about it! Why don't you do- VESPER SERVICE TONIGHT. VoBpor services wll be held tonight in Memorial Hall at 5 o'clock. Chan cellor Avery, or Dean Bessey as his representative, will preside, and the University Chorus and a string quaVtet will have charge of the muBic. Thirty -cents pays for tho Best Din ner in Lincoln, at Baker's Cafe. Also high class a la carte service. We have the big juicy steaks. 20 Pe Cent Discount ...ON Kirschbaum's Celebrated Suits and Overcoats This means $15.00 Suits and Overcoats for. .$12.00 $18.00 Suits and Overcoats for. .$14.40 $20.00 Suits and Overcoats for . .$16.00 $25.00 Suits and Overcoats for . .$20.00 Blue Serge, Fancy Worsteds, Cheviots, Home spuns all new fall styles all the new collars every suit and overcoat guaranteed by the maker and by us. Palace Clothing 419 O Company Street OKO, SHAFFER, Prop THK HEW AUTO 38lt FIRST NATIONAL BANK BARBER SHOP BIX CHAIRS ii MO WAITING Best Barber Shop in the Weat CIGARS In Daiement O Street Entrance MANICURING Important to You In your search for gifts remember we are giving 20 Pet Cent Discount on all of our elegant stock of fine clothing and furn ishing goods. Buy prac tical, sensible gifts here. FARQUHAR 1325 O Street Manhattan Shirts and Stetson Hats are not included in this sale I S