" tf ., " ft? S'tT'T Hfe Bails flebraeftan J-w VOL. XI. NO 46. UNIVERSITY Ofr NEBRASKA LINCOLN, TUESDAY NOV. 28, 1911. Price 5 Cents I- CORNHUSKERS TRIUMPH OVER WOLVERINE COHORTS Yost's Men Seccumb After Heart Rending Struggle to h f In tho moat fiercely contested and bitterly fought football game over played on Nebraska field, Michigan University's much touted team was cbmpldlciy outclassed, out generated and outplayed in every department of the game by; Ewaid O. StlohnVs Corn husker Champions laBt Saturday. Tho' hpsts of Fielding . Yost, big, strong; and Well drilled as they wore, were never from tlio first minute of play a menace to the Cornhuskors, ho assumed tho offensive from the Jfsl and kept tho Mai?e and piuo Jants coniiailaliy backing toward their goal. Thl game was a complete surpriso to CorahUBkor and Wolverlno follow ers alike. Michigan has borne such a tremendous reputation as a hard fighting husgy second half team, that oven tho most sanguine Cornhuskcn supporter did not feel confident of bleating Iho Northerners, although each ono knew that "Nebraska's team was by far tho strongost aggregation in this section of tho west. It was feared that Nebraska was going above her class in attempting to play the famous Wolverines. .Tho game proved that she was out of her class, but in exactly tho oppo site manner. Nebraska's lino charged low and hard from tho first whistle to tho last Nebraska's back field mado tho touted Thompson and Craig look like .high school players. Captain Conklin of tho Michigan team was tho only man of tho crow who could bo compared at all with his opponent of tho Scarlet and Cream, and a" com parison thore would giyo Lofgron a margin. CornhU&kers 8core Early. Nebraska was tho first to score. After tho ball had boon worked from ourowh goal lino to which we hid been penalized by Umpire Hlnckoy, ErncBt Frank received a clever for ward pitas from Jerry Warner and ran fqrty yards through half tho Michigan team for a touchdown. The crowd went delirious, and yells of ox .ultatlon fairly Bhook tho stands. Tho gleo was Bhort lived, however. The ball was being brought out for the 'try at goal, when It was uotlced-that Umpire Hlnckoy, a Yale man by tho FIGURE STORY OF THE GAME ' , , Nebr. First downt)ade, byT. ...;.,..' . . . . : 22 Yards through line, by i.. ..;.,.,.. .:;.;,, 216 Yards around ends, by t , , , , .,-. ... 86 -Distance on punts, by; -.j......J..,. .I .... . . . . .543 Average distance on punts, by. . .-. , .;. '. "r. . fl.'v. . . . .". .0 Returnlnri punts, by . , . . ". ..." ..'....'... .V.. '.V 88 Lost on penalties, by. ... , .-, 9p Gains hot allowed, to T. . .'. ,-f " .". r .132" Fumbles recoveed, by '.;.. r. t .' .": . . : v, . r - 3' Kicks blocked, by. :., ,..'.,.. ,...". ...'. V" Mlssed "field 'goals. . , .'. v . ?T ;; . , . ; , , . . .,.-,?. 2 Successful forward passes, . ..'. . . . : .".' , . f : 1 Attempted forward passes iff..-,. "..-... 4 ...-, ,5 Total gains, &y. ,...,., fi 528 Defeat by Pupils way, waB standing far back on tho' field shaking his head and waving his arms. Reforeo Ted Stuart Inquired to find tho troublo andwas toldhat the whistle calling timo had blown be fore the play started. This is absolutely denied by every man on either team, and by tho en tire crowd in tho bleachers In that part of tho field. , Tho play was started so close to tho side lino that ht erocan bcogwkoooo tho s whistle would have been heard by soine ono had it been blown, as Nebraska had the ball and thb crowd was keeping silence to onablo tho players to get tho signals properly. It would seem that Hlnckoy manu factured . thiB puny excuse out of wholo cloth, thus putting himsolf in A class with other Yale officials who have worked hero and olsSwhero against Nebraska this year. Wolverines Favored. When a few momenta after tho be Inning of the third quarter, Captain Conklin of Michigan, who Is said to havo been three feet off- side before tho play started, blocked a punt and mado Michigan's single touchdown, thero was no attempt mado to Inflict a penalty. Thus it was through the whole" game. Conklin never tfaid tho slightest attention to 'the line of scrimmage, but was not penalized, once, while after almost every long advance oi-the ba.ll, no matter when or how mado, tho Cornhuskers were heavily ponalized on ono protonso or another. Nebraska's second touchdown, liko tho first, waB made on straight, hard, clean football. Shortly after Michi gan scored, Purdy, tho regular full back, replaced Gibson, who had., start ed the game, and was given the ball on line plays. In tho greatest exhibi tion of lino plunging put up by any man of any team on Nebraska field In tho last five years, lie, together with. Captain Shonka, carried tho ball re sistlessly from the center of tho field to the goal line in jumps of from seven to "iVenty-threo yards at a clip, through center, off tackle, and around tho ends. His great pl.ungo of twenty three yards between the Michigan cap tain and his right tackle landed the - - - wMlch. 