TIVW?" -""j' HT jpk THI DAILY NXBfeASKAN j i "J ,-., a . .' . 73 BIG GROWDJ JUNIOR many attend informal of third year students held saturdAy night. The Junior Hop, held Saturday night at tho Lincoln Hotel, was a suc cess in every sense of the word; in fact, it was one of the biggest "hit's" of the dancing Beason. In size and enthusiasm it resembled a masB meet' ing. Everyone stopped on everyone else, apologized, and struggled on; tho de fensive work of several couples reached a stage of efficiency nothing short of marvellous. After sixteen rounds of spirited, but pleasant, glid ing about, the contest closed. The committee in chargo reports that financially the affair was success ful. Thirty cents payB for tho Best Din ner in Lincoln, at Baker's Cafe. Also high class a la carto service. Wo have the big juicy steaks. CALENDAR. Tuesday 11:00 a. m. Convocation. Prof. Sarka Hrbek on "Russia." ITluBtrated. 6:00 p. m. "Our Christian Claim," by Miss Morris at tho Y. W. C. A. rooms.. 7:00 p. m. Final tryoutB for Glee Club, at Sci enco'Hall, Temple. Wednesday 7:00 p. m. Glee Club meeting. Science Hall, Temple. 7:45 p. m. Der Vereln Germania social at the Temple. Thursday V 11:00 a. m Convoca Unannounced. 6:00 p. m meets in Banquet empio. 6:45-7:30 p. m Y. M. C. A. Mid-week. Dr. T. M. Shipherd on "Recreation." 7:00 p. m. Junior Play tryoutB. Tomple. Friday Afternoon Japanese picture .sale at tho Y. W. C. A. rooms. 5:00 p. m. Vesper services in Memorial Hall. Chorus, String Qaurtot. 7:00 p. m. Second Military Ball, Lincoln Hotel. Saturday 7:"00 p. m. Medic banquet. Lincoln Hotel. 8:00 p. m. Deutscher Gesselliger Verein. 1645. South Twenty-third street. Sbo Los Hyde when in need of pro grams, menus and other printing. Sigma Phi Pledges. J. T. M. Pearson, '14, of Schuyler, Neb., has been, pledged to Sigma Phi Epsilon. Of all tho many doctors, can you beat this Johnnie, Leard, molo doctor, at Woods', 1206 O St December 15 tlOTL Graduate Cliit) -TTall in thefll Second Annual MILITARY BALL The Band ' HtifjensicK MJQS MIKE-ROBES There' re contagious it's hard to see our holi day display vithout catch ing the fever. Bath robes in Terry cloth and light Turkish . crash $4.50. Blanket lounging robes and handsome house coats with fancy cuffs and pock etsvelvet trimmed in harmonious duo-tone ef fects $5 to $20. Look in the window or better yet, come in- and see them at close range. MAGEE & DEEMER Lincoln Aurora Red Oak MILITARY PROMENADE PAGEANT OF SPLENDOR (Continued from page 1.) o'clock and lasting for one hour and tho committee has announced that tho grand march will start at 8:30 sharp. During tho band concert a "program less" dance will bo held. This pleas ant informal stunt proved most suc cessful last year. Tickets are selling rapidly. The limit has been set at one hundred and Chairman Newman has announced that no more will bo sold. It 1b to bo one of tho biggest events of tho Uni versity year and it to bo hold at the Lincoln ball room. Make your dates early with Hagon sick'B Orchestra. Auto B-2990. tf Omaha Club on Thursday. (Continued from Page 1) and other high schoolB, efforts to se cure now students for tho University will bo made soon by tho club among tho seniors of those schools. This is understood to bo tho outlined work of the Omaha Club in accordance with its policy of convincing possible now stu dents that tho University of Nebraska is the best place for Nebraskans to get their college education. A constitution fo tho now club has been prepared by aJcommitteo author ized and appointed at the preliminary meeting. At tho Thursday morning mooting the constitution will bo sub mitted and five permanent officers will bo elected. TicKets $3.00 7p. in. thQ Lincoln' CLASSIFIED COLUMN L08T EXCHANGED Thursday p. m., at Y. M. C. A., a blue sorgo cap. Ownor pleaso exchange at "Rag" office 51-1 LOST One zoology noto-book, on campus. Return to "Rag" office. 60-3 LOST General notebook, taken by mistake. Return to "Rag" ofllco, or to Bessie Mason. 52-3 LOST Black looBc-leaf pocket note book. Reward. Andrew Sinamark, 334 No. 13th St. 52-1 THE PARTY that was seen taking a watch in room 10S Mechanic ArtB building will return same to "Rag" office and avoid trouble. 52-3 FOR RENT. FOR SALE Dress BUit, cheap; in splendid condition; slzo 36. Price, $10. Call Auto 2358. 51-8 FOR RENT Two rooms for glrlB, modern, one-half black from Unl. Halcyon Hall, 1220 R St. Mrs. Van Dorn. 450-3 FOR 8ALE 3 Tnllor-made dress bu cost 75.00; worn only a fow times; sacrifice for $25.00; size 36. Inquire at Nebraskan office. 52-3 WANTED Second unss for solo wor Must read music well. Address Ad. 5, Daily Nobraskan. 51-3t AUTO DELIVERY CO. Bell j33 i 18 North 13 St. Auto 333a Baggage :: Freight Give us a call HOLIDAY SHOPPKIIS Whnt bettor presont could you give your friends or relatives than a box of neatly printed cards or sta tionery? qrUsoful presents are always appreciated. Ordor thorn today wo are located at 128-80 North 14th st., Lincoln. We serve the purest and best HOT and COLD RE FRESHMENTS in the city (printing;' mm UHcoiK-nm Student's 3-Course Lunch 15c Gat if ajTSi&Gr RENT YOUR . TYPEWMTER NOW Any Make :: Any Time 3 MONTHS $6.00 The Largest Stock in the West Lincoln Typewriter Exchange Co. 1406 O STREET You can get the' ' 'Rag' ' the, rest of the semester AT THE THEATRES Oliver Theatre THUR8DAY NIGHT, DEC. 14 Two Big Finish Wrestling Matches WASEM V8. VAN NICE DR. ROLLER vs. KOCH Prices $1.50 to 50c - Mon. and Tubs,, Dec. 18-19 "Get Rich Quick Walllngford" LINCOLN "AT"gISSrtS?, ORPHEUM '.&. ADVANCED VAUDEVILLE Commencing Mon. Night, D'ec, 11th 8lx American Dancers Charles and Fannie Van McDevItt, Kelly and Lucey Kramer and 8pillane Ward Baker Williams and Segal Richardson's Posing Dogs Matinees Best Seats 25c Nights 15c, 25c, 35c and 50o Temple Theater Dec. 16 Rudolph Ganz PIANIST "Ganz belongs to the chosen few among the greatest of living virtuosi." Vaterland, Luzern, Feb. 2, '11. Siats on silt it Cranoir j Musio Ct., Today $1.50, $1.00, 76o, 60a Oysters any style. Fancy SANDWICHES and SALADS aervedat all hours 'r ) 7c- fc ,lljr A1I at