r ' -", w.r; 'F7 "rr'ffmnwiwr iAL! " THE DAILY NEBTtASKAW t THE DAILY NEJBRVSKAN Owned and published by the University of NAbrtmka through THE STUDENT PUBLICATION BOARD Omoti, Basement the Administration Building;. . , , Pofltofllcft Station A, Campus, Lincoln, Nebraska. TELEPH0NE8 Day Auto 1888. Night Auto 3145, Ed. 1035. Bus, Mgr. 4200 THE 8TAFF EDITORIAL Sam R. Buck, Editor A. H. Dlnsmoro. Managing Edltqr Ralph S. Doud, City Editor F. C. MoConnoll Assoclnto Editor Stuart Gould, Sporting Editor REPORTORIAL Merrll Reed Lawrenco Robinson L. T. Skinner O. L. Updegraff C. F. Andrews Wlnnlfred Elchar Mildred Bovlns Ilomor O. Hewitt Wallace B. Troup R. S. Buddenberg 1j. A. Bcchtor Harry Burtln Frank Perkins, Staff Photographer WOMEN'S DEPARTMENT Marian Swezoy Ollvo B. Mann Ruth Munger Alice Chnmbcrs Hugh Agor , Kenneth M. Snyder J. Lovvjoy Linn Fred L. Babcock Robort H. Flnley BUSINESS Vincent G. Hatcall, Business Manager 0. C. Buchanan, Asst. Bus. Mgr. J V. Morrlton, Circulation Mgr. Subscription $2.00 per year. Single copies Co Faculty notices and University bulletins published free. Entered at tho POfttotflcor Lincoln, Ncbr., as second class matter under act of CoYigress March 3, 1879. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 1911 SUFFRAGETTES IN FOOTBALL. Owing to tho rocont defeat of Colo ratio CoHoro by tholr anclont onomy, tho University of Colorado, tho co-eds. of tho formor iiohool havo takon raat tora in hand, and havo formod a team of tholr own. In tholr zeal to defend tho honor of tholr alma mator thoy havo dared to Invade tho territory formerly hold by mon; thoy havo challenged tho girls of tho university to a game of football. Small black boavor hats with wav ing willow plumes will tako tho placo of headguards; face-powdor will ro placo noseguards. Rumor has it that silver and gold pumps with hosiery to will undoubtedly witness a bitter Btrugglo between our "Fair Ones" and thoso of Jayhawk land. Wo prophesy an overwhelming vic tory for tho Cornhusker co-eds, for if thoy possess tho boundless spirit which they havo evinced thiB year, nothing can boat them. Card of Thanks. I wish to thank all those who sent me the beautiful flowers during my recent Illness. They were greatly ap preciated. JACK BE8T. Soo Los Hydo when in nood of pro grams, menus and other printing. C. H. Frey, florist, 1133 O St. tf HAIL, HAIL, THE GANGS ALL HERE Buying BUDD Tan Button in THE NEW ROCKER LAST English Derbies, and Kicks Also 1415 o match will bo worn. After consider able dobato, it was decided to adopt football Biilts of whlto or palo gray sorvo lined with gold. Tho co-eds aro seriously in earnest about tho imminent struggle and de claro that they will rotriovo tho honor lost by tho team composed of tho In ferior -8tx. Tho editor notlcos with ploasuro this ovidenco of tho growing suffrag etto spirit in Colarado, but roallzos that tho Golden Stato has a consider able lead over Nobraska in that re spect. It would not seem advisable to Inaugurate any such movement at Nobraska this year tho season is too far advanced and besides wo think too much of tho beauty of our co-eds. ,Ho,wovor, If tho wave of feminine lighting spirit now rampant in Colo rado should reach us boforo next foot .ball season the Cornhusker rootors COBURNS AT CONVOCATION HOLD THE BOARDS AT FRIDAY AFTERNOON EXERCISES. Tho renowned Coburn Players will havo charge of the Convocation hour Friday evening in Memorial Hall. Tho Coburns have been playing for nine years, and their buccosb has been phenomenal. Thoy represent the very highest In classic drama, and aro rec ognized by tho colleges of tho cast, west and south as standards in Shakespearean presentation. Tho program at Convocation will probably bo devoted to a sketch of tho varied and interesting careor of tho company. Weber's Suftorium, 1100 O Street. THE MICHIGAN EXTRA! The Annual Football Number of the Daily Nebraskan will be issued Saturday. It will be tho biggest and best ever put out. It Is to be dedicated in honor of the Michigan game. It will contain all football dope and pictures of the team. Also other features. , .Tho cover. design is reproduced from an original special poster drawn for this number of the Nobraskan. It will be the most elab orate cover ever put on a college paper. The special edition will not be distributed from Station "A." Regular subscribers will oall for papers at the "Rag" office. Papers will be distributed Saturday afternoon, Monday and Tues day. tt Extra copies must be ordered in advance. Mail order or leave at "Rao" oWce. Why Not have your own ideas about how a Nebraska pennant should look? We make college and fraternity pennants, pillows, banners and blankets to order any way you want them made. NEBRASKA pennants and pillows. Only the very best of felt is used and most of the work is done by hand. You'll be surprised at the low price. H. Herpolsheimer & Co. ART NEEDLEWORK DEPARTMENT Mrs. Stevens Prop, and Mgr. Football Is a Good Game Clothing is Another The battle of $15 against $30 but the weapons are not brick bats MADE-TO-MEASURE $15 O'coats GIVE US A TRIAL DUNDEE WOOLEN MILLS 1218 O STREET 'vJAZEBU The moment you put on clothes made to your meas ure, you see the vast differ ence between merchant tailored and ready maHe. Our way costs no more. Besure to see our linefirst. College Tailors College View, Nebraska Phone -4-Q UNIVERSITY JEWELER & OPTICIAN C. A. Tucker JEWELER S. S. Shean OPTICIAN 1123 0 STREET YELLOW FRONT Your Patronagi Solicltod 44 99 Try a lunch at tho Y. M. O. A. Lunch Room. Cafeteria Plan. City Y. M. C. A. 13lh and P. WARTHON'S Original, Electric, Shoe Repair Factory Always reliable and up to hs minute 142 North 12th Street' (NUHTIKfl) uJcJU'WllJ WHAT DO YOU NEED TODAY in oar lino of PamphUU, Programs, Menus. Weddlut Stationery and all kind of Commuroial and Stationary Printing. Via Tine Printing Comuii 121 N. I4lh St. Rolinbla, Prompt A uto3U? HAVE EVANS Do Your Laundry HERPOLSHEIMER'S CAFE Dinner llt30 to ft30 TfC Supper 5t30 to 7:30 LdL Also Cafeterlan Styl A J