7 " 93. , 31 633 Sr-T34' '40 " 45 " 11 8 y. 2. 0 6 175 of Jumbo Stiehm ball within striking distance of tho goalj On tho next play Shonka mado fivo yards, and on tho next Purdy, plung ing and tearing ovor and past tho en tire Michigan team, slid across for a touchdown, and through some over sight on tho part of the officials, this ono was allowed. Purdy punted out to Herb Potter, who kicked an easy goal, tying tho score. Come Back 8trong. in the last quarter tho Cornhuskors took up a pace even faster and Harder, thnn thoy had hit heretofore. Owon Frank, Shonka, Purdy and E. Frank galloped down tho field, making first down In two attempts almost without fall ; only to loso the ball and havo to again bring it back after Thompson punted. Three times they did thiB, till Cap tain Shonka, on his great tackle round play, charged through the Michigan lino for twelve yards, and dragged the entire backfiold on his shoulders and legs for seven moro, downing tho ball on tho sir-yard line. Owen Frank failed to put it over on tho first play, and a fgrward pass was missed on the next. Owen drew back to try a drop kick, but tho pass was bad and the kick wont wild. A fbw moments later time was called with the ball in Nebraska' pos session on Michigan's forty-yard lino. Shonka Invincible, Coach Fielding H, Yost mado a statomont after tho game that No braska bad, with two possible excep tions, the strongest football team In "ffie country, and by many per cent the strongest team the Wolverines have faced. He praised tho work of Shon ka, Purdy and Owon Frank to tho skioB, stating especially that he had not seen the equal of 8honka, in the west for years. The work of the big captain was truly remarkable. For all that ono could note from tho side lines, he had no ono playing against him at all. Ho was through tho lino on the dofenso so faBt, that ho was continually catch ing tho renowned Craig from behind; he had McMillan tripping over .his own heels trying to got out of tho way, and ho was down tho field with tho ends on punts, time and again throwing Craig and McMillan in their tracks or back of them. At carrying tho ball ho was mbBt efficient, how- An Appropriate Gift Send a cbpaTbf tile Football Nunvbef " It to you friends. Iet them see the fatnotis team your school Has pro- duced. AtrtHe Office. - . lO Cents over. Ho was simply unstoppable, wading through tho Wolvorin6 lino like a giant bull mooso through a lot of deer, hounds, shaking off tacklora at evory step, and soldom falling to gain from fivo to fifteen yards on k single play, tt was thb big captain's last game, and there is no question but what ho never played a bettor, unless it was his first, when Nebraska played Minnesota in Omaha In 1909. Whple Team Stars. OutBlde of Shonka, and possibly Purdy, it is hard to pick an excep tional star on tho Nobraska toam. Every man played just as ho did against Kansas and MslBOuri, and without excoption outplayed com pletely his Individual opponent, The Michigan team Is alleged to have been stale by some, and by others to havo been crippled, but little stock is taken in thoso statements, and Yost had nothing to say in that lino. It was apparent to the entire crowd that tho Cornhuskers woro the su periors of tho Wolverines In overy phase of the game. The Mlohigandbra wero fighting hard and desperately, but they seemed to realize that thoire was no hope ahead. Thero havo not been so many In juries in any game on Nobraska Hold this year as woro suffered Jy them, whilo not a Nebraska man was' hurt Rough tactics woro started at tits first of tho gamo by tho determined Northerners, but tlio Cornhuskers came back with a bit of rough work too, teaching tho Michigan men a lea- son that thoy will not soon forgot. Throe of tho Wolverlno Btai's, Carrols. Carpol and Thompson, had to bo taken fr6m tho game, and woro barely ablo to attond "the Cornhuskef ban qupt In thb evening. These injuries were not tho result of hacking, slug ging or dirty work of any kind, but simply the conscquenco of tho ex tromo florconess of play, under which the Cornhuskers, being in far bettor condition physically, were better ablo to bear up. At Ann Arbor Next. Cornhuskor enthusiasts generally are well satisfied wjth tho showing of the -team, but are bitter against the official who they honestly believe de liberately robbed them, of a decisive" Bporo and a well earned victory. , (Continued on page four;) . Pr Cojy V ' ' 2 r -M-.