The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 24, 1911, Image 1
tEbe 3)atl IFlebrasfcan VQL. XI. NO 44. UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN FRIDAY NOV. 24, 1911. Price 5 Cents. NEBRASKA AND MICHIGAN PRIMEDJR BIG GAME BOTH TEAM IN FINE CONDITION TO SETTLE CONTROVERSY. PONTIUS, WELLS, THOMPSON HERE The Wolverines Bring Full Lineup to Grapple With Nebraska Coach 8tlehm Preparing. MONSTER GORNHUSKER RALLY Game Enthusiasm Stimulator Held in yyVemorial Hall Today Tho last and biggest game of tho yoar fonNebraska faces tho Corn huBkors, Saturday, and tonight tho toam will go through its last practico bdforo stopping upon tho field to moot tho football machlno developed by Coach Fielding YobL Full Team Comes. Primes for tho big game, tho Michi gan team arrived in Lincoln this morning. Thomson, WoIIb and Pon tiuB woro all along with tho team and iu all probability all threo of tho men whoso playing has boon doubtful will bo in tho llnoup agalnBt the CornhuBk ers. Wells is practically tho only man of tho great olovon who 1b not in tho finest of shape, and on this account ho will play but part of the gamo Michigan Fearful. Michigan is going into tho gamo with its oyos open, for tho Wolverines fear tho strength of tho Nobraska cloven. Ono critic, from Michigan, who 'has soon tho Nobraska olovon In action, doclarcs that it Is a bottor team than Pennsylvania's and that No braska will bo tho foo to bo most dreaded during tho year. Hard Workout Thursday. Nebraska's supporters, and Coach Stiehm and tho team, realize that this is their biggest gamo and tho big mentor steadily led his men faster and faster In preparing for tho big contest in tho Thursday practico. Tho freshmen team and tho scrubB woro utilized to represent Michigan nnd a long part of tho practico was spont In developing tho Nobraska dofonso. Coach Stiehm realizes that Michigan will attompt to ruBh the gamo In tho first half, and ho has trained his men to bo prepared for this. Governor Opens Game. Governor Aldrlch will open tho gamo by kicking tho ball at 2:30 o'clock, Saturday afternoon. Tho gates of tho grounds will bo opened at 12:30 o'clock. Tho officials havo not been ub signed their duties as yet, but Ver WIebo of Harvard, HInckoy of Yale, and Walter Eckersall of Chicago will act as tho threo head officials. All cloven o'clock classes will be ox cused this morning In favor of a giant mass meeting which will bo held at that hour. Coach Yost da nhls Wol verlncB arrived this morning at 7:05 via the Burlington; thoy will bo on hand for the Joint mass mooting. The 'rival teams will bo present; the famous Cornhusker band will play as It never played boforo; sovoral new yells will be Introduced, and ora tory will lend Its forco to enthusiasm. ,Tho rival coaches, "Jnmbo" Stiehm and "Hurry Up" Yost will account for the undoubted superiority of their re spective teams; Dr. Condra instill Into tho moBt diffident tho true Ne braska spirit, and, to thia oratory, Dr. Edwin Maxey will add his remarks those remarks which always shake the roof by tho enthusiasm which they bring forth. The co-eds have expressed their in tention of nttendlng the mass meeting iu force in order to prove to the stu dent body tholr loyalty, and firm In tention of attending .the CornhuBker Banquet. At this hour many alumni will havo arrived and ovory effort will bo made to have the mpresont at this mooting. Thoso present will havo an opportunity of seeing that Nobruska spirit has In no way waned since their doparture, and that "Jumbo" Stiehm has as wonderful an organization as existed in tho days of "Bummy" Booth. Choor Leader Jlawloy urges " ull lcuther-Iunged rooters to attend, for doflnite arrangements will be mado as to the organized rooting for tomorrow, and a couple of novel yells will bo per fected. According to a certain Minneapolis paper, tho Nebraska rooters at tho Minnesota gamo did some of tho most spirited rooting over heard on North rop Field. Are tho Wolverines going to take homo a similar report? If those who attend thiB joint mass meeting are determined to show tho Michiganders that wo can root, thoy will go the Minneapolis paper one bet tor. COSGRAVE ENTHUSIASTIC MICHIGAN ALUMNU8 B008T8 BIG FEED IN HONOR OF TEAM. NEBRA8KA Shonka (Capt.) Chauner Pearson Hornberger Elliott Harmon Lofgren Warner 0. Frank Gibson E. Frank Purdy SATURDAY'S LINE-UP WT. P08ITION WT. 198 Left Tackle 