"f f '- lj, -" ff be Bails ftebrashan VOL. XL NO 54. UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, THURSDAY DEC. 14, 1911. Price 5 Cents jli" w COACH AND SQUAD ARE GDE8T8 JINNIAHA CLUB METROPOLITAN ALUMNI BAN QUET VALLEY CHAMPIONS. TWO HUNDRED DINE WITH TEAM Old Graduates Are Enthusiastic and the Team Reports Grand Ban quet and Good Time. EDITOR IS BAFFLED WANTS INFORMATION Startling Story Sent In for Publica tionFeared to Be Yellow Do You Know? GO-ED NEBRASKA TO BE GIVEN WAY FREE MANAGEMENT PRE8ENT8 ONE TO EVERY NEBRA8KA GIRL. IS EDITED BY GIRLS FOR GIRLS Coach Stiehm, Manager Eager and all the football squad but Hornberger and Warner went to the big Omaha alumni meeting at tho Millard Hotel, Tuesday evening. Tho crowd of Corn huskcrs was met at tho depot by a large reception committee and escort ed" fn automobiles to the University Club. After a short rest tho guests ' were banqueted at tho Millard till 10 o'clock, and then taken back to tho club for tho final talkfest. The speeches of the evening were made by Regent Copeland, President G. L. Chase, Manager Eager, Coach Stiehm and Captain Shonka. Tho entire audi ence of 150 Nebraska "grads" thon passed a unanimous resolution for a petition to the Chancellor, the. Board of Regents, and tho Athletic Board for a game at Omaha next year. Team and coaches were delighted with their reception in Nebraska's . metropolis and allege that tho organi zation of alumni there is live and at work for Nebraska every minuto. GRAFT SHOES PROVE POOR NO GOOD FOOTGEAR. BOUGHT AT STORE RECOMMENDED BY CADET OFFICER. By Zuyder Eighteen days to leap year!!! Just think of it, boys; just eighteen short periods of twenty-four hours each un til ? ? ? Whoops, my dear! Tho great discovery was disclosed at a mammoth mass meeting held Tuesday afternoon on tho campus. Only girls were admitted and after tho last co-ed had entered tho doors were bolted and barred to prevont the entrance of the masculine olement at all costs. However, tho world famed suffrag otte reporters of tho Daily Nobraskan were on the scene and so the glad news is out in spite of the precautions taken to insure secrecy. Nothing Overlooked. A number of plans for taking advan tage of this great opportunity at the earliest possible time wero discussed. Miss suggested that a meeting of University , men bo called to gather in the auditorium just before tho be ginning of tho leap-year eighteen days from today. Here all tho co-eds would appear and, standing in tho balcony, make a selection, naming the lucky one. Then a porter would come in and remove Graft! Displeasure! Unpopularity! Three words tell the story of condi tions in the military circles at Ne braska University. Officers of tho ca det regiment, who told their men to be sure to purchase shoes at a cer tain "best" store, are longing for peace and some relenting of their ac tions. The. shoe situation is tho key to tho trouble. "Wo don't want to bo told where to buy our stuff and then get rpuped," said one disgruntled fresh man last night to a Nebraskan re porter. "Nolhln' against the military authorities Jt ain't Yates' fault either," he went on, "but somo of those officers go juBt too far." The freshman stated that tho officer in command of his company had read an order before the company one " night at drill hour telling them that a certain shoo firm wero tho "only official" providers of official footgear. I It seems that a pair of tan shoes pur chased from that Arm has proven un satisfactory and the captain has fallen in the esteem of. one of his men. Another officer, it is said, detailed one of his assistants 'to demonstrate a line of shoes In tho locker room be fore and after tho drill hour. That officer is being severely criticised. tho young man to his future home and all would end happily. Object to Plan. Serious objections to this plan wero raised by Miss Tailor, who stated that In her opinion very few of tho strong er sex would still bo "unspiked" at the late hour of eloven-thirty on Leap Year's Eve, and that in her opinion very few of tho fair ones who did not have a lirm grip on her choice at the moment tho clopk strikes, would have any show at all. After much discus sion, these objections prevuilcd and the plan finally decided upon was brought forward. "The best possible way to do this, ut least in my opinion," said