t , Zlbe Bails IFlebrashan VOL. XI. NO 53. UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, WEDNESDAY DEC. 13, 1911. Price 5 Cents f m v- iK- j t? it t'4 ? f4 i fc. NEEDY STUDENTS AIDED PURPOSEJ LOAN FUND COMMITTEE ANNOUNCES RULES GOVERNING PLAN. PREfERENCE TO UPPERCLASSMEN Fund of Three Thousand Dollars De . voted to the Use of Deserving Students Fund to Increase. JERRY WARNER CHOSEN TO LEAD CORNHUSKERS Is Unanimous Choice For Next Foot ball Captain Champion Team Awarded Gold Mementos BIDS RECEIVED ON NEW FARM BUILDING BOARD OF REGENTS FAIL TO AWARD CONTRACT. SWITCH TO THE FARM PROPOSED Estimated That Railroad 8pur Would Decrease Ultimate Cost of 'Building. The Board of Regents yesterday adopted the following rules for the loaning of money from the students' loan fund to needy students. Informa tion concerning the application blank may be gained from Professor Chat burn: 1. The student loan fund shall con sist of the donations received for the benefit of students of the University of Nebraska from Mr. J. It. Webster, Omaha; Dr. J. A. L. Waddell, Kansas City, Mo.; Hon. W. G. Whitmore, Val ley, and such other funds as may hereafter bo donated for the purpose, together with the accrued interest from the loaning of said fund. This fund is in the custody of the Regents of the University for the benefit of the students, but is not to be regarded as a part of the University's resources. 2. Loans shall bo made to students from the fund in accordance with the wishes of the several donors and in accordance with the rules and regula tions adopted by the student loan committee and approved by the Board of Regents for the administration of tho same. 3. A committee consisting of two members of the University Sonato and one member of the finance depart ment, who shall be treasurer of the fund, appointed by the Chancellor as representing the donors, shall have di rect charge of ho loaning of the fund and shall pass upon all applications for loans; but no loan shall be made without tho approval of the Chancel lor. Tho treasurer shall give a bond to the Regents for the sum of $3,000. 4. Each application shall be upon a blank form provided for the purpose, properly filled out, and no recommen dation for a loan shall be made with out ho favprable endorsement of tho entire committee and the Chancellor upon each blank. 5. The committee, before granting any loan, must be thoroughly con vinced of the student's real need for assistance; and it will, moreover, be considered a ground for the refusal of the. application if it is found that it is made, as a matter of convenience to avoid the necessity of earnest ef fort on the part of the applicant to obtain tho necessary money from rela tlves and friends. G. In making loans the oommittee will take Into account the moral char actor of the applicant, his habits for temperance and industry, and his assiduity and success in his studies. 7. Applicants belonging to upper classes 'will be given preference and np loan will bo made to a student who has not been matriculated at least one year. Likewise preference will be given to thoBe who have not formed expensive habits or belong to expen sive societies or organizations. 8. The amount loaned to any one student shall be limited to the actual needs of the applicant, and, except in (Continued on Page 3) "Jerry" Warner, for tho past two years the unanimous selection for All Missouri Valley quarterback, was elected to captain the 1912 Corn husker football team without a dis senting vote. Every one of the sixteen honor let ter men was strongly in favor of the nifty little field general, and this sen timent is as unanimous throughout tho student body. "Jerry" has played stellar football fop two full seaspns and hta selection as leader for next fall 14 thought to prestige evor greater advances in Comhusker football triumphs. Board Pleased. At the athletic board meeting tho selection of Warner as captain was confirmed. One member of the board remarked that there could have been no better choice made in the matter and Warner would lead a team on the field as good or better than tho vic torious eleven of this year. Gold footballs were voted to the sixteen men who made tho "N," and as a reward for good conduct the en tiro team was allowed to go to tho Omaha alumni dinner last night, ex penses paid. The coaches were sent to the same function undor the same condition. In addition, Coaches Stiehm and Rathbone and Manager Eager were given the little golden charms. Tho cross-country men who went to the meet In Iowa a few weeks ago were awarded "N"s. The lucky men are Captain Anderson, Kennedy, Boggs, Slater, Swanson, and Cahill. MEDICAL SOCIETY TO BANQUET BIG CELEBRATION OF OPERATORS SCHEDULED