190 158 Left End 189 190 Left Guard 190 195 Center 202 187 Right Guard 183 182 Right Tackle 190 153 Right End 158 151 Quarter 154 154 Left Half 163 179 Right Half 180 146 Fullback 180 165 Fullback 174 Right Guard 198 Left Half 184 MICHIGAN Bogle Conklin (Capt.) Qulnn Patterson Carrells Pontius Carpell McMillan Craig Hubble Thomson Meek Kaynor Wells f Total weight of Michigan, 190G; total weight of Nebraska, 1,813; J" avorago weight of Michigan, 1801-11; average weight of Nebraska, 172 1-11. Total weight of Michigan line, 1,322; total weight of Nebraska line, 1,2G3; average weight of Michigan lino, 188 G-7; avorago weight- of Nobraska lino, 181 3-7. ' Total weight of Michigan backfleld, G87; total weight of Nebraska backfleld, G30; averago weight of Michigan's backs, 169; average weight of Nebraska's backs, 155. I Announcomont that tho CornhuBker banquet would bo opon to coeds has caused a sensation among tho male undorgraduatoB, who wero consider ably astonished when confronted with tho statement of tho banquot commit too that the doors woro to bo oponcd to girls for tho first timo in tho his tory of tho 'traditional colobratlon of tho football season. Tho action was mado nocoBsary by tho combination of tho Cornhusker dlnnor with ' rho proposed Michigan alumni reunion. Tho Michigan men had Invited ladles to their banquot and tho consolidation was arranged so as to cause no con JUct wltluthese plans. "The Michigan alumni had mado olaborate preparations 'for their ban quot," said P. James CoBgravo, who was soloctcd for toastmastor of tho Michigan affair.. "Michigan mon are coming to Lincoln from Okluooma, Iowa, Kansas and Colorado. Wo had Invited theBo alumni to bring tholr wives with them and our plans In cluded tho entortalnmont of ladlos at, tho banquot. Tickets had boon dis posed of with this understanding and of courso we could not .abrogate It, ovon In order to unlto with tho Corn huflkors. When tho matter was ex plained to them, thoBO who aro In charge of tho Cornhuskor banquot at onco decided to throw opon their af fair to ladles. Many of tho Michigan mon from outside tho city will attond tho banquot, with tho ladles whom thoy bring to tho gamo." REGEPTIONJOR GOBURNS DRAMATIC CLUB ENTERTAIN8 FAMOUS ACTORS 8ATUR- DAY MORNING, ROOTERS TO HAVE SEATS - Nebraska's rooting band will have seats on the west end of the. south stand for the .Michigan game. There will be 200 seats for the rooting band firs come first served. Students holding student season athletic tickets will have the section .of. seats on the east end of the north stand, extending up to the yilrty-yard line of trte field. The same rule of first come first " served will be .observed In seating the men in this section. The Glrjs' Rooting Club will have their usual section, and all girls with season tickets will be admitted there. This section will be re served for them. ' y Anyone wishing to usher for the game may report at 12:15 at the gate to Earl O, Eager,, and will receive free a'dmlssion for work In seating tho crowd. , FOOTBALL ANNUAL OUT The annual Thanksgiving football number of the Daily Nebraskan will be issued tomorrow Instead of the regular issue of the Daily Ne braskan. The issuethls year will be the biggest football issue ever put out at Nebraska, containing plbtures of the team, the coaches, and all the ' information of Nebraska football. In the season to be conducted to morrow. The Daily Nebraskan Is putting out this issue In honor of Ne braska's Michigan game, and for that reason It will be Issued tomorrow ' at the Dally Neb'raskan office to all subscribers. Those who receive their mall at the postoffice boxes will have them delivered to them In the usual way, but If your name is merely on the list at Station A, do ,- not call at the station, but at our office. Extra copies must be ordered today at the Rag office, They will cosi icn .cents per copy, Today is the' day to order them. The Dramatic Club is going to givo a reception Saturday morning In honor of tho Coburn Players. About sevonty-flvo Invitations havo boon sent out to members of the faculty and studont body who aro Interested In mooting these famous folk. The reception will bo held' in tho Dramatic lub room In tho Tomplo, whero Miss Howell, who Is president of tho club, other officers, and mom bors of tho club will act' as hosts to their guests and friends. ' n j. a i 4 'H () hry . VV, ' .r r '