"! T.HI DAILY NEBRASKA :v r '5.3' " f . THE DAILY NEBRAKIAN Owned and publishod by t o UnlvensUy of Nebraska througn THE STUDENT PUBLICATION BOARD Offices Basoment tho Administration BulIdJnR. A .....," " PoBtolUce Station A, Campus, Lincoln, Nebraska. TELEPHONES Day Auto 1888, Night Auto 314G, Ed. 1035, Bus. Mgr. 420G SAM R. BUCK, EdItor-ln-Chlef EDITORIAL A.. H. Dlnimore, Managing Editor V. O. McConnoll, Auaoclato Editor Searle P. Holmes, Assoclato Editor iii. LtCO upucgrmi, sporting aaiwr REPORTORIAL Stuart Gould, City Editor Merrill Rood C. P. Androws R. S. Buddonuurg Mildred Bovlns Winifred Elehar Homer Q. Howltt Wallnco B. Troup j. A. Bcohtor William O. Cooloy WOMEN'8 DEPARTMENT Ruth Munger Ruth Sheldon Hugh Agor Kenneth M. Enydcr J. Lovejoy Linn Ollvo B. Mann Allco Chambers BU8INE88 VINCENT C. HA8CALL, BU81NE88 MANAGER C. C. Buchanan, Atit. Bus. Mgr! J. V. Morrison, Circulation Mgr. January 6, '12 $1.50 Engineering Hop HagensicK's Orchestra Lincoln Hotel r Subscription $2.00 per year. Single copies 5c Faculty notices and Unlvorslty bulletins published frco. Entered at tho Postonico, Lincoln, Nobr., as second class matter under act of CongrcBS March 3, 1870. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1911 MANDOLIN CLUB GROWING INTEREST BEING . 8HOWN IN THUR8DAY NIGHT MEETING. Tho Mandolin Club will meet Thurs day night at 7:15 sharp at tho Tom plo Y. M. C A. Tho club 1b growing, and from all Indications, Interest has Increased bo much that tho organization is near lng completion. Managor Rowland Thomas haB expressed a desire to havo an interview with all men who aro lntorestod In musical matters. Thirty centB pays for tho Best Dln nor in Lincoln, at Baker's Cafo. AIbo high class a la carto service. Wo have tho big juicy steaks. r Wrestlers' Notice. All men who expect to try for the wroBtllng team will moot at tho Arm ory, Thursday at 11 o'clock. Minor ofllccrs will be elected. O. W. MILLER, President. Tho Junior Hop will bo given De comber 9th, at tho Lincoln Hotel. You had bettor get your tickets oarly, as tho danco will bo limited. Tickets can bo purchased from Radcliffo, Potter, Heln and Hydo. E. L. HYDE. Union Suits $100 FLODEEN & BRETHOUWER 129 South Eleventh St., Lincoln, Neb. Every man who cares anything at all about his personal appearance know! that only a first-clasB morchant tailor can furnish tho sort of clothes that will give him that look of distinction that a woll-grdomed and well-dressed max shows. At 129 So. 11th Street tho Arm of Flodoen & Brothouwor maintain! a largo show window that Is always filled with a lino of goods that aro equal to tho display of any tailoring establishment to bo found in the west.. The pricos quoted on these goods attract attention, and tho workmanship and fit is all that could bo desired. Horo you can buy tallor-mado goods at hand-m down prices. 1415 0 BUDD 1415 O His work has raised tho club to a firm basis and ho wishes to rocolvo tho co-oporatlou of tho students. ThomaB has secured Francis Potter, tho well-known Omaha musician, to tako charge of tho club. Tho latter is much ploaaod with tho opportunity of working with a Unlvorslty organi zation. All interested In developing their musical ability aro urged to ba pres ent at this mooting Thursday night. Bring your instruments. Fraternity Expansion. A leading national legal fraternity is considering tho installation of chapters in law departments of lead ing collegos of this stato. Students or local societies who would' consider tho affiliation with a national legal fraternity aro advised to communicate with Supremo Clork Vf. H. Thomas, Rlvorsido Ave., Cleve land, Ohio. Can you oxpoct your competitors to boost your business? No! Thoymost always "knock." Why? Thornburg's Orchestra, Orlo Plats. Auto B-2556. P & P Delta Chi Banquets. Delta Chi will hold its annual ban quet Friday evening. Of all tho many doctors, can you beat this Johnnlo Leard, molo dootor, at Woods', 1206 O St -Webee-SuitoplumrJlOO-CLStreot C. A. Reimers, C. E. '09, was in Lin coln on December 1, en. route for New York, from which point ho will sail for Brazil, whero ho has engaged for an Indefinite stay as a mining en gineer. Sinco graduation, Mr. Reimers has been in the employ of tho Home stako Mining company of Lead, South Dakota, under B. C. Yates, C. E. '02. Unl students aro invited to try tho Y, M. C. A. Barbers. You will liko their work. . t HagensicK's Orchestra Junior Hop December 9, 1911 "" " f Lincoln Hotel Ticket. l.&5 fRATERNITIFS AND SORORITIES We Want Your Coal Orders. Give lis a Trial Order SATISFACTION GUARANTEED WHITEBREAST COMPANY 1106 0 STREET AUTO 3228 BELL 234 Attention to the Opening of Bert Sturm's New 8-Chair Barber Shop Most Modorn, Sanitary Shop and the Findst Fixtures West of Chicago Manicuring Cigars. Unl Students Welcome. 116 South 18th St III ! FRIBBflrnffJB HI uw H The moment you -put on clothes made to your meas ure, you see the vast differ ence between merchant tailored and ready made. Our way costs no more. Besureto see our linefirst. College Tailors College View, Nebraska Phone 48' An Appropriate Gift Send a copy of the Football Number to your friends. Let them see the famous team your school has pro duced. At the Office. JCopL HERPOLSHEIMER'S CAFE Dinner U:30 to J30 lj Supper 530 to 7i30 lOL Alto CafcUrlan Styl HAVE EVANS Do Your Laundry Yoti can get the "Rag" the rest of the semester for 75 cents n 4.1