The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, December 12, 1911, Image 2
.j.-u. ;i,-vyrr SHEf?,4; X DAILY NEBRASKA THE DAILY NEBRASKAIN Owned nnd published by t o University of Nebraska througn THE STUDENT PUBLICATION BOARD Offices Basement tho Administration Building. . ...... Postofllco Station A, Campus, Lincoln; Nebraska. TELEPHONES Day Auto 1888. Night Auto 3145, Ed. 1035, Bus. Mgr. 4206 8AM R. BUCK, EdItor-ln-Chlef EDITORIAL A. H. Dlri8more, Managlna Editor P. C. McConnell. Assoclato Editor Scarlo P. Holmes, Assoclato Editor Stuart Gould, City Editor E. Leo Updcgraff, Sporting Editor REPORTORIAL Morrill Rccd Homer O, Hewitt Hugh Agor C. P. Andrews Wallace B. Troup Kenneth M. Enyder TX. 8. Buddenburg L. A. Bcchter J. Lovejoy Linn William O, Cooloy V WOMEN'S DEPARTMENT Mildred Bovlns Ruth Mungcr . Ollvo B. Mann Winifred Elchar Ruth Sheldon Allco Chambers BU8INE8S VINCENT C. HA8CALL, BUSINESS MANAGER C. C. Buchanan, Ast. Bui. Mpr. J. V. Morrlaqn, Circulation Mgr. Subscription $2.00 per year. Single copies 6c Faculty notices and University bulletins published free. Entored at tho Postofllce, Lincoln, Nobr., as second class matter under act of Congress March 3, 1879. TUESDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1911 A CO-ED NUMBER. Tho glrlB havo doclded that wo do not write enough editorials about smoking at tho gate, and taking off hats in tho building, otc., otc, etc., as por tho custom of "Rag" editors from timo immemorial. Consequontly they havo como, to us aB ono girl Isn't that lovely? and havo told us that they aro going to put out tho paper next Friday. Of courso, thero was nothing to do, boys. You know how It Is. So steel your nerve, and oxpoct anything. It Is bound to bo better than this, be cause It can't bo worse, but wo abjuro any responsibility for anything that C. H. Frey, florist, 1133 O St. tf Conference Concluded. The annual deputation conference of tho eastern Nebraska colleges was hold at tho City Y. M. C. A., Friday and Saturday. About twenty repre sentatives of the various schools wore present and heard tho speeches of Elliott and CrosBman. Tho Nebraska delegates havo not yet been selected, but will be soon. Secretary Harkness went to Friend, Nobr., today to look over that field, and seo what men It would be most advisable to send. George Bros., Dance Programs, Mon ogram Stationery, Motto Cards. Oodles of Xmas Ties Fancy Boxes 50c SilKs, Get It 1415 0 25c 1415 0 appears Friday morning. Ladies first! whon it comes to that. FRESHMEN, ATTENTIONI All loyal freshmen will order tholr class caps at onco, so that tho full order may be placed with tho manu facturers this week. Straggling or ders will not bo bothered with, aB tho capB aro boing mado especially for us and tho maker must know in advance just how many aro wanted. Order from Bob MacFarlane, Coffey, Sloan, Wiley, tho "Rag" office, or Doud. COMMITTEE. Shower baths at Green's Barber Shop, 120 No. 11th. Important Notice. Tho "Vcreln Germanla" holds Its Bpecial Christmas program Wednes day evening, DeBember 13, at 7:45 o'clock in the banquet hall of tho Tem ple. All German students are urged to dome and help celebrate. Please bring a small gift to help old Nicholas. . Unl studentB aro incited to try tho Y. M". C. A. BarberB. You will llko their work. Engineers Meet, Prof. J. D. Hoffmau will address tho Engineering Society on. Wednesday evening" at ,7:30 o'clock, on "Tho Man ufacture of Paper." M. E. 20G. Rudolph Ganz. This wonderful pianist la to be heard in Lincoln, December 10, In the Tomplov theater, coming as the fourth number on the University School of Music artist - course. Reservations may po mado at tho Crancer Music Company. Tho Hyde Prlntery, 1331 P St., up-to-date printing of all kinds. Luncheon at Y. W. C. A. Tho advisory board of the Young Woman's Christian Association will glvo a luncheon Saturday noon In tho YW. C. A. rooms for MIbb Eva Mor ris, visiting secretary of tho North Central territory. January 6, '12 $1.50 Engineering' Hop HagensicK's Orchestra Lincoln Hotel An Unusual Opportunity SEE '0' STREET WINDOW DISPLAY Bradford Svits Are the acme of clothes making. Pos sessing all the qualities possible to put into a tailored garment made of the finest all wool cloth tailored by hand in the most up-to-date style. You can't realize how wonderfully good these clothes are without seeing them. Here is your opportunity to get the finest clothing made at a decided saving. Will you come and see them? $20.00 The home of popular price clothes. SPEIER & SIMON For Ten Days Only We have just made a purchase of high grade woolens, (cancelled orders of big eastern tailors). ' These woolens are made to sell for $25, $30, $35 to $40. Our purchase enables us to sell at our regular price, any suiting in the lot. $15. Suits O'coats $15 Tailored-to Measure Remember only ten days. Start Thursday. DUNDEE WOOLEN MILLS 1218 O STREET The moment you put on clothes made to your meas ure, you see the vast differ ence between merchant tailored and ready made. Our way costs no more. Besure to see our linefirst. College Tailors College View, Nebraska Phone -40 An Appropriate Gift tSemd a copy of the Football Number to your fries&ds. ILet them see the famous team your school Has pro duced. At the Office. IO Cents Per Copy. T" OE9, SHAFFER, Prop TJIJB NBW auto astt FIRST NATIONAL BANK BARBER SHOP CIGARS six ciiAins ti no waiting Beat Barber SW ia & West. Ib Basement O Street Entrance MANICURISTS A 41 , ' 1 - .&. XV . .? ,M t t