sr-'vi THE DAILY NEBRASKAN THE DAILY INEBRVSKAN Owned nrul published by I o University of Nebraska througti THE 8TUDENT PUBLICATION BOARD OIIIcch HaBomoiit tlio Admlnlatnillon Utilldlng. , . I'ostofllco Station A, Cninpus, Lincoln, Nobrnakn. TELEPHONES Night Auto 3145, Ed. 1035, Bus. Mgr. 420G Day Auto 1888. 8AM R. BUCK, EdItor-ln-Chlef EDITORIAL A. H. Dinsmorc, Klanaolng Editor v n. MRRnnniill. AMocliito Editor Sonrlo V, Holmes. AaBoalato titlitnt Stuart Qould, City Editor Merrill Heed C. V. Andrews II. 8. lluddenburs Mildred IJovlns Winifred Elcliar E. Leo Updegraff, Sporting Editor REPORTORIAL Homer O. Hewitt Hugh Agor Wallace 13. Troup Kenneth M. Enydcr L. A. Bcchtor J. Lovejoy Linn WIlMnm O. Cooley WOMEN'8 DEPARTMENT Ruth Mungor Ollvo B. Mann Ituth Sholdon AllcoChumbcrs BU8INE88 VINCENT C. HA8CALL, BUSINESS MANAGER C. C. Buchanan, Asat. Bus. Mgr. J. V. Morrison, Circulation Mgr. Subscription $2.00 per year. Single copies 5c Faculty notices and University bulletins published free. Entered at tho Postolllco, Lincoln, Nebr., as second class matter under act of 4 Congress March 3, 1879. SATURDAY. DECEMBER 9, 1911 NEBRASKAN EXTENDS. The Dally Nebraskan Is about to take steps to enlarge Its nows service for Its readers. The Nebraskan real izes that heretofore many events of importance occurring at the State Farm have been allowed to pass un 'noticed. That this is not as It should be Is obvious. To remedy this situation a State Farm staff of reporters will be selected the first of next week and hereafter systematic news service will be established between the 'Var alty and the Farm. It will be the policy of the Nebras kan to devote as much space as is BUST OF HRBEK PRESENT! D KOMENSKY CLUB GIVES A POR TRAIT OF LATE PROFESSOR TO ALL SOULS' CHURCH. Tho Komeneky Club lma presented to All Souls' Church li beautiful ulto rellef portrait bust of Jeffrey Hrbek. Professor Hrbek was the first instruc tor in Bohemian lit the University. His death occurred in December, 1907. Ted Marrinor, cleaner and prcsser, Is still at 235 No. 11th. Auto 1799. ti The Hydo Printory, 1331 P St., up-to-dato printing of all kinds. TAN SHOES 2K2E For Men and Women BUDD 1413 O $250 1415 O necessary and advlsablo for the ex elusive editing of news from thd agri cultural institution. LOOK FOR IT. C. II. Froy, florist, 1133 O St. TWO FRATERNITY FEEDS tf DELTA TAU DELTA AND ALPHA THETA CHI WILL HAVE DIN NERS TUESDAY EVENING. Delta Tuu Delta and Alpha Thota Clti wore given permission to schedule parties lor TueBday, December 19th, though tho dato falls on a school night. Both organizations had scheduled dances on tho night or the Cornhuskor banquet, which they gave up. ,No other dato could be found before tho ChrlHtmna holidays. , The committee, howovei roafllrmed Its former ruling, that all University functions (us distinguished from those of departmental clubs) shall bo held on Friday and Saturday evenings. All students should visit the "Col lego Inn Barber Shop at 127 North 12th. S L. Chaplin, Prop. Hunter Goes Traveling. Principal Fred Hunter of the School of Agriculture Is away on a short trip to David City and York. At. tho for mer place he will assist In a farmers' Institute, while at tho latter ho Is on for some special work In connection with tho Y. M. C. A. Ho will return Monday evening. Uni students are Invited to try the Y. M. C. A. Barbers. You will like tholr work. CENTRAL NATIONAL BANK 12th and O Streets P. J. HALL. Preldnt P. E. JOHNSON, Vlc-Prcildcnt "W. W. HACKNEY, JR., Awt. Cwh. J&KMiaeMry 6P 912 $1.50 Eimgliieeriiiig' Mop Ordhiestra L4racoli Hotel For Ten Days Only We have just made a purchase of high grade woolens, (cancelled orders of big eastern tailors). Theso woolens are made to sell for $25, $30, $35 to $40. Our purchase enables ns to sell at our regular price, any suiting in the lot $15. Suits (tE Tailored-to O'coats Hrw Measure Remember only ten days. Start Thursday. DUNDEE WOOLEN MILLS 1218 O STREET watch For the NEW FOLSOM Bakery and Cafe We cater to Students trade. 1325 to 1331 N Attention to the Opening of Bert Sturm's New 8-Chair Barber Shop Most Modern, Sanitary Shop and the Finost Fixtures West of Chicago Manicuring Cigars. Uni Students Welcome 110 South 18th St. FLODEEN & BRETHOUWER 129 South Eleventh St., Lincoln, Neb. Every man who cares anything at all about his personal appearanco knowt that only a first-class merchant tailor can furnish tho sort of clothes that will give him that look of distinction that a well-groomod and woll-dressed man shows. At 129 So. 11th Street tho firm of Flodeen & Brothouwor maintains a. largo show window that is always filled with a line of goods that are equal to tho display of any tailoring establishment to bo found in tho west. Tho prlcos quoted on these goods attract attention, and the workmanship and fit Is all that could bo desired. Here you can buy tailor-made goods at hand-me-down prices. . . The moment you put on clothes made to your meas ure, you see the vast differ ence between merchant tailored and ready made. Our way costs no more. Besure to see our linef irst. ffiiin SWSf) College Tailors College View, Nebraska Phone 48 An Appropriate Gift S?eimdl a copy of ttae to yoTunr ffiriiegfttdls. Let er see tine. fammoms team yotiir school dME.cedo At tfine OiRfiice. 10 Cesntts Per Copy GEO, SHAFFER, Prop THE NEW AUTO 3319 FIRST NATIONAL BANK BARBER SHOP . SIX CHAIRS it NO WAITING Best Barber Shop in the Weit CIGARS la Basement ' O Street Entrance MANICURING ' 1 i ':' d "-sal