Miss Ritchell, "would bo for each girl to write a short poem describing her per sonal beauty, her matrimonial pre requisites and giving 1ier approximate age. These should be mulled to tho pro spective victims und a personal visit made early on the morning of the first day of tho glorious leap year." After a hot contest, tho second plan was adopted by a voto of 789 to 7G7, and a committeq was appointed to soe that no one broko the rules and worked overtime. Papers Will Be Given Out From Station "A" at the Usual Hour Tomorrow.. NO REGENTITLUNCH ROOM BOARD MAY PUT IN EATING HOUSE IN TEMPLE BASE- MENT TOME DAY. : Professor Smith Resigns. The Board of Regents accepted the resignation of Prof. H, R, Smith of tho department of animal husbandry at itn meeting yesterday, Professor Smith resign in order to accept an offer from the University of Minnesota, A plan to place a lunch room in the Temple was indefinitely postponed by the Regents at their mooting Tues day. In speaking of their action, Chancellor Avery said that tho Re gents were heartily in favor of tho plan, but under existing conditions they thought it unwise to take any action. All the roomB In tho Temple are in use now and the building would have to' be rearranged to make room for the lunch room, The Teachers College High School will probably bo moved to better quar ters in the future and then tho base ment can be used for this purpose. KNICKERBOCKERS BANQUET NEW YORK 8TUDENTS MEET AT FESTAL BOARD PRAISE NEBRASKA. The first banquet of tho newly formed Knickerbocker Club of the University was held last evening at tho Lindell Hotel. A dozen sons of the Empire State were present. Familiar topics and scenes wero pleasantly recalled. It was decided that the Knickerbocker 'Club should In the future help In every possible way all students from New York who attend the University and try to get more to attend this great Institution of the west, of which too little is known In the east. A short business meeting was hold after the banquet, at which the officers wore elected. President Wm. O. Cooloy. Secretary Ernest H. Graves. Frldoy's edition of the "Rag", will undoubtedly contain somo of tho few really literary features of which tho publication can boaBt. Tho roason for this can bo" briefly stated as follows: the girls are to pub lish this edition. . ZEho preliminary work has been kopt a dark secret and oven tho malo section of tho "Rag" staff has no idea of what Is to bo per- . potrated on tho reading public. Cartoons and helpful suggestions as to tho conduct of the men on tho campus will predominate. It is even rumored that tho unthinking men will be subjected to severe criticism. Tho woman's dopartment of tho pa por haB been working overtime pre- parjng this number and have promised somothlng woll worth reading. Tho contents will be of especial interest to tho feminine sex, for this very reason tho men will probably devour tho paper whole. Not to bo outdone in the effort to mako this Issue n howling success, tho business management has suddenly becomo magnanimous. Believing that every girl in tho University should have a. copy of UiIb issue they havo arranged to prcsont one to every co-ed. On Friday morning every girl shoul'l stop at station "A" and receive aopy. Tho feminine subscribers are urged to notify their friends of this edition, which 'will servo as an Indication of tho "Superiority of Woman." December 15 TicKets $3.00 Second Annual MILITARY BALL The Band HagensicR :$ m. 7jfa Lincoln BAND HASJNNUAL FEED CAPTAIN YATES TO PRE8IDE A8 TOA8TMA8TER AT BAND BANQUET.' The University band will hold Its annual' banquet at the Lincoln Hotel on tho evening of Tuesday, Decembor 19. This banquet has been held every year of the history of tho band and has becomo an annual custom. Capt. Halsey E. Yates will preside as toastmastor and a number of good toasts, are expected. The committee in charge of the affair consists of C. M. Llephart, chairman, R. M, Macdou gall, L. L. Hlnes, George Wilson, Carl E. Diath, and George Racely. New Uniforms Appear. 'The new drill uniforms' made their long awaited appearance last night in the customary hlazo of tflor, espe cially for tho freshmen. Second an1 third year cadets have settled down to tho routine of winter class work under the tutelage of the regimental and bat talion officers. '1: 4 r :!l 1