FOR SATUR DAY NIGHT. Tho University Medical Society will hold its annual banquet at the Lincoln, Saturday night at 7 o'clock. Tho banquet this year promises to eclipse all former ones.' Many of tho Omaha faculty and also the Lincoln faculty will respond to toasts. All medical studonts are invited. Tickets may be secured from tho com mittee or from President Adson of the society. ARTILLERY ONjNI CAMPUS MILITARY BALL COMMITTEEMEN ADOPT 80ME PROGRESSIVE ADVERTISING METHODS. At a regular meeting of tho Board of Regents, hold Tuesday, bids wore opened for tho now plant Industry building, but no contract was award ed. This was owing to the fact that Individual bfddors had boon requested to submit estimates as to tho reduc tion they would make in caso a switch were built t,p the Farm, and that sev eral had not yet handed In their amended OBtimatos. A plan has been on foot for some time to build a spur to tho Farm. Whilo tho original cost might bo con siderable, It. Is believed thdt in timo it would pay for itself In tho decrease it would make in dray a go to the Farm. EXTENSION IN OMAHA OMAHA CLUB TO ORGANIZE STUDENTS FROM METROPOLIS TO PERFECT PLANS FOR CARRY ING ON THE WORK. Tomorrow another organization will bo added to the long list of University clubs, but this new one is different from every other club or any other club formed. The Omaha Club is to bo formed tomorrow, but Its work will be one of the big boosts for tho University of Nebraska in Omaha and in the vicin ity of the Gate City. The Omaha people attending at Nebraska will boost the school in their homo town and during the 'vacation days coming will make an organized effort to get in touch with the mombers of the graduating class of the Omaha HJgh School. Regents at Farm. Regents Copelnnd, Haller and Whit more and Stato Superintendent Dal "zell spoke at the Convocation held at the Farm, Tuesday.. Nearly the en tire school attended the meeting' and received the regents with great en thusiasm. ' ' Tho campus has been bombarded. The Military Ball committee got busy yesterday and, in the woe small hours of the morning, hauled a cannon on to the campus to use as a sign board. This same cannon, which be longs to tho United States govern ment and is a part of the ordnance outfit of Company F, stood on the campus all day Tuesday. A sign tied to tho cannon explained that it was only placed there as an advertisement for the big three-dollar dance. At tho Convocation hour the old relic was the center of interest The Daily Nebraskan reporter, who at tempted to run down some sort of a romantic life history of the cannon, was disappointed to find that Chair man, Newman and Master-of-Core-monies Van Duson were delinquent in their research work In this particular branch of history. The cannon, it is understood, will remain on the campus all, day today and possibly Thursday. It is mounted onUght field gearing for field service. One man yesterday throw away all his cents and remarked, "If Chairman Knew-Man, what would Van Dusen?" BUREAU WILL 8END LECTURERS TO METROPOLITAN - Y. M.C.A. Tho department of Univorslty Ex tension will probably furnish sovoral lectures for tho educational depart ment of tho Omaha Y. M, C. A. E. F. Donison, general secretary of tho Omaha Y. M. C. A., and J. W. Miller, tho educational 'director, were arranging for lectures yesterday with A. A. Reed, director of the department of extension. They mado tentative ar rangements for several lectures, and will make the final arrangements In a short time. SMITH AND (OflDRA TALK GO TO OMAHA TO 8PEAK BEFORE THE NATIONAL 8HEEP CONVENTION. Prof. R. H. Smith, an authority on tho subject of animal husbandry, will talk to the National Sheep Growers' convention in Omaha next Friday on "Mutton Production In tho Cornbelt." Dr. G. E. Condra has been called before the same assembly to tell about the conservation of soil fertility. BARKER GIVEN LEAVE. RUSSELL'S HOMEDE8XROYED. Palatial Residence on South 8treet Gutted by Fire. Tho home' of the parents'' ot Dick Russell, 'varsity' half back, 'at Forty second and South streets, burned to the ground while the family was ab sent fiunday morning. The fire Is thought to 'have originated in defective electric wiring. The loss Is said to be fully covered by Insurance. Zoology Head to Make Up for Two Summers' Work. Prof. F. D. Barker of,the depart ment of zoology was given a leave ot absence for the second semester by the Board of Regents. This action Was in accord with the board's rule granting feaves to those who serve two sessions of the summer school without remuneration. Pharmacy Photo. AH pharmacy , students meet at Townsend's 'studio' today at 2:30 for Comhusker picture. i J' f . , ; , t 4. wJfcjMfidk ..