u t THE DAILY NEBRASKAN COLLEGIATE SPORTS By Stuart Gould Arc You Going Home Christmas .'? .fl BASKET-BALL QUINTETS NUMEROUS ON UNI FLOOR h I1' Nearly aoventy-flvo basket-bull en thusiasts grooted Coach Stfohm wed nosday ovonlng at 7:30. First toam material was there In full forco. It looks now as though the wholo string of first team men would bo back In tho game, for the following "N" men roported: Frank, Gibson, Carrier, Hiltner. and Owen. Of last yoar's freshman Bquad. Nagl, Haskal, Strykor, Martin, Underwood and Hyde were on tho floor. Each of these men are zealous candidates for a 'varsity position. Light practice In passing and drib bling was gone through. Tho 'varsity Is to have the main floor on Monday, Wednesday and Fri day at 7:30, and at 4 on Tuesday and Thursday. At tho same hours the froBhman squad, coached by Reynolds, will occupy tho smaller floor. WRESTLERS PLANNING MEETS ONiSTRANGE MATS The Wrestling Club held an enthusi astic meeting yesterday morning and It was decided to hold the contest with Iowa about the middle of Febru ary, with tho tryouts about two weeks previous ho this time. An attempt will bo made to schedule meets with Kan sas, Ames and other Missouri Valley teams. Tho Wrestling Club, although less than a year old, numbers almost sixty active members. 0. W. Miller Ib presi dent, and Leroy McCormlck, secretary treasurer of the organization. Gym shirts with wrestling "N" will be given to winners in the tourna ments, while dual meet winners will recelvo the full "N." Ted Marrlner, cleaner and presser, 1b still at 235 No. 11th. Auto 1799. tf TO RESUME FOOTBALL 8TANFORD AND CALIFORNIA GRADUATES FAVOR RETURN TO AMERICAN GAME. L'lBlon that the rugby brand of .11 Ib inferior to the old type was Id rocontly at a banquet of the .of Stanford and tho Unlver- 8ilH: aiirormu, tne onjy iwo co lncldontuf Institutions In tho United States whero tho ngllsh game Ib played. Despite tho opposition of President David Starr Jordan and Benjamin Ide Whoolor, It waB decided to take active Btopa at once toward tho re-introduc-tlon of tho American game Into tho two colleges, and toward arranging a Pacific Coast championship schedule. Soo Los Hyde when In need of pro gramB, menus and other printing. Monument for Tommy Johnson. University of Kansas students have started a fund to erect a, memorial to "Tommy" Johnson, tho former athletic star, who died In Rosedalo Hospital rocontly. Weber's Sultorlum, 1100 O Street. Le Mire Made Tiger Captain. Claronco P. Lo Mire of Martinsville, Mo., has been elected captain of Mis souri University's football team. Le ' Mire played halt In every game this season. GAP 0R0ERSJ0ME FAST HALF A HUNDRED NIFTY HEAD ORNAMENTS ALREADY AC- COUNTED FOR. EAR MUFFS T. PontlUB Qulnn was sitting upon a baggago truck when the porter went by. Ho asked him as he heard the whistle blow "If tho train Is dup 1b the onglneor?" Three bells, please. We notice that a piece has been turned' In regarding the wrestling "N"b. Havo you seen tho workouts yet? Say if a peach blows, would a sewer pipe? Fifty freshman claBB caps havo been ordered since tho committee began taking orders Tuesday. It Is expected that many more than tho original esti mate of one "hundred caps will be needed fo furnish all tho loyal' "froBh" who wish to don the 1915 headgear. President Bob MacFarlane and Wiley, Sloan, Coffoy and Doud of tho committee are canvassing tho class for orders, which are also being taken at tho Nebraskan office. Tho committee choso the style and color of tho caps at a meeting yester day noon and will order tho sky pieces as soon as all who want them have told the committee tho size of the cap required and made the deposit of twenty-five cents. The "bulldog" and "skull cap" types of headgear were .passed up by tho committee, and a cap of up-to-date shape and size has been chosen It will be brown, with tho class nu merals In gold. Samples are on" exhibition at tho "Rag" offlce. The chairman of tho committee in tends to place tho order with tho manufacturer within a week, after which no more caps can bo secured at tho specla price of one dollar. Not wishing to start a riot or any thing, but whon Ib the sorority cross country to bo held? :Who Ib going to win tho World's series this coming season? The Junior Hop will be given De comber 9th, at the Lincoln Hotel. You had better get your tickets early, as tho dance will be limited. Tickets can be-purchased from Radcllffe, Potter, Heln and Hyde. E. L. HYDE. Wo are developing a fine bunch of Mexican athletes around this school. Make your dates early with Hagen Blck's Orchestra. Auto B-2990. tt Up at Minnesota the red (or auburn) haired men have formed a club, the charter members being fourteen In number. Red-headed men are, by pelt confeBBlon, the smartest people in any school, so wo think this is a trust ex ercising that undue restraint of brain distribution .which higher- tribunals than polUye courts declare unlawful. But the "Rag's" C. E approVes of it Green's Sanitary Barber Shop, 120 No. 11th. Do you need a new Svit or Overcoat to wear home? Do you know you can save money by buying them here? Do you know we keep everything for Yovng Mcfa and Men who stay young? Palace Clothing Co. 1419 0 St. Lincoln January &, '12 $1.50 Engineering Hop Hagex&sicR's Orchestra ! Lincoln Hotel The moment you put on clothes 'made to your meas ure, you see the vast differ ence between merchant tailored and ready made. Our way costs no more. Besure to see our linefirst. College Tailors College View, ' Nebraska Phone -4-0 Get a Michigan or Nebraska Pennant Free with a pound box of candy 89o TVkoter Drctg Co. LatlR Cub Meeting. Tho Latin Club will hold its weekly meeting on Saturday in tho Latin offices. A program of ilustratod cha rades and some interesting Roman games is promised. C. H. Frey, florist, 1133 O St tt Senior Prom Committee. Tho Senior Prom committee will meet in U. 10G at 10 o'clock Saturday morning. H. D; PEARSEJ. UNIVERSITY JEWELER k OPTICIAN C. A. Tucker JEWELER S. S. Shean OPTICIAN 1123 0 STREET YELLOW FRONT Yur Palrtrugi Solicited December 8 Nebraska-Iowa1 Debate. For your Steaks, Chopi and Qaiek Service Visit The New York. Chop House Open Day and Night . 1840 O Street a i T 3 .-. VI v 1 ' -nil ' SI f l 1 . i.jhS. C-- ,-.- ".ifi., 1 T. i . " . KJ .. t u. wfei k.. VAjrV ''ftf ..fti t-., 13ajy' J K .T .. W. ; JL .. - -',.