THE DAILY NEBRASKAN o If a laurel wreath were to be given for unequalled ex cellence in clothes we think the honors would fall to our Kensingtons. We're not alone in our be lief either witness the many customers who come back for them year after year. Why not join this smartly dressed, perfectly satisfied bri gade? In Kensington clothes you'll find everything a careful dress er requires. $20 to $40. MAGEE & DEEMER Lincoln Aurora Red Oak ROOTING BY ROBERT D. HAWLEY. Organized rooting Is typical of the college world. It la the channel through which the oxuborant spirits of collegians find overflow. It 1b a vivid oxamplo of their loyalty to tholr college and their follows. By a popular growth, It has attained a position In tho sphere of college nctlyitleB from which it will proba bly never bo dislodged. Athletic activities havo como to bo considered ono of tho import ant phases of llfo in our higher in stitutions of learning. Energetic rooting has done as much to put athlotlcB whoro they aro as any ono thing. What makes football tho greatest of all college sports? Is it entirely duo to lovo of tho game itself, and to tho fact that tho prido of America's young manhood par takoB in it? I think not.. Lot thoso samo man completo their college course and then go out and play on somo athletic club football team. Let two such teams compete in a game; would tho number of spectat ors bo largo? No. Tho spirit and enthusiasm lent to it by tho thou sands of yelling studonts has disap peared and ono of tho greatest O.&B0B 'has been removed from tho game. It Ib tho general atmosphere of loyalty and good fellowship brought about by tho organized .rooting of student bodies that, , to a great extent, has made football what it is. Tho same thing Is true of other college athletics to a lesser degree. Rooting to be moBt effective, must be well organized. Unless It Is so it will be no more effective than tho scattered cheering at some pro fessional athletic contest It must bo really sincere to lend the proper ring and effect. I do-not believe that rooting need bo profane to bo most effective. The purest and clean ost spirit la not voiced by . mean's it profanity. Hero at Nebraska it Is a harder task to organize tho rooters than UNIVERSITY STUDENTS Best Work Lowest Prices Cleaned and Pressed Gents' Sulta 1.00 Overcoats 1.00 Sweatora 25 Glovos 05 Neckties 05 Ladies' Suite 1.60 Jackots 75 Long Coats 1,00 One-piece Dross 1.00 Bwoatera 25 -Gloves. v ' 05 Latest stylo d'oop collars and cuffs pnt on coats, conts and jackets shortened and rolinod. Wo remodel waista.skirtH and 1-pioce dresses, make them look like now. Capital City Tailoring Co. HO So. lSth St. Work called (or and delivered Call Auto phono L 3275 Ocker Engraving Go. Engraved invitation in 48 hours if necessary Room 316 Browned Blk. For your Steaks, Chops and Quick Service Visit The New York Chop House Open Day and Night 1840 O Stroet BR0WNELL HALL Prat and Sorority and Private Dances .only. Elevator Service, 2nd floor Brown ell block, cloak rooms, toilet rooms Hftll 25x100, maple floor prices reasonable HOWARD J. HILL BBOWNELL BLOCK. . Bell 807 ' Auto 1168 Oliver Theatre TODAY 2:30 TONIGHT 8:15 THE C0BURH PLAYERS Matinee "Romeo and Juliet." Tonight "Macbeth." PRICE8 $1.50 to 25c. Mon., Tues,, Wed. & Mat. Nov. 27-29 ABORN GRAND OPERA CO. Monday "Madam Butterfly." Tuesday "Lucia dl Lammermour." Matinee "II Trovatore." Wed. Night "Tales of Hoffmann." LINCOLN B88rlSy'" ORPHEUM &&. ADVANCED VAUDEVILLE Commencing Mon. Night, Nov. 20 JACK80N AND M'LAREN HAWTHORNE AND BURT HARRY BREEN 8IEM8 BLANK AND FAMILY GARDNER AND REVERE BR0THER8 MARTINE . Matinees 15c and 25c Nights 15c, 25c, 35o and 50c WARTHON'S Original, Electric, Shoe Repair Factory Always, reliable and up to he minute 142 North 12th Street HERPOLSHEIMER'S CAFE Dinner JJi30 to Jt30 )( Supper 5i30 to 7(30 Ut Alto Cafeterlan Styfc (fRIMTIlS) WHAT DO YOU NBBD TODAY In our lino of Paraphlat. Programs, Monua. Woddluf Stationery unci all klncU ox Oommorolal and HUtlontry Printing. VanTlne Printing Company 12B K. Mlh 81. Rollftblo, Prompt Auto3iT7 The moment you put on clothes made to your meas ure, you see the vast dif f er ehce between merchant tailored and ready made. Our way costs no more. Besure to see our linefirst. College Tailors College View, Nebraska Phone -4 FLODEEN & BRETHOUWER 129 South Eleventh St., Lincoln, Neb. Every man who cares anything at all about his personal appearance knowi that only a first-class morchant tailor can furnish tho sort of clothes that will give him that look of distinction that a well-groomed and well-dressed man shows. At '129 So. 11th Stroet tho firm of Flodcon & Drothouwor maintain! a largo show window that is always filled with a lino of goods that aro oqual to tho display of any tailoring establishment to bo found In tho woat. The prices quoted on thoso goods attract attention, and tho workmanship and fit Is all that could bo desired. can buy tallor-mado goods at hand-me-down prices. . s 4 RENT YOUR TYPEWMTER NOW Any Make :: Any Time 3 MONTHS $6.00 ' The Largest Stock in the West Lincoln Typewriter Exchange Co. 1406 O STREET- WATeH-FQR-TlR NEW FOLSOM Bakery and Cafe We cuter to Students trade. 13255 to 1331 N Street (Continued on page 16.)