THE DAILY NEBRASKA THE DAILY NEBRVSKMN Ownod and publlnhod by t o University of Nebraska througn ' THE STUDENT PUBLICATrON BOARD omct Baaoraont tho AdmlnlBtmtlon Building. , Pontofllco Station A, Campuu, Lincoln, Nebraska. DayAuto 1888. TELEPHONES NlRht Auto 3145. Ed. 1035, Bua. Mgr. 4206 8AM R. BUCK, EdItor-ln-Chlef EDITORIAL A. H. Dlntmoro, Managing Editor F. C. McConnoU. Aaeoclato Editor Soarle F. Hoi mow, ABooclato Edltdr Stuart Gould. City Editor E. Leo Updcgraff, SportlnK Editor REPORTORIAL Merrill Hood - Homor 3. Howltt C. F. Andrews Walluco B. Troup II. B. Buddonburjf L. A. Bochter William O. Cooloy WOMEN'S DEPARTMENT Mildred Bevlns Ruth MunKcr Winifred Elchar Ruth Sholdon Hush Apor Kenneth M. Enyder J. Lovejoy Linn OUvo B. Mann Allco Chambers BU8INE88 , VINCENT C. HA8CALL, BUSINESS MANAGER C. C. Buchanan, Aaat. Bus. Mgr. ' J. V. Morrison, Circulation Mar. Subscrlptlpn $2.00 per year. Single copies 6c Faculty notlcoB and University bulletins published free. ' ' . Entorod at tho Postofllco, Lincoln, Nebr., aa second clasa matter under act of Congress March 3, 1879. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 1911 DOUD RESIGNS. Ralph 8. Doud, formorly city oditor of tho Dally Nobraakan, has handod in hla roBlgnatlon. Tho proaa of uchool work and outsido affairs mado It impoBBlblo for Mr. Doud to glvo -ub hlBBorvlcoB any longer, but wo hopo that at Homo future tlmo ho will again bo ablo to accopt a position on tho staff. STUDENT DIRECTORY IUT ANNUAL PUBLICATION OF QEN ERAL INFORMATION ON SALE TODAY. TH08E QIRL8. Did you hoar tho glrla squad root! Maybo you woro helping mako tho big nolso youraolf and couldn't hoar thorn, but thoy did! Thoy Just forgot thomsolvoa and Tho Student Dlroctory Ib on sale today In tho Library, tho City Y. M. C. A., tho two Unlvoralty assaclatlons, and, If weather permits, in front of tho Armory. Tho price will bo but ton conts, and considering tho information to bo found in tho volumo, this Is just Uko giving away a grandstand ticket. In cover It will bo llko laat year's direc tory. Tho namos of all. faculty, tholr dogroea, resldonco, and telephone num- White Nu-Buck Made up for an eastern shoe man then he went broke. I have them. All sizes, button, $5 shoes. $2-95 UPSTAIRS BUDD, 1413 o ylolded to primltlvo Instincts. ""Thoy didn't stop to worry about tholr voices ' sounding Bquoaky. Tho girl In front didn't turn nrouud and look at you as if you woro a wild and wooloy Apache. As ono girl thoy all oponod their mouths nnd holped urge tho team on to victory. N Somotlmos tholr hats woro on crooked. Somotlmos teara woro in tholr oyos. SomotlmeB thoy wondered why somoono didn't kill tho umpire. Somotimes thoy huggod oach other and dancod around on peoplo's foot. But thoy woro bursting with prido for tho Nebraska warriors, for tho noblo playirig, for tho strong manhood of tho coach and thoy KNOW NOW they havo "collego spirit." v-JFno girls' squad haB como to stay. Thoy aro a "tradition." And next year thoy will play no. moan part In that gloriouB football caroor ovoryono saya Nobraska is going to got away with. .Ploaso put your megaphone, and arm-band away in mothballs till needed. bor will bo given. Concerning oach student, will appear hiB full namo, tho courBo registered for, street number, telcphono number properly corrected, tho organizations of which ho Ib a mombor, and tho homo address. In tho front win appear a complotq. not of all fratornitlos and sororities, with tho tolophono numbers and loca tion of each. All University organiza tions will appear and a list of tho offi cers will bo given. Perhaps onp of tho moBt useful of tho many now fea tures will bo tho complete and correct list of all campus telephones. In all tho book will comprise olghty-olght pages, appropriately bound. Remem ber, only ten conts, and It is to bo on salo today. Can you expect your competitors to booBt your business? No! Thoy most always "knock." Why? Thornburg'B Orchestra, Orlo Flats. Auto B-2556. P & P 8oo Les Hyde when in need of pro grams, menus and other printing About tho Directory! Tho Y. M. C. A. regrets that a few of tho copies of tho student directory aro not correctly paged. St,udonts who discover any imperfections aro requested to bring tho books to tho Y. M. C. A. rooms in tho Tomplo and oxchango thom for good ones. " Tho Directory Committee. A Thanksgiving Game. Tho Turkey day gamo on Nebraska field will bo between Lincoln High School and Lawrence, Kansas an other Nebraska-Kansas scrap. Unl students aro invited to try tho' Y. M, a A. Barbors. You will llko tholr work. . Beckman Bros.rilOT O St do Elec tric Shoe Repairing while you wait V The Junior Hop will bo given De comber 9th, at tho Lincoln Hotel. You had bettor got your tickets early, as tho dance will be limited. Tickets can bo purchased from Radcllffe, Potter, Hein and Hydo. E. L. HYDE. December 8 Nebraaka-lowa Debate. TESTED QUALITY When you wear a suit of clothes, day in and day out, in all kinds of, weather, it has to be well made to stand the wear. Adlers' Collegian Clothes give just this sort of service. That is what has given Collegian Clothes such an enviable reputatibn among young men. They are very active, and find thaUihese clothes keep their shape and style right through the hard wear. If you don't know Collegian Clothes, you should get acquainted immediately this fall. Come in and try on a suit or overcoat. Price's aro moderate, ranging from $12.85 to $25. SPEIER & SIMON VALUE RECEIVED We can make you Tt- $25 or $30 suit or ovorcoat for you any day in the week but we can't give you anything else in the bargain. Our special inducement to buy our clothes is for value received or all that your money calls for. We want your trade and ye appreciate your business. f The Homeof $15 Sultsand Overcoats DUNDEE WOOLEN MILLS 1218 O STREET The moment you gut on clothes made to your meas ure, you see the vast differ ence between merchant tailored and ready made. Our way costs no more. Besure to see our linef irst. College Tailors College View, Nebraska Phono -48 aWiyyiBhIi "5l rilv hri li if Pi I SJJHHsT xP QEO, SHAFFER, Prop TIIJC IfKW AUTO 311 FIRST NATIONAL BANK BARBER SHOP CIGARS SIX CMAXIMI it NO WAITING Beit Barber Shop in the West In Daitmeat O Streat Entrance MANIOUIUHO J. C. WOOD and CO. The Best Is Always the Cheapest 1322TN St. Auto 1292 Bell 147 GLEANERS and DYERS cMv.?rBY HERPOLSHEiMER'S GAFE Dinner H:30 to Ji30 IP. Supper 5j30 to 7:30 ul Also Cafeterlan Style HAVE EVANS Do Your Laundry ' t,