I ttmHt)tmL,m Hil H,tnMmitttmmtimmarf MMrtMM T -"-fr"- " MMHwdaMMMi DAILY KIBKASKAN f4 THE ENTIRE VALLEY I INTERESTED IN GAME T-hT)4lg gamo noxt Saturday will bo a rogular farailfrRifair. Not orily will iias-bpbns iroci our own school bo ptoso'ai Ut-t&Jdhty hosta, but tho Wol vorlndb Iiuto a fow cohorts of tholr own In this part of tho land. Word haa boon hoard from Donvor, Kansas 'dlt,' 'St. Josoph, Atchison, Topoka , and , many othor towns that thoy wlll 6q prosont In moro than fl'prlrjr,i:hjB Is djuo to tho work of NobraRkA oIhos ,t and tho Michigan , Alumni Association .of the Missouri Valloy. Prom Omaha tho Michigan old nradsi will corao down on th.o 10: 4G sovoralhu'ndro(l' strong to lot usknow what tholr Idoa of a reunion is. Nobrasltans from tho uamo placo promlso at IcaBt two thousand pooplo. Tho Unlvorslty' Club, tho Itaquot Club, and a numbor of othor organi sation's aro Bonding down a number ol' partlbB. WOLVERINE BEAR STORY SENT TO NEBRASKA GAMP (Special to Dally Nobrnskan.) Yost lot tho moh rost on Monday, but has no Intontlon of lotting up on thorn until' aftor noxt Saturday. All Michigan and Yost, who is a largo part of Michigan, rcallzo that Nebras ka has tho strongest team in years, aud that it will bo moro than a pleas ure Jaunt for tho Wolvorlnos. Tho toam will start Thursday. Moroovor Wolls and Thompson and possible a third, PontluB, will not bo ablo to got In the gamo. This will materially weakon tho WolvorlneB, whllo tho CornhiiBkors hnvo a full team. Thoro aro a numbor of Michigan robtors going down with tho toam and will gathor largo numberB of alumni on tho way. HAROLD HAVILAND. Of all tho many doctors, can you boat this Johnnio Leard, molo doctor, at Woods', 120G O St. MINNESOTA PROTESTS ...' I!": , CONFERENCE RULINGS Minnesota la groatly dlBturbod. : Wisconsin protested Captain Picker ing undor tho Dig Eight eligibility rulo. Minnosota wlthdrow tho captain from tho Wisconsin gamo whllo In . vostlgatlng tho charged. This was evidently tho intontlon of tho BadgerB. Moonwhllo Minnosota called tho at ' tontlon of hor rival to tho fact that a i numbor of Wisconsin players aro In no position to mnko any romarks. Tho outcomo of tho mattor Is the Northerners ' aro decidedly peeved with tho finish of tho season. No-' braBkn got tho rogular ond gamo with Michigan and Wisconsin haB ovidontly played rathor dirty. Tho student body has drawn up roBoIutlons that Minnosota olthor withdraw from tho Conforonco or tho i rules bo nmonded to mako It posslblo . for a Conforonco school to play out- side teams and a player may play .' summer ball for monoyf but may not ' accopt money from a school. Mt's the Old Army Game." As Yost haB crlod from tho oponlng day at Whltmoro Lake, "It's tho old army gamo." It was tho good old dolayori pass around tho short end of tho lino, that wo all loarned when wo played on tho baok lots with our grammar school olovon, that brought the- winning Bcoro against the Quak ers at Philadelphia In J90S), a"d boat thorn again yesterday. Tho Quakora were furious when thoy wcro trlckod two years ago, saying tho play was a hundred yoars old. Yesterday It .was a hundred and two years old, ac cording to Ponn'8 count. Michigan Dally. December 8 Nebraska-Iowa Debate. 'X SAVE December 15tK Caps? As much difference in caps as in men.' Breeding, individuality and style belong; to a Heidcap just as they do to the men who wear them. A cheap cap couldn't look, nor wear, like a Heidcap any more than a hobo could look, nor wear, like a gentleman. (tHB MAN BENEATH lilS kTHB MAN BENEATH II LOOKS LIKE A GENTLEMAN Sold by the high class dealers in Lincoln FRANK P. HtlD & CO. PHILADELPHIA, PA. Ocktr Engraving Co. I Engraved invitation in 48 nourS'ii necessary Room 316 Browntir Blk. UNIVERSITY STUDENTS Best Work Lowest Prices Cleaned and Prca&od Gents' Suita , 1.00 Overcoats 1.00 Swoatera, 25 Gloves 05 Neckties 05 Ladles Suits 1.50 Jackets 70 Loner Coats. ...,,,.. ........... 1,00 Ona-ploce, Dross.,... ? l.OO Sweaters ' 25 Gloves f .05 ' Latest style deop collars and cutis pnt on coats, coats and jaukots shortened and relined. , j We remodel walsts,8Ulrtsand 1-pioce ' dresses, muke tbem look llko new. J Capital City Tailoring Co. T HO 8o. 19th St. J Work'called for i.id delivered Call Auto phono L.2275 Gentleman: We Rise to Make a Motion that you carefully inspect otiv comprehensive show ing of SWEATER COATr. When it blows cold a SWEATER COAT is in order for all tho pleasures of outdoor exorcise. For Saturday We Will Place on Sale A $6.50 Pure Wool Sweater Coat with high roll collar and pockets two colors, oxford and dead grass for $3,98 From filoomin' Brittany The English Motor Cap, first to be shown in Lincoln. All colors, one shape, Eaoh $1.00 Rudge $ Guenzel Company aVWiWjIPiiBBBVaBBBBBBaBBBSHI'S BbVoB WWy? BBBBBBBrjBBBBVaiMttMiBVB ggggn i dll?l 1- ? BTaBTaMBBVBBTaBH bbbbK mK,alH9PlailHBlalH KiyBBBHaHaMHaBaUHJI v ? aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaraiiaaiwaaaaaaaawwiRsiJ mm aakBaBaaaaaaaaaapaaaaavT77j;. x jaaaaaaaaLdiaaa BHBBBBBBBBBVr iSffaSvBBBHBBBH FaTaTaTaTaTaTaTsfaTaTaM mmmiTKBmi Kl W vSPM&r ISaBBBTaTfl BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBrciri "rw vsv-vr-BBBBBBBM BBBBBBVNKMBKJBBlft 33ftCs&BBBBBl BBBBBBBBBBBBB& 'BaBBBBBBBKTnZ ti-y yv jBBBBHBBB HHHamflBaHEWIIK "ail bbbbbbVHbbbW - "bhbWvjIbbH 'BBBBBBBSBBBBK JlVAmtaBBBBBBH M bbbybbV bIbbw , VnwKBTaBTJ 4fcBBBBBBF BBBBBBJ BBBBTi;v4?yBal7lBPBBa JMBBHiiiBTaVTSBfeilBBBBTJ $lPa9BBBBBjgiBaB' v . ; , WBBBVaBBBBBBjJ Y& 3M-BH j-wQHH v '.BBBBBHWBBBBBI Ij:bbVbW K-&& bbbbbbbVbbb1 9Bar ' bbbbV BBBBBBBBBBBB; ss'rtfyv'f i; 'BBBBBBBBBBKaaBBBBBBBBj m rwCaBBBBVffl9BH v tfrmmt bTbbbHbbbbbI bbbbbt v ; 4vAbbVbbb1 BbWN5?P BBBBBBH bbbSbbVCW: "' :- maBTaBTaBTaBTaBTaBTaa BBBBBBBBBBBBBOBm. vj; asBBBBBBBBBBBBB BaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBjBkk ' v1 vjBBVABBBBBBBBBBBfI aBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBjvaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBU Scene from Wm. A. Brady's remarkable success, "Baby Mine" Which comes to the Oliver Theater , TODAY MATINEE, 2:30 TONIGHT, 8:15 Bbbb3 Ev J. C. WOOD and CO. Tha Bast Is Always th Chaapast 1322 N St Auto 1292. . , 3ell 147 GLEANERS and DYERS cMv.nY i T OEO, SUAFFEn, Prop . TUB K1CW v AUTO 331 FIRST NATIONAL BANK BARBER SHOP SIX CIIAIUS ii NO WAITING j Beat Barber Shop in the Wait ' f OIQAR9 In Uniement O Street EurftuCe." MANIOUHINCI ..! t - f ,$ i l 1 ft. u